Chapter 12

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Seán's pov

I ran out of the house and ran through the woods, not stopping with tears rolling down my face. I can't stay there, I can't stay anywhere public, I'm dangerous...a ticking time bomb.

I found the clearing where I found Anti earlier, it's beautiful....I wanted to sit and take a breather, but when I saw the animals something almost snapped. I shook my head violently and ran again, I don't know where I'm going or if I'll ever stop.

I found another clearing where I fell to the ground exhausted, I wanted to keep running because there were animals here too.

I start hyperventilating as I start to fade, my eyes widen as I realize what's happening. "N̢o̵̕͜.͏̛͢͝͞eàs̨̀e!͠" I whimper out, knowing I'm fading, I try to stop it from happening, but I can't.


I look around me and see all these sickeningly cute creatures, I slowly get to my feet and smile while forming a knife. It's been a while since I killed anything! I spot a rabbit nearby and teleport in front of it, before it could react I brought the knife down.

Blood splattered on my face and I laughed, I look at it's body and kick it away from me. It never stood a chance against me, I heard a noise behind me and saw a fawn...I smirked, there's nothing more enjoyable then taking a kid away from its parents!

I stalked towards it and it looked at me confused, I held the hilt of my knife tightly, the poor stupid thing doesn't know what's going to happen. I get close enough to it and stab it in the side, it tries to run but I don't let it.

I drag my knife horizontally through its side, blood was seeping out of it and it fell to the ground. I smirk as I watch the life drain from its eyes and then laugh. "O̶̸͏h.̵̧.̧͟.po̶͘o̸r ̡̨̀B҉̡͢a̵mb̧͠i͝~"

My hand and knife is covered in blood, I bring my hand to my mouth and lick some of it off...fresh blood is always the best. I want to have more fun though, I kneel at the fawn and bring my knife up again.

I start to cut into it, cutting off parts of its pathetic body, the tounge, the ears, and then the tail. I started off small but got bigger, removing one of its legs, laughing while doing all of this.

I slowly stand up and look at my masterpiece, I giggle to myself and continue walking through the clearing and into the woods.

Anti's pov

Chase was glaring at me, like I had something to do with this, the others were going to speak and try to come up with a plan when Chase interrupted them. "Anti the fuck did you do?!" He started getting closer to me and I backed away, the others were looking at us now.

"I I didn't do anyth-" before I could finish my sentence he slapped me across the face and started yelling again at me, calling me a monster and evil.

Tears started to form and Jackie stepped in front of me and grabbed Chase. Marvin, JJ, and Henrik grabbed me and brought me into the kitchen to see if I'm alright, I just nodded sadly.

"I...I didn't so anything I swear! I tried to stop him from leaving....he was terrified of himself....that he had hurt me, and almost hurt you guys. We have to find's getting worse, he's getting triggered more easily and switching more frequently."

I sniffled a little, worried about Seán in my unstable body. They all hugged me and started to comfort me, we could hear Chase yelling at Jackie before it quiet.

Chase yelled and suddenly stormed into the kitchen glaring at me, the others stood in front of me protectively. "I don't know what you did to Seán, I don't know what spell or curse you put on him, but he has my kids!" My heart stopped

"Seán's" pov

I made it out of the woods and started walking in a random direction, I was walking for a while before two brats came running to me. "Uncle Anti!!"

I rolled my eyes but then recognized them as Chases kids, I smirked and saw the bitch Stacey also walking towards me. I start to glitch a little and she starts running now, I flip her off and teleport with the kids to the woods again.

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