Chapter Eleven

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By the time Valor awoke, it was morning.

The young man blinked uncomprehendingly at the gold and pink light that streamed through the windows before realizing that he had far overslept. A quick glance around the room revealed that the rest of the miners were still asleep, but he had still missed his chance to slip out and investigate by a long shot. He must have been truly exhausted. He hoped that Steven wasn't too concerned by his failure to meet up with him.

At that moment, a heavy knock sounded from the door, followed by a,

"Get up!" His bunkmates immediately began to move, sitting up, stretching, and dragging themselves out of bed. Valor slipped out of his own bunk, straightening his rumpled clothing before exiting through the door.

Breakfast was being served in the main hall, and as Valor made his way towards the cooking pot a familiar sight caught his eye. Lithian was sitting amongst the men eating their breakfast, his blond hair standing out starkly against the dark-haired miners. He was chatting amiably, not appearing to have noticed him yet, and Valor helped himself to a bowl of oatmeal before approaching.

"Lithian?" His voice caught the soldier's attention, and Lithian turned to face him with a smile.

"Val!" He gestured to the seat next to him, and Valor sank into it. "How was your first day?" His eyes were searching. Doubtless he was here to see if he had discovered anything.

"Exhausting." Valor confessed. "I slept quite soundly last night." He offered him an apologetic look, but Lithian only smirked at that.

"Ah, I see. I'm glad y' weren't hurt." They had been worried, then.

"It's hard work, but not exceedingly dangerous, and I've done this before."

"Val!" A hand landed on his shoulder, and Valor jumped, craning his neck to look up at Notch. "You're with me again today, lad."

"Alright. Yes sir." Valor nodded, and the foreman turned to leave. Lithian nodded subtly after his retreating form.

"You spent th' day with him, aye? What do you think?"

"He seems friendly enough." Valor shrugged, lowering his voice. "He does not strike me as a killer."

"I pray you're right, given y're stuck with him again." Lithian finished his meal, and stood. "I'll let Stev'n know you're alright. Try 'n find a way t' communicate wit' us tonight, yeah?" Valor nodded, and Lithian melded in with the crowd.

After his breakfast, he sought out Notch, and the pair made their way down into the mines again. The first few hours passed in relative peace and quiet, before Valor struck a wall and it collapsed, revealing a dark opening beyond.

"Notch?" He called, getting his partner's attention. He heard the large man come up behind him, then grunt softly.

"A cave. This is good - they can be full of exposed ores, but can also be filled with danger. I'll recruit some of the guards to accompany me inside later."

"Why? I'm sure we could handle it." Valor picked up their lantern and held it to the opening, casting its' flickering light into the darkness. From where they stood, he could see the light glinting off of something that shone from a boulder, before Notch snatched the lantern back.

"You don't understand boy, the dangers are far greater than what we are accustomed to. There are undead, and other monstrous creatures down here."

"I've fought undead before." Notch stopped.

"You have?"

"Yes sir." Valor shifted, wondering if he should have kept that to himself.

"We have no weapons, regardless."

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