Chapter Ten

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Valor gazed up at the wall that loomed before them, noting the roughness of the tree trunks that made it up. A defense, but not a particularly strong one. Likely made by the miners themselves, not as skilled in this craft as they were their own. The gate, on the other hand, was wrought iron, and clearly masterfully made. This was their expertise.

"Val!" He was cuffed lightly across the side of the head, and he whipped his head around to glare at Lithian. "You'd gone still for so long I'd feared ye were falling asleep." The soldier smirked at him from where he stood beside him, but Valor merely set his jaw and turned his gaze back to the gate.

"How will we get in?"

"They'll let us in. I'll just tell them you're looking for work." Valor opened his mouth to say I can speak for myself, but decided against the possibility of slighting his companion.

"Very well." He said instead. "Lead the way." Lithian did as much, setting a path towards the gates.

A muscular man was lounging on a stool on the other side of the gate, and his eyes flicked up when the pair approached him. Standing and placing one hand on the hilt of his sword, the man called out,

"What is your business here?"

"Good afternoon." Lithian greeted him cheerfully. "My name is Charles Lithian, and this is my compan'in, Valor Daewolf." Steven had been forced to hastily come up with a surname for him when Lithian asked after it.

"We hail from th' town of Hadleigh, to the west. My friend here is lookin' for work, and I chose to accomp'ny him due to th' killings we've been havin'." The man's gaze turned to Valor, looking him up and down, before he gave a silent nod and opened a smaller door built into the main gate. He beckoned them through, and Lithian thanked him before leading Valor through the opening.

The town beyond the walls was even shabbier than Hadleigh, but he saw far fewer beggars and homeless lining the streets. There were fewer people on the streets in general, now that he looked around, but Valor reasoned that the population would be much smaller, and many of the occupants would be down in the mines.

"See that buildin' built into the mountain?" The gatekeeper spoke gruffly, pointing to a tall, wood and metal structure that leaned against the mountain's face. "That'll be where to apply 'fer work."

"Your assistance is much 'ppreciated." Lithian told him, then set off towards the building with Valor in tow. "I hope you have a plan once 'yer in there." He muttered once they were out of earshot.

"Not a solid one." Valor muttered in response. "But I have no information yet. I'll figure it out as I go."

"Pray to th' Aether that works." Lithian's gaze didn't leave the building as they approached it. "And ye know to bring anything y' find to me 'n Steven 'mmediately."

"Of course."

"You might haf'ta scale the walls to get t' Steven wit'out arousing suspicion."

"I find it unlikely that there is no other exit to the town besides the gate." Valor shifted his knapsack on his shoulders as he turned to look behind them. "I'll find a way out."

"I'm holdin' ye to that." As they approached the building, Valor could hear the sounds of hammers striking metal from a building to their right - undoubtedly the forges. Would that be where the barrels were coming from, since that would be where they processed the raw ores? He would have to investigate further once he had the chance to snoop around.

From before them, he could hear the hubbub of many voices inside the large building, and Valor mentally steeled himself as Lithian pushed open the door.

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