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Art in header by @Sam_what <3


"Could I have saved you?"

"When I fell?" Herobrine shook his head. "No. I am too old- my connection to the pickaxe has grown too weak for it to revive me. If it had been possible, I would not have perished in the first place."

"Oh." Valor gazed out at the mining town, looking so small from where he sat on the edge of the mountain. He wondered if they, other than Notch, had known about Null.

After they had escaped, Lithian met up with them again at the mines. While Valor had been glad that he was safe, he had left him and Steven behind and slipped away to find a quiet place to speak with his father. They had some things to catch up on.

"I'm sorry." His father offered quietly from where he sat beside him. "I never meant to leave you alone." Valor grimaced.

"I'm sorry I did such a terrible job of representing your legacy."

"I have no one to blame for that but myself." Herobrine rested a hand on his shoulder. "I thought I would have more time, but I shouldn't have put off teaching you. I shouldn't have let you be isolated for so long." Valor just heaved a sigh, resting his chin in his hand. "Valor..."

"But I have you back now." Valor twisted to face him, letting one leg dangle over the cliff. "You can help me. Right?"

"Valor, I never meant for you to think that you had to be me." Herobrine gazed at him, almost sorrowful. "That you had to carry on my work. That was the choice I made for my life, it shouldn't govern yours."

"I don't know what else I can do." Valor protested. "I don't... I've never done anything else."

"You seem to make a pretty good miner." His father pointed out. Valor snorted softly. "And look, you already have a pickaxe." Herobrine gestured to his shimmering pickaxe, laying behind them.

"I suppose." Valor shrugged a bit. "It seems a shame to use your weapon for such a... common purpose."

"It is no less important." Herobrine turned back to the mining town. "Even if you don't wish to, you could return with Steven. I have no doubts that he would be willing to take you in."

"Perhaps." It was tempting... and he was right. "And you...?"

"I would be there too." Herobrine smiled a bit. "Unless you saw fit to simply leave me on this cliffside."

"No, never."

"Then wherever you go, whatever you choose to do, I will follow." Valor let his gaze fall back to the mines, where Steven and Lithian were waiting for him.

"I'm going to go back to Steven." He said at last.

"Good." Valor stood, and Herobrine stood with him. Taking the pickaxe, Valor teleported, leaving the empty cliffside behind.



wait, I finished one?

Well, I have chronic writing-sequels disorder, so I DID set this up for a sequel, but it works just fine on its own, so... wow. That's really impressive for me actually.

Everyone, thank you so much for reading. I really hope you enjoyed this, and thank you for joining me for Valor's story. Believe me when I say I was shocked by every twist just as much as you.


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