Chapter 8

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Seán's pov

I didn't sleep the rest of the night, not wanting a repeat of my was horrible. I'm sitting up in my bed with my back against the wall and knees to my chest, I'm staring at the clock as time slowly ticks by.

The clock finally read 8:00 am, so I decided to get up and go into the kitchen to get some food.

I started with getting the coffee machine set up, while the coffee was brewing I decided to make some eggs and toast, by the time I was done cooking, the coffee was ready.

I grabbed my plate and my coffee and sat down at the table and started to eat, I noticed the others coming into the kitchen as well. After a little while I eventually saw Anti walk in, the others glared at him and I could see him pause. "Oh...uh...sorry."

He turned and left, everyone let out a sigh of relief. I got up and decided to follow him, after getting a plate of food for him, I walked to his door and gently knocked.

"Ánt̨͢i? ̨It҉'͝͡s̀ ̸̢m͜e, ͢I̕͏ ҉̛w̴ann̴͢a̸͝ ̧t̛a͝l͝k͢ ͏̵t̢͢o yơ͡u̧͟...͘I̷͞ ̨̕b͏rǫ̨u͏gh͡t ̨f͡o͘o͘͏d̷.͏҉" He cracked his door a little and looked at me, I gave a gentle smile and he sighed and opened the door to let me in. I walked in and handed him the plate with food, he sat on his bed and started eating some of it.

I sat next to him as he finished and set the plate down, he wouldn't look me in the eye for some reason. "Seán....I'm sorry for pushing you away the other day....I ...Its easier if everyone forgets me. I've caused enough damage. The others won't forgive me."

He had tears in his eyes. "H͟e͢y,̸ ̷I҉'͢m̧ ̷s͠ure͢ t̷he͡y͟'͜ll c̶ome ͢a̸ro͜un͡d.͜ An͠ti͝,̧ I d̴on't wa͜n̡t ͠t͟o ̧forge̴t̨ a̵boųt͢ ́you҉. I͘ ҉l͏o͠v͡e̛ yo͞u͜ jus͢t̷ ̡a̵s͡ muc͠h͟ as ͘I͠ l͘o̧v͏e t̡h̵ę ̸ot͘hers͏."

"They won't ever forgive me, but I'm fine with that....I know that...I don't deserve forgiveness. I can tell they hate when I'm around....Well once we switch back, they won't have to worry about me getting in the way or causing problems."

He hugged himself now with tears rolling down his face, I couldn't stand to see him like this so I leaned over and hugged him tightly. He stiffened for a second before melting into the hug, he gently wrapped his arms around me. "He͡y͞, I ̛c͢an̷ ҉t͜àlķ ̵t̵o̢ t͠h̨e̵ ҉o̕t̵he͢r͘s͜.̕"

He stopped me before I could say more. "Thanks You don't have to do that. I haven't changed my mind...I'm leaving when this is all over....for good." I sighed, I need to do something to show the others that Anti is sorry, and I have to do something so Anti doesn't leave.

Even though he has inflected pain on us and made life harder for us....I don't hate him, to be honest, Anti is like a brother to me....he'll always be apart of me. He pulled away from the hug.

Chase's pov

After Anti left, Seán got up, put some food on a plate and walked off after Anti.....I'm not sure why he cares for him after everything Anti has done to us.

I decided to go eavesdrop on them, I was outside of Anti's bedroom with my ear near the door when I heard this....

"Seán....I'm sorry for pushing you away the other day....I...Its easier if everyone forgets me. I've caused enough damage. The others won't forgive me." I rolled my eyes at Anti's lies, but what Seán said, shocked me.

"H͟e͢y,̸ ̷I҉'͢m̧ ̷s͠ure͢ t̷he͡y͟'͜ll c̶ome ͢a̸ro͜un͡d.͜ An͠ti͝,̧ I d̴on't wa͜n̡t ͠t͟o ̧forge̴t̨ a̵boųt͢ ́you҉. I͘ ҉l͏o͠v͡e̛ yo͞u͜ jus͢t̷ ̡a̵s͡ muc͠h͟ as ͘I͠ l͘o̧v͏e t̡h̵ę ̸ot͘hers͏." Why was Seán lying to Anti? He can't possibly care about him, not after everything. I was about to walk away but Anti suddenly said this.....

"They won't ever forgive me, but I'm fine with that....I know that...I don't deserve forgiveness. I can tell they hate when I'm around....Well once we switch back, they won't have to worry about me getting in the way or causing problems."

Why is my heart hurting? No... I have to keep focused and not fall for his trap. Seán mentioned talking to us and I rolled my eyes because we aren't going to change our minds, but it's obvious that Anti is going to say ye-

"Thanks You don't have to do that. I haven't changed my mind...I'm leaving when this is all over....for good." My heart started hurting again for some reason...I mean...this is ANTI we're talking about here.

I shook my head and walked back downstairs everyone was in the living room. "Hey, can we talk for a second?" Everyone looked at me and nodded, then I told them what I heard...Jackie and Henrik didn't seem convinced but I could tell that Marvin and JJ were thinking about it.

"Marv James....You aren't seriously thinking of forgiving the bastard are you?" Marvin started talking. "Think about it, what if he has changed." Me, Hen and Jackie just scoffed but Marvin continued...

"He's stuck in Seáns body, Seán is a human. So wouldn't that mean that Anti is being forced to feel human emotions? I'm willing to bet he has changed at least a little. He even said that once they change back, that he'll leave."

"Hallelujah." "NO. Why would he leave? The answer is simple, he's changed and doesn't want to hurt us."

Marvin's pov

Everyone just rolled their eyes at me, but I believe what I said....I got up and found Seán exiting Anti's room. "Hey Seán!" "Oh,͠ he͜ỳ M̧àr̛v̶in̸.̶ W̸h̡at'̸s̨ up?́" "Can I talk to your room please?"

He nodded his head and walked to his room, we both sat down on the edge of his bed. "Ok, so....Chase heard everything you and Anti were saying. He told us....He's experiencing emotions....isn't he."

Seáns eyes widened as he nodded his head, "The others don't seem convinced that he can change or has on the other hand...after what Chase had told us, I'm pretty sure Anti is starting to change."

Seán nodded his head, he had tears in his eyes. "I̡t̸'͡ş b̴ad M҉ar̢vi͟ǹ.̶.̨.he ͟w̵an͠t͠s ̵e͘very̶one̸ ̶to just͜ ̡f͢o̢r̷ge͢t ͠he̴ éxist̢s.̧ ̴He ͘th̢i͞n͜ks̷ e͢v͘er̸y҉t̀hin҉g̶ ̸w̸o͞uld̨ ͜b͜e̢ ́b̷e̸ţte̛r͡ ̡i̴f̀ ͜t̸hat ̧ha͡ppe̛ns͠.̧" I wanted to chime in but he kept talking.

"A̷nd͞ then I͘ ̀s̶aid so̷m͝ę st̀upid ͡shit̷ ̢t̷o̷ ̀him҉.̶.̕.͢..҉àn͟d ma͘d̀e e̶ver̢ythín͘g̛ wors̴e. It͝'s҉ ͏m̀y͟ fau̴l̡t̷ ̶h̀e ͠ra̛n͢ ̴t̴h͞e̛ ҉o̕t͜her d҉a̷y̡...́.its mý ͘f̀aul̷t t̴h̸at h́e͞ ͜ágreed͏ ͠w̢it͏h̕ C͟ḩase ̧when he̢ ͠m̶e̡n̨ti̧on̕ed ki͢l͡ling̴ ́Ant͢i͘.̨an̨d l͝et͘t̵in̸g̢ me ̧k҉ee͝p̡ ͘h͏is ̢b̴o͡d͠y̨....̵.̨" That confused me, what did he say to Anti? Seán caught on to my confusion.

"I told̡ h͘ìm ̀I͏ ̶shou͘l̵d͢ h̵a͜v͞è ͘era͘sed́ ͜him ͟yea̕rs ͘agǫ an̛d ͘th͡at ͘w͝he͢n͘ w̢e ̛sw͞ít͝ch̡ ͞b͏ack̴....͘.͏..͢.h͡e'҉d be͞ go͠n̡e.̕..̷d͢e҉le͠ted fro̶m̷ ̡ex̷íste͡n҉ce.̀..͟.I̴ ͠I̡ l͢e҉t m͏y ̀an͠g̛er̵ ̷t̵ak̨e ̷co͢nt̛rol̸ ͏and ̵I̢ ͞r̨egre̛t ̕saying͘ an͘y͟ of ̵it. I ̴di͏d͝n̡'̛t̕ ͠mea͟n̡ it͡.̧.͝.͟.͠"

I gasped quietly as he was now sobbing into his hands. I hugged him and rubbed his hair a little, he was glitching a little as well. "H́ȩ'͡s҉ ̸pl҉ąn̴niņg̵ òn͞ ̴l͞eavi҉ng a̕f̷ter͢ w͏e̵ ͏s̨w̢itc̢h b́ack͜..̛.̛I̵ d̷ón'̴t ̷k҉n͜ow͞ ̡w͘h̴at͟ wi̵l̕l̕ ͠mak̀è him҉ ͏c͠ḩa͢n͟g̡e h̡is̷ ͞m̢in͜d̡.̸"

I nodded my head, I had to find out why Anti is feeling like this, I said a spell under my breath to help me understand, and that's when I viewed all of his nightmares so far through his eyes. was horrible.

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