Chapter 4

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Seán's pov

The last thing I remember was Anti teasing me...then I blacked out. But new memories came flooding to my head....oh god...I hurt him. W why did I think I was him?! I finally opened my eyes to see that I was in someone's room.

I walked forward but bumped into something invisible, I soon realized that I was trapped in some sort of invisible box. I tried to teleport but his powers weren't working, must be Marvin's magic.

The door swung open and Jackie walked in, he looked pissed and ready to break anything. I've never seen him this pissed before, his eyes were glowing in rage...I backed up a little out of fear.

"Anti, you've gone too far this time!" I sighed, they still don't know... "Jac̀͟͠k̀i̴̸͝e̡-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I was shocked... "YOU don't get to talk, I'M talking glitch bitch!"

"Ḑ͞o̕͡n̸'͟t͏ f̵u̧c̷̡̀k͏͘í̡ng̷̴ ͢c̴͡͞a͟͜l͞l͘͡ m̴̡̕e҉͏ ͘͢͠th͟at̵͜!̡!̴̛̕" I calmed myself so I wouldn't lose control again... "I didn't think we would have to do this to you Anti." I was super confused. "D̸͜͞o̵͟͠ ̵̵͢ẃh̷̢́a̶t̡?͏̶"

He just sighed and Marvin and Henrik came in, the force field came down and Jackie held my arms behind my back so I couldn't struggle or move.

"Marvin and I have been doing research on how to get rid of you....permanently. We didn't think it would come to this." Henrik explained and my eyes widened with terror.

T this can't be happening!! My eyes glossed over as Marvin's wand started to glow...they were just going to....get rid of me. My own egos, were sentencing me to death without even realizing it. Suddenly the door swung open again.....

Anti's pov

I heard yelling coming from the room where Jackie and Seán are, I sighed....I was actually filled with fear earlier, I wasn't faking it like I usually would to deceive people.

I saw Henrik and Marvin enter the room, Chase was sitting next to me making sure I was alright. Part of me wanted to push him away, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to.

"What's going on? Why do they need Henrik and Marvin in there too?" I asked "Oh, I thought they told you Seán...this was the last straw for them. They're getting rid of him permanently."

I jumped up from the couch, "What!?" I started running to the room where they were. 'Please don't be too late!' I don't know why I'm reacting like this, they're just making my job easier.

'I can't let them kill Anti. He's bad but he doesn't deserve this!' That wasn't my fact it sounded like Seán's voice...was it the body thinking it? I bust down the door just in time to see Marvin's wand glowing.

"STOP!" They all turned to face me as I ran into the room and stood in front Seán. "Seán...just let this happen, he deserves it!" I felt weird... ( Change) but I know I have to protect Anti.

"No he doesn't!!! NO ONE deserves this!! Now let Anti go!!" They nodded and let him go, I grabbed his arm and dragged Anti to my room. I closed the door and turned to him, "Anti... are you ok?"

He looked at me confused and worried, "A̸͏̡nt̶̛͢ì?̴ ̸Why ̴̢̡a͜r̵̶̕e̵ you c̷a̷̕l̕li̸̶ng m̢é̷̶ ̶͠͝yo͢u̢͘r͏̧ ̷̷n͠a̢m̡͞e̴͘͢?̧̕̕ Huh? Wait... (Change) "W what the fuck just happened!? W why did I think you were Anti!? I'm Anti!!" I started hyperventilating, Seán came towards me.

"H͘e̴͟y҉,͞ ̸it҉'́s òk͘͡,͏ we'̨ll̸ ̨͟f̸i̸gure͟ t̕h̷̢ís ͘҉o̴͡ưt͟͟ to̡g̶̷e̸̶t̡he͠r.͏" "How!!! We can't tell the others! They'll try to get rid of me, and hate me for "pretending" to be you." "A͠nti.̢.͡.̨.͘͘.I ̴́d̴͘on'̀͜t͠ ͟͢t̛h͏in͏͠k wę ̸̕hàv͠e̕ ̴a̕͢ ͠choicę͠ ̢̕at̨̕ ̢̛th̴is p̨oi҉̷n̢͜t̸.̷̡"

I sighed... "Seá are we going to explain this to them? I I don't even know how this happened..." I whispered

Marvin's pov

I was eavesdropping on them when I covered my mouth with my hand as I realized what is going on...and that we almost got rid of Seán... The door opened and they were both frozen, staring at me.

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