Chapter Five

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"Kid." Steven approached the table at which Valor sat, the boy in question looking up at the address. "Do you know how to use a sword?"

"Of course." Valor responded easily. "Not as well as with a pickaxe, though. I was taught to use both."

"I see. Well, when you're finished eating, I want you to spar with me so I can gauge your ability. It'll be no good for you to try 'n fight with a pickaxe while posing as my apprentice."

"I suppose that might tip some people off." Valor muttered, pushing his food around in his bowl. The pair had been at the marketplace almost the entire day, and Val did not appear to be looking forward to returning the next day. "Do you go to the marketplace every day?"

"Four days a week." Steven sat down in the opposite chair. "Another guard takes it for the remaining three." Val exhaled in relief.

"Do I have to go with you every time?"

"I suppose not. But, most of the time." Steven gave him a withering look. "And I trust you would not get in trouble if I did leave you home?"

"Of course not." Val assured him. "If I did go out, I would stay discreet."

"Hopefully not by smudging coal on your face." Val scowled at him.

"I tried, alright? And it worked for the first day."

"Mm." Steven shook his head. "I'll remind you that you have no idea how to function in society."

"Maybe not, but I can fake it." Valor retorted. Steven grunted.


"Either way, I'm done." Val pushed away his bowl. "If you'd like to test my skill."

"Very well." Steven rose, then crossed the room to where a pair of wooden swords rested against the wall beside the hearth. Taking them both, he offered one to Val, hilt first, and the boy took it. Steven lowered himself into a stance as Val tested the weight of the weapon. "Remember, we're sparring. Neither of us is tryin' ta' hurt the other."

"I know." Val responded with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Are you ready?"

"Are you?" In response, Val lunged forwards and swung at his opponent.

Steven parried it, and the action alone nearly knocked Val's sword out of his grip - he had underestimated his strength. Val backtracked hastily, ducking under Steve's next swing and jabbing at his knee. Steve sidestepped, dropping the hilt of his blade on Val's head, and the boy yelped, reaching up to rub his head.

"What happened to not trying to hurt me??"

"Any reputable swordsman would've dodged." Steven grumbled, lowering his blade as Val straightened up.

"It's been a while, that's all." Val pointed his sword at him. "Let's go again."

"Fine." Steven swung at him, and this time Val redirected it effortlessly. He feinted left, then jerked the right to swing at Steve's side. Steven blocked, but by the time he had managed to strike again Val was ducking behind him, tapping the back of his knee.

"Not so disreputable now, hmm?" He taunted with a grin. Steven harrumphed.

"I went easy on you that time. And, for th' record- don't assume just because your opponent's lost his leg that he's not dangerous."

"Oh, I won't." Val assured him. "I know better." His father had lost limbs in battle before, but his healing abilities had allowed him to reattach them. Whether Val had the same ability, he wasn't sure, but he wasn't keen on finding out.

"One more time. Try your hardest." Steven ordered. Val obeyed, coming back in front of him, and Steven swiped at him without hesitation. Val ducked, slashed at his knees, then jerked back as Steven's sword nearly found his ribs. He jumped to the right, only for Steven's sword to swing at his neck, and his sword came up too late to block it.

The wooden sword never made contact, however, as his imposing host was abruptly thrown to the ground by a gangly, black figure.

"Lear!" Val yelped as the enderman snarled down at his host, pinned down with a hand on his throat. "Let him up, he's a friend!!" The Enderman hissed as Steven clawed at his hand, but reluctantly obeyed, releasing his hold on the man. Steven scrambled back a bit, grasping at his throat as he sat up.

"This feller is a friend 'o yours then, huh?" He asked, voice scratchy. "I don't think he took kindly 'ta me giving you a beating."

"Lear, it's alright." Val assured the scowling creature. "We were sparring. No harm done." The enderman crossed his arms but gave a small nod.

"Bugger came around th' other night, too." Steven muttered as he rubbed at his neck. "Growled a' me and tucked a blanket 'round you, then left."

"Ah." Val looked up at his bodyguard again. "Worried about me?"

"Name's Lear, eh?" Steven spoke up following the enderman's stony silence.

"Ah, not quite. His name's Earl," the enderman offered Steve a reluctant nod. "But in reverse, how endermen speak, it sounds like 'Lear'. So that's what I grew up calling him."

"Mmph." Steven grunted. "'Long as he doesn't attack me again, I don't care what you call him."

"Right." Val looked up at the enderman, unflinchingly making eye contact. "I'm sorry I haven't been in touch." The enderman chirped gruffly.

"You two pen pals, or what?" Steven replaced his sword by the hearth.

"He's my bodyguard. Or, he was supposed to be before I snuck off." Lear gave him a reproachful look. "Sorry about that."

"Well, as I said the other night, 'long as you don't bother me I don't mind you poppin' in." The enderman glared harshly at him.

"It's his house." Val cut in. Lear crossed his arms.

"Anyway, I think it's 'bout time you head to bed." Steven turned away, collecting a couple of blankets and laying them out before the fire. "We're gettin' up bright and early tomorrow to head back to work."

"Yes sir." Val answered in a sigh, setting his own sword aside. "Don't suppose you have a pickaxe so I can show you how it's done?"

"You have one 'f your own."

"That one's sharp enough to tear your sword to pieces."

"Fair enough." Steven conceded. "Go to bed." Valor obediently crossed to the fireplace and lay down atop one of the blankets, tucking the other over him.

"Kid." Steve spoke again as he was getting comfortable. "Where have you been sleeping for the past couple o' weeks?"

"Wherever was dry." Came Val's answer. "I didn't have the luxury to be picky." Steve didn't respond for a moment.

"I see." Val said nothing more, and the two both fell asleep not much later. Lear sat on the table, sitting and watching them for several hours before slipping away.

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