Chapter Fourteen

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I love working. at my job. definitely not writing fanfiction while I'm on the clock.


Valor could feel Notch's gaze on him as they made their way down the secondary tunnel, scrutinizing his appearance.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" The foreman broke the silence at last.

"Uh..." Valor thought back, trying to remember how late it had been when he finally made it back to the bunkhouse. "...enough."

"Somehow that doesn't seem to be the case." Notch muttered. "What kept you up?"

"I don't know." Valor rubbed at his eyes, wishing he had enough water spare to splash some onto his face. "I was exhausted, but I just couldn't sleep. I suppose I had a lot on my mind."

"Such as?" Notch prodded. Valor struggled for a moment to think of something other than an evil plot being organized beneath your nose.


"I hope the incident in the cave hasn't bothered you too much." Notch's voice was concerned, and Valor hastened to assure him.

"Oh, no, it's just.... I've never worked with so many people before."

"Ah." Notch seemed to relax somewhat. "You haven't even worked a week yet. You'll become used to it in time."

"Mm." Valor nodded, silently relying on his food to keep him from passing out. "Am I allowed to take a day...?"

"Yes, as long as you inform me beforehand. I can't spare you tomorrow, but you may take off the day after if you'd like."


"Very well. Remember-" Notch jabbed a finger in his direction. "Not a drop of ale."

"I've learned my lesson." Valor assured him. "Never again." Notch smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Valor's thoughts soon drifted back to the note. He had replaced it exactly as it was, and he had caught a glimpse of the filled crates and barrels being loaded onto a wagon before he headed into the mines. It was on its way. The fifth tunnel mentioned, he was familiar with it. Each of the major mineshafts was numbered in order to avoid confusion and streamline the work.

Would it be wise to tell Notch of this? He had been nothing but kind, Valor couldn't imagine him being behind all this. Still, his enemy had been cunning enough to avoid him so far. Val decided to wait a little longer.

As they walked, Valor could see his companion eying the supports the tunnel contained. At this point, he stopped.

"Why is there no support here?" Notch gestured to the curved stretch of the tunnel ahead of them. Valor frowned, then stepped forwards, crossing through the unsupported area.

"I suppose," He reported, scanning the tunnel. "The curvature of the tunnel threw us off. Is it a problem?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Notch followed him over. "Curved portions tend to be more unstable. We need more supports here, not fewer. Fortunately, it's not difficult to prop them into place. I could do it on my own, we shouldn't have any trouble working together."

"Good. There are some beams at the bottom of the tunnel, I think." Valor gestured downwards, and Notch followed him down to the main tunnel.

The pair dragged a few beams up to the bend in the tunnel, and Notch showed him how to prop them up between the floor and the low ceiling. Valor hadn't been a part of putting up the supports in the initial job, so he appreciated the lesson.

As they were putting in the second support, however, Notch stopped short.

"Hold, Val. Did you hear that?" Valor hesitated, listening.

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