Chapter 9

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JJ's pov

I've never really hated Anti while staying here, I think he's just misunderstood. I had no idea that Henrik and Marvin researched ways to get rid of him, if I had known....I would've tried to stop them.

It looks like Marvin might be different towards Anti now, it sounds like he doesn't want to hurt us anymore....maybe I should talk to Anti for a bit. I'm sure he'd like some company and to know that he isn't alone, so I climbed the stairs and walked over to his bedroom.

I gently knocked on the door but didn't get a response, I knocked again and after a few seconds he opened the door. I smiled at him but he instantly avoided eye contact with me.

"Hey JJ.....Is there something you need?" *Anti, I want to talk to you, may I come in?* He slowly and wearily nodded his head and opened the door further so I could go in.

I walked in and looked around, I've never been in Anti's room before, most everything was black, he didn't have a lot in his room at all. He just had a small T.V and a desk with some artsy stuff like pencils, erasers, color pencils...that type of stuff..oh and paper.

He walked over to his bed and sat down, still avoiding eye contact, but I knew he could see me because I had to sign. *I like your room.* I signed happily, his only response was a sigh, "Why are you here should just ignore me like the others do..."

He looked at his hands and I could see some tears forming in his eyes, he quickly shook his head and they were gone. *Anti, the others shouldn't be ignoring you like this. You're one of us and should be treated as so.* I saw him shake his head slowly and my heart cracked a bit at what he had said.

"No JJ....I'm not one of you guys....and never will be. I understand though, I hurt everyone here, and this is the don't have to pretend to care about me..."

I sat down next to him and he moved away from me a little, I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me finally. *Anti...I've never hated you....or blamed you. I DO care about you. You're my brother Anti.*

He looked at me shocked, but then smiled a little at me. "Thanks JJ..." *I heard you're planning on running after you and Seán switch back. If you want I can come with you?* He shook his head again. "No...the others will probably think I forced you or kidnapped you. But how did you know about that?"

*Chase overheard you and Seán talking earlier and told us.* I hugged him and he stopped for a second before returning it. I pulled away from him. *You want to do something? Like play a video game or draw?*

His eyes lit up at the mention of drawing, he rushed over to his desk and got some things and came back. "We can draw....if you want." I nodded my head and he smiled at me and started drawing something, I smiled back at him and started drawing as well.

Seán's pov

"W̨͜h̛à͝t͜?́҉!̀͜" Marvin just told me what he saw and felt in terms of Anti's nightmares the past couple of days. wonder he wants to run.....he's scared. Scared that we're going to hurt him...and it's my fault.

"Hey, don't blame yourself for this....we need to show him that we don't want to hurt him....but first we need to convince the others that he changed." I nodded my head, Marvin is right, we need to talk with the others.

"S̶h͠ou͞ld ̸͡w̢e͠ g̵͞o͜ ̶͟t͝a̷͟l̨̧k͘ ͟͠t͘͡o̕͏ ̧̀th̶͟em̨̀ ̀n͝o̧w?" He shook his head no. "Let's wait until tomorrow, let them cool off. They still blame Anti for this and are still mad at him for everything. There's no way they would listen to us right now."

I nodded my head thoughtfully, "I'm going to go watch TV or something, want to come?" I nodded my head and followed him out of my room, "He̡y̴,̵͢ ̢sh̶̶o͏u͢ļ̶d͡҉ ̢́we̷͏ i͜͡nvite҉̨ ̛͘Ant͞í͟ ͟͝t̡ǫ̶ w̨a҉t͝c͢͠h ̶́a̶ ̛m̛ǫ̧v͢͞i͏̶e̕ ẃ́itḩ ́͢us ҉as w͜ę̷l͘l̕͟?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't see why not." He smiled at me, I smiled back and knocked on Anti's door, JJ opened the door? *Hey Seán! Anti and I are drawing, want to join?* "I͢͝ w̶̡a͠҉s҉͏ ͟͞a̶͘ct̴͠u̡a̢͢l҉̶l̷̛y͞ ̕comin̵҉ģ͠ ̢̛t͏o ́a̵͡s̴̢k A͟n҉̨t̛͝i͟ ̡i̵͘f͜ ̶he͝ ̀w҉̕ante͠d t͏o͜͝ ̧͜w͟͝a͢t҉c͢h͡ ̴̶a̴͜ m҉̴o͝͠vi̢ȩ w̛i͝t̛͡h̀ ̢̛m̧ę̕ an҉d̡ ̵M͝a̛r̢̛vin҉."

"Sure, I'll join! JJ you want to come as well?" He nodded his head and they both followed me out and downstairs to the living room where Marvin was sitting on the couch flipping through movies.

We eventually decided on one and started watching, Marvin had teleported us some snacks to eat while watching and it was a really good movie. By the time the movie was done it was dinner time, Marvin started the food while JJ, Anti and I talked to each other.

The others soon came down, but I ignored them and kept spending time with Anti, they seemed annoyed that I was ignoring them, good. They need to understand that I care about Anti just as much as I do them, and that there's nothing they can do about it.

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