Chapter Twenty One

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Sorry about the wait guys, I was paralyzed with anxiety about not living up to expectations :')

I'm not... the happiest with this still?? But this is as good as it's getting I think.
Valor teleported through the barred door, picking up Herobrine's pickaxe and slamming it down on the lock.

"Valor! You can't just drop som'thin' like that and not say nothin' more!" Steven followed him through, looking back and forth down the hallway. "You saw your father??"

"Can still see him." Valor looked to where the ghost was standing, now a bit closer due to the pickaxe having moved. "I'll explain everything once we get out of here." Steven let out an exasperated sound.

"Can he see us??"


"Can he hear us??"


"Oh." Steven grimaced. "I hope there's no hard feelings about-"

"There aren't, he told me." Valor interrupted. "Come on, I believe it's this way." Steven gave up, following as Valor made his way down the corridor.

"You may need to fight." A cold hand touched Val's shoulder, and he jerked up in surprise to find his father hovering just behind him. "Null has a surprising amount of protection."

"Alright." Valor frowned. He could teleport out, but Steven could not. "Will you be able to defend yourself without a weapon?" He asked, glancing back to look at his uncle. It was now that he realized that there were still cuffs on his wrists- Steven had broken his chains.

"Well enough." His uncle grunted. "Hopin' to get a weapon off the first sap we come across."

"Right." They reached the bottom of a staircase. "I'm surprised we haven't encountered anyone thus far."

"Suppose they don't think we're much of a threat with you dead."

"Null spends most of his time near the center of the fortress." Herobrine informed him. "I would not advise taking him on if you can help it. Best to rest and regroup beforehand."

"He won't let us go without a fight." Valor muttered. "I can teleport with Steven, but I have to have an idea of where I'm going, and I haven't seen much of this place."

"I will guide you as well as I am able."

"Thank you." Valor turned to look at his uncle, who was staring at him with a bemused expression. "Follow me, Herobrine can lead us out."

"D'you always call your father by his first name?" He muttered, but didn't protest, following as Valor began to ascend the staircase.

"It's more of a moniker than a first name." Steven, of course, didn't react to the correction.

As they neared the top of the stairs, Valor slowed, hearing voices. He didn't recognize them - likely the fortress guards.

"If you are willing to use some of your teleportation, it will not be difficult to get rid of them." Herobrine murmured, stepping up the stairs in front of him to peer around the corner. "Two of them, at the end of the hall. If you teleport closer you should be able to dispatch them before they raise the alarm." Valor nodded, lifting his pickaxe as he neared the top of the staircase.

"Val, leave the guards be." Steven cut in quietly. Valor shot him an incredulous look. "In all likelihood they've no real connection to th' sorcerer, only here t' make a living. They don't deserve death for that." Val frowned, but turned back to the hallway. He only needed the barest glance around the corner before teleporting down to the end, slamming the handle of the pickaxe into one guard's helmet with a crash! He dropped like a rock, and the other guard hastily drew his sword before being knocked out as well.

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