Chapter Nine

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"Yesterday morning, Val and I went out of town ta' visit my sister." Steven stepped past Valor to strike his tinderbox into the cold fireplace. "Bringin' them some household goods. I haven't let her or her family come into town since all this started - you understand, I'm sure, that I don't want them in danger."

"Of course." Lithian was seated at Steven's table, while Valor hovered by the fireplace. Val wasn't sure what Steven's plan was, yet, so he stayed silent.

"On our way back, we found this." Steven placed the letter they had torn the symbol from in front of their guest. "It's very clearly a threat to our lord Travok, detailing some of 'is demands. I suspect that Herobrine may've taken it when he invaded their mansion and either lost it or tried ta get rid of it, with little success." Lithian's eyes narrowed as he skimmed over the piece of parchment.

"Why did you not take this to the captain of the guard immediately?? This's a serious matter!"

"Hold yer horses, now." Steven cautioned. "Read it again. The author clearly states th't the villagers have been killed t' keep them silent. Not only would telling more people place them'n danger, but we can't know fer sure who's carryin' out the killings. For all we know, th' captain's in his pocket." Lithian frowned, mulling over this.

"Then why tell me?"

"Y'wouldn't get off my back if I didn't, for one. Second, you seem... passionate enough to be genuine." Following Steven's words, Lithian's gaze promptly flickered to Valor.

"Again, I'm sorry for my accusations." He grumbled.

"We're past that, don't you fret." Steven set down the scrap of paper in front of him. "This was th' signature of sorts on the letter. We hoped if we could find it then we could find out who sent it." He glanced at Valor. "And we have."

"On that barrel?" Lithian filled in. "Where did th' barrel come from?"

"Town's toolsmith says he got it from his metal supplier, who works out of the mines in the mountains east've here." Steven thumbs over his shoulder. "So that's where we're headed next." Lithian frowns.

"Are you sure you want ta' do this? The author of this letter could easily jus' take you out as well."

"I wouldn't say easily." Steven shrugs. "I've lasted this long."

"You're not altogether that old."

"Thirty-eight is a perfectly respectable age." Valor blinked. That was... considerably younger than he had assumed. "Anyway," Steven continued. "I'm confident in my abilities to stay discreet." He shot a glance at Valor. "And I know Val can too."

"So your sister's family you won't allow t' come to town to shop, but you're content with bringin' your nephew to visit a presum'ble den of thieves." Steven scoffed softly.

"Val is more equipped fer th' job."

"If you say so." Lithian straightened in his seat. "Very well, then- I would like to accompany you."

"Would you?" Steven paused, taken aback. "And why is that?"

"You said it yourself - I'm passionate. I care about this town, even iffit may not be my own. And, I can fight if ye get yourselves inta' trouble." Steven pursed his lips at Lithian's words, looking at Valor, who met his gaze with just as much concern. This would severely limit the amount that Val could use his powers.

"Very well, if you're sure." Steven broke at last. "Glad t' have ya on board." Lithian grunted.

"Where are ye goin' from here?"

"To the mines." Steven said again, glancing at Valor.

"I know, but how do ye plan to go about that? Have either 'f you been in th' area before?" Valor looked at his mentor to see him shaking his head no. "It's a small community- populated only by th' miners and their families. Any outsiders 't all will be seen as suspicious." Steven pursed his lips.

"Suppose we could apply for work there."

"They may know of you." Lithian nodded towards him. "Hadleigh is the closest town, after all." Oh, that's what this town was called. "So yer searching for work may be... questi'n'ble."

"And you?" Steven cut in. "Wouldn' they know you?"

"Don't think so. Not from around here." Lithian shrugged, smirking. "Regardless, there is a Hadleigh militia presence there. I could jus' migrate over." Steven grunted.

"Alright. Say you and Val go- I can stay nearby to assist if you need to flee." Lithian looked to Val, who frowned. He wasn't incredibly keen on being left with a stranger in an unfamiliar place, but, he supposed, it was better than being alone.

"That seems wise." Lithian agrees.

"Will no one here notice your absence?" Val cut in. "You do have responsibilities here."

"I 'kin take leave. Besides- I have a hunch 'n who may be our mystery villain, an' I have a score to settle wit' 'im." Valor's brow furrowed.


"Herobrine." Lithian thumbed at his own face, patterned with lightning scars. "Th' one who gave me these scars." Val was stunned into silence, and the room was quiet until Steven spoke.

"I find 'at unlikely."

"Oh?" Lithian shifted his gaze to the elder. "And how is 'at?"

"It doesn' fit him. With th' lord he killed, he came in quietly, killed him, and tried t' get out without alerting anyone. That's his usual bill. Blackmailing and threats aren't his style."

"An' you know this how?" Lithian countered. Steven shifted.

"I've had some... encounters when I was younger."

"Huh." Lithian's gaze flitted over him, searching for similar scars, but he found nothing. "Then... either way, I want t' help."

"And we appreciate your willingness." Valor lied through his teeth. He was having enough trouble hiding his identity without having this man at his heels.

"Very well." Steven thumped a hand on the table. "We leave tomorrow. Lithian, I trust you'll have yer affairs in order by then."

"Aye." Lithian rose. "I'll meet you here at sunrise."

"Good." Steven ushered their guest through the door, then shut and bolted it behind him, turning around to face Valor again. The boy met his gaze for a few moments, still processing the previous conversation, and he was a bit caught off guard when Steven spoke.

"You're going t' have to be careful."

"I know." Valor rubbed at his eyes. "I'm sorry I encountered him."

"Lithian can be a valuable asset, as long as he doesn' find out too much." Steven watched him carefully. "The more allies we have, th' better."

"Are you sure?" Valor sighed, sinking down beside the fireplace. "If he finds out, he'll turn on me immediately."

"Then he'll have t' not find out." Steven shrugged off his satchel and set it on the table, pulling out a loaf of bread and a package wrapped in paper. "Come eat. We need t' prepare for tomorrow."

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