Chapter 7

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Anti's pov

He had grabbed my arm and teleported, I looked around and froze...we were back at the house. Everyone was staring at me and I started shaking a little in fear, I don't know what they were going to do with me.

Jackie glared at me and then rolled his eyes, he eventually left the room and went into the kitchen. Seán pulled me over and forced me to sit on the couch, he sat next to me.

"O͝k, so͘ we̛ ̸d̢ǫn'҉t͜ exa͝c͠t̶l̀y̸ ͠k҉n̸ow ̛h̛o͜w ̷this̵ hap͘p̴ened̢. ͞A̢n҉y id̀e͡as ͏of͡ how̴ t͞o fi͞x̡ ̴t͜hi̷s҉?" "Dude, why would you want to fix this? You have cool powers now! I say we kill him and let you have his body." Chase mentioned, I looked down at the ground as it felt like my heart got stabbed...

"They're right, just let me leave." I stood up to leave but Seán grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back down. "No w͡é a͢r̕eņ'͡t doin͜g ͜tha̸t͟. ͘W͜e ņee͜d ͠t͞o ͏s̵w͠it͜ch b̷ac̷k̢,̨ ͝beca̶u͝s̀e th͏è ͏l̵on͢ger ͡I͘ ҉s̸tay̴ ín͞ ͜A̡ntì'͘s͝ bo̢d̷y͘,͞ I star̨t t͡o ̡b͜ec̨o̶me ̷l̨ike͏ ̕h҉i͘m̕.͝ ̛Í ͡d͞o̶n't͞ ̴wa̕ņt to ͘r̴isk͏ ̸hur̷ti̵ng͟ ͡a̸nyon̨e͏.͜.̵.́"

Shit, I forgot about that...the others looked at Seán worridly and then glared at me, I looked at the ground to avoid their glares. "Anti what the FUCK did you do?!" Henrik yelled at me, I flinched a little but avoided eye contact with anyone.

"ᴵ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ...." I said quietly... "H́e ͟d҉i͘d͠n't̷ do ͘this̵ H̕enriķ. W̡e ̶n̢eed͘ ͝t̸o ͟fig͞ųr̶e̡ thi͟ş ou̶t ̢t͢ogether̸.̢" We suddenly heard a book closing. "Ok, good news and bad news. The bad news is that we can't reverse this."

Everyone gasped loudly "But the good news is it will wear off and you'll switch back naturally. We just don't know how long it will take, so it's just a waiting game at this point." They sighed in relief but went back to staring at me.

"I'll be in my room." I quickly stood and left before Seán had the chance to grab me. I went into my actual room and not Seán's, no use since they know now...I gently closed my bedroom door and made my way over to my bed.

I curled up with my knees to my chest, It's only a matter of time until we switch back, and then they'll get rid of me...tears crawled down my face as I had flashbacks to my nightmare.

I'm glad no one's in here right now I don't want them to think I'm weak...yeah I'll stop hurting and bullying and torturing them, but that's about it. It'll be best if I just avoid all of them until this blows over and then I can run, I don't know where but it doesn't matter, just away from here.

Away from everyone and everything, I sniffled as I remembered everything that I did to them. If I stay here, I won't be able to control my killing instincts and will inevitably attack them again.

If I'm far away from here.....they won't get hurt, they would be better off if I was dead. Who's to say that when my instincts take over, they won't come here, the only way to stop this and protect the others is if I'm-

"He͡y ͘͢A̧ntí?̨͡ ̢͠C̢a͝n͢͏ I̧ ̶͏c̴o͏͟m̵ę͜ i҉͜ņ?̴̶" "No, leave me alone." I looked up from my knees as I heard glitching noises, he glitched into my room anyways. "What about no don't you understa-!" He suddenly rushed at me and hugged me?

"W̨h͘͝a̷t͘͡ ҉C̴͘haşe͜͡ sai̸d͘ ̕͡w̨a̢s o̸ut of ̛lin͞͞e, ͟I ̨̡sc̸o̢l͘d҉e̷̡d̨ h̀i͝m ͏̀f̀o͜r͝ ̡͢i̢t.̴" "But he's have cool powers now, why give it up?" I pulled away from the hug and turned around and hugged myself...

"You don't have to care about me, you don't have to worry about me...I'll be avoiding the others until we switch. After that, I'm going to leave you guys alone and never come back. You can leave now." "Á҉n̶t̴͜i̛҉-" "You can LEAVE NOW."

I said louder this time, he sighed and I heard him leave, I felt bad for pushing him away but it's better if he just forgets I even exist. I laid back down on my bed.

Seán's pov

I had left Anti's room, worried about him, and me. While I was hugging him the words 'kill him' kept repeating and then right before he pulled away, a knife had glitched into my hand. I know he's feeling like this because of me, I never should have said those things to him.
It has now been a couple days and Anti still hasn't left his room, the others either haven't noticed or don't care which is making me mad. I also need to talk to Marvin and Henrik about them researching how to get rid of him.

Like what the fuck!? I know the damage he's caused but he's still an ego. I met with them and reminded them of this and they just scoffed... "Seán, seriously you can't blame us." "Yeah, with everything he's done, all the pain and torture he caused....this is the best option."

Henrik added onto Marvin's statement. "W͘͜h̀y̨͡ ͟no҉t̴͟ ͟j̸͡u͘st̸ ̨͜lȩ̢t͘͞ h̶̸im ̀͘l̛͢e̸ą̶ve? O҉̡r ͟b̀e̶̕t̨t̸er̵̢ ̸y̕e͝t ̀fo̵͡r̢͡gi͏͝ve̡ h̛im!" "What he did to us, is unforgivable Seán. And we can't let him leave, we'd be endangering other people! He shouldn't even be an ego!" I growled at them and I felt my eyes glowing.

I could feel myself snapping with electricity. I started to black out, but took deep breathes and calmed myself so I wouldn't lose control. "Don̷'͏̸t̛͠.̨ E͢V͜E҉̸R͡͏.̸̨ Sa̵y̷.̕ Tha̛t̶́. A҉͟ga̧ì͞n͟.̀ H̡͡e͘'̕͡s̸ ̧do̢n̨͘ȩ͘ ̷̸s̢̕om̢ę̴ ͘b̸̶àd̴͞ ̸st͘uff b̧ut̷̡ ҉ḩ̛e҉ ҉͜i҉҉s͡ ̴͜s̢̀t̡̨ill ́͝a̛͡n̴̡d̢͞ ͡a̵͏lwa͢͜ỳs̢̀ ͜w̶ill̡ ҉b̵̕e ͢͟an̸͡ ego."

I stormed out and went to my room, I sat on my bed and continued to take deep breaths and counted to ten. I looked at the time and it was late, so I went to bed.

- Dream -

I was with the egos, I tried to talk but nothing happened, I tried to move but I couldn't do that either. I was looking through my eyes, it was like the emotions pov from Inside Out.

I tried walking forward but I bumped into something, it was a glass wall again. Suddenly something happened... "We ready? You have the spell?" Th that was my voice, I was now looking at Marvin and he nodded. W what's happening?

Me and the other egos entered a room and Anti was in the middle, but he was on his knees with his arms tied behind his back, he was looking at the floor, his head shot up as we entered.

His eyes were full of fear, I put my hands on the glass wall in front of me trying to figure out what was going on. "Se̶͡á̀͜ņ.̡ ͝Į-́" My body raised my hand and he stopped talking.

"Anti, I gave you a chance....and you blew it. I'm done, we're done." W what is this? "P̧l̷̷eàśe,́ ͜I I̴'̡ll c̷h͏a͘͠n͠͡g͜ȩ́!͘ ̀͘Ṕlea͝se ̴don͢͝'t̶̵ g̶et ̵͡r҉i̴d̢̕ ͟o҉f͟ m̢e̷̛!!̕͡" It felt like my heart dropped into my stomach, as my eyes widened. The body shook my head, and It looked over at Marvin and nodded to him, n no....

I started banging on the glass trying to get out and stop this. Marvin stepped forward and the body looked back at Anti, he had tears in his eyes. "P̢͜l̸e̶à͞se." He whispered, I was pounding on the glass now with tears of my own rolling down my face.

"STOP!!! PLEASE!" I yelled desperately  nothing happened and nothing changed, I saw Marvin's wand start to glow... "NO!!" I screamed still pounding on the glass, my eyes widened and filled with more tears as the light from Marvin's wand shot at Anti, and he was gone.

- End of Dream -

I shot up in my bed and was hyperventilating, I quickly glitched into Anti's room and he was asleep on his bed. I sighed in relief and teleported back to my room and hugged myself, I didn't want to go back to sleep incase something like that happens again.

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