Chapter Seven

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"Where were you??"

"In the stable where you left me." Valor kicked off his boots and sunk down in front of the fireplace. "I was tired, and the guards were swarming the area, so I hid and went to sleep."

"You couldn't have gotten here first?" Steven shut the door behind him and bolted it. "Do you know how worried I was when I got up this morning and all anyone will talk about is how Herobrine was found looting th' manor?"

"Well if you had asked they would've told you that I wasn't caught." Valor set the satchel beside him on the floor. "And I succeeded. Why are you so concerned, anyway?"

"Why shouldn't I be?" Steven didn't elaborate further, coming to sink down next to him. "Tell me what you found." Valor nodded, and pulled out the documents he had found for his mentor to inspect.

"I couldn't understand these, they're written in a foreign language. They might be important, but these-" Valor held up the stack of letters. "These are definitely important. Long story short, you were right." He handed them over, and Steven skimmed over the first couple.

"Well, that's somthin' at least." He broke the silence after a minute. "Doesn't give us much in the way of clues."

"This symbol." Valor pointed to the signature. "Do you recognize it at all?"

"Afraid I don't." Steven scrutinized it a moment longer, then tore off the bottom of the paper, folding the piece with the signature on it and setting it aside. "But I'll keep an eye out. You've slept already, correct?"


"Have you eaten?"

"Not since that apple."

"Alright. I'll get you some porridge, then we're leaving."

"Where?" Valor blinked up at him as he stood, turning away. "I thought you didn't work today."

"I don't. We're going to visit my sister."


"Steven!" A tall woman hurried out of the building as soon as she spotted them, running to embrace her brother. Steven grunted as she threw her arms around him, giving her a squeeze in return.

"Afternoon, Lizzy." Valor stood back, looking around at the small farm. A few chickens pecked at the stones around his feet, and he could see cows munching on the grass in their pasture. Beyond the barn and coop was a field filled with nearly mature wheat.

They had walked a couple hours' distance from the town, Steven hauling a sack full of food and other domestic goods. Apparently he had warned his sister to stay away from the city as long as the killings continued, and came out regularly to deliver supplies that she couldn't produce on her farm. Valor had to come because Steven wouldn't let him stay at his house alone.

"This is Valor." The sound of his name caught his attention, and he looked over to find Steven gesturing to him. "He's posing as my apprentice while we work together to find the murderer."

"A pleasure." The woman curtsied, and Valor offered her a smile.

"Valor, this is my sister, Elizabeth." Steven pointed to the cabin. "That is her husband, William, and their daughter is around somewhere."

"Likely in the barn." Elizabeth cut in as Valor turned to see a redheaded man in the cabin doorway. He waved, then vanished inside.

"Valor, I'm going inside. You may wander if you wish, but don't go far, we won't be staying long." Steven ordered. Valor nodded, but he was already turning away, escorting his sister back inside the cabin. Valor kicked a pebble and watched it bounce down the path. What was he supposed to do now?

He wished to avoid the daughter if possible, as he wasn't particularly eloquent around strangers. So he wandered towards the wheat field, skirting around the barn and following the edge of the plot until he reached a small river. After checking to make sure he was in sight of the cabin, he sank down on the bank and pulled off his boots to dip his feet in the cold water. Winter was on its way.

Valor mulled over the events of the previous night as he sat on the bank, watching a few small fish swim by. He had been seen again. Would the lord be required to report his appearance to the blackmailer? Perhaps, if he did that would be useful. He may be able to track a messenger. Unless the messenger set out while Valor was elsewhere, such as visiting Steven's sister.

"Ah, hello?" Valor jumped harshly at the voice, spinning to see a young woman with red hair standing at the top of the bank. She was carrying a terracotta pot, and looked almost as shocked as he did.

"Hello." Valor greeted her hastily. "Are you Elizabeth and William's daughter?"

"Yeah." She shifted warily. "Who are you?"

"My name is Valor, Steven brought me along." Her tense shoulders relaxed.

"Steven's here?"

"Yes, we arrived about twenty minutes ago. I'm his apprentice." He pulled his feet out of the water. "I'm sorry if I started you."

"Oh, it's alright. I've been in the barn for the past hour, I guess I didn't see you arrive." She carefully made her way down the bank, bending down to fill the pot with water. "My name is Grace, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You as well." He watched as she straightened up, then grabbed his boots and stood up as well. "Is there anything I can help you with?" He managed, hoping to break the awkward silence. Grace paused, looking him up and down briefly.

"If you're willing, I need to move some barrels."

"I can help with that."

Valor followed her back to the barn, where he helped her load several barrels onto a wagon. She made polite conversation, which Valor realized he actually enjoyed participating in.

Soon enough, Steven appeared and called for him to join him. Valor bid his farewells to Grace, then the pair headed back to town.

"You didn't tell me you had a sister in the area." Valor broke the silence as they walked around a bend.

"Well, you and I haven't known each other very long." Steven grunted. "My sisters- my sister knows the language those letters were written in. I showed her, but they had nothing to do with our case. Just a correspondence with a foreign friend."

"Oh." Valor hesitated, then asked, "Do you have another sister?"

"Had. She died."

"Oh." Valor immediately felt bad. "I'm sorry to bring it up."

"It's alright. It's been almost 20 years." Steven didn't look at him, watching the path ahead with almost unnerving focus. "Her name was Jane."

"Jane." Valor echoed. The name sounded vaguely familiar, but, then again, it was fairly common.

"You seemed to get along well with their daughter." Steven broke his staring contest with the road to give him a side-eye.

"Yes, she was friendly enough." Valor nodded. "I hope I was not offensive in some way, I'm rarely around strangers."

"I know you aren't." Steven shrugged. "She seemed t' like you well enough."

"Good." Valor felt slightly cheered at that. "Do you have any idea what we should do next?"

"I have some thoughts. But it's been a long day. Once we get home, we'll talk."

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