Chapter Eight

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Steven sank down heavily in a chair, kicking off his boots and setting his sack on the floor beside him.

"So," he began. "The symbol."

"Did your sister know anything about it?" Valor sat down in front of the fireplace, stretching out a hand and lighting the logs with a snap of his fingers. Steven gave him a look before responding.

"No. But I have a plan t' see if anyone else does. We're going back to th' marketplace tomorrow, and I'm going to ask around. Say I found it on a letter blowing 'round town and want to find the owner." Valor nodded.

"Good plan. And until then...?"

"We rest." Steven dug a hand into the sack and pulled out a triangle wrapped in cloth. "Cheese?"

"Where'd you get that?"

"Lizzy traded it to me for the goods from town." Steven unwrapped it, broke off a chunk, and gave it a toss that Val easily intercepted. "Eat."

As Valor obeyed, he mulled over the day's interactions. He felt at ease around Steven's sister and her family, more than he ordinarily would around strangers. The other sister's name seemed familiar as well. Perhaps...


"Hm?" His host looked up from staring idly into the fire.

"You and my father were friends, correct?"


"Have I... how long were you friends? After I was... created?" Steven stared at him, and Valor continued. "I suppose what I'm getting at is, have I met your family before? They seem familiar." Steven stayed quiet for a moment, gaze lowering, before he responded.

"Aye, you've met them." He glanced up, brow hiked up a bit. "You remember 'em and not me?"

"Well, maybe I do." Valor looked down at the cheese. "I did grow comfortable around you awfully quickly."

"You did." Steven agreed. "Yes, you met 'em when you were young. You met them when lil' Grace was born. She's just a year or two younger than you."

"Ah. So I was quite young."

"Right. You met them a couple more times after that, then your father and I... drifted apart when you were six."

"Ah." Valor gazed at Steven's face, lit by the flickering flames in the dim room, as he searched his earliest memories. Did he remember him?

A warm room, laughter. He was handed something that smelled sweet, which didn't melt in his hands. His father was there, with other people, and he was smiling.

"I do have memories of being around other people." He spoke after a moment. "I suppose that was you."

"Prob'ly." Steven stood, crossing the room to lock and bolt the door. "Get some sleep, Valor."

"Yes sir." Valor curled up in front of the fireplace and stared at his father's pickaxe, glowing softly in the light of the flames.


Valor crossed his legs where he sat on top of the barrel, watching as Steven spoke with a shopkeeper and showed him the slip of paper. He was slowly getting used to the hubbub of the marketplace, and was almost able to make out conversations from nearby stalls.

They had been at the market for a few hours already, much of which Steven had spent asking around about the symbol. He didn't seem to have found anything so far, as he hadn't let up yet. Valor didn't really want to try to participate in conversations he couldn't hear, so he stayed at their post.

As his gaze swept back and forth over the busy square, it fell upon a child who was quietly taking a loaf of bread from a distracted shopkeep. Valor moved automatically, reaching for his sword to apprehend the thief, but he stopped. The boy was just another victim of the grip that the mysterious villain had on the town, and Valor stopping him would only bring more misery.

The baker would manage without one loaf. Valor simply watched as the young boy tucked the loaf under his shirt and hurried away.

As he released his sword, Val looked at the barrel he sat upon and immediately saw the symbol that they had been looking for.

He blinked in astonishment, then looked closer. That was definitely the signature - Almost like an N and an X set together inside two triangles. What was it doing on this barrel?? He looked up, searching the marketplace for Steven, but he had disappeared. Valor thinned his lips with annoyance, not looking forward to trying to traverse the marketplace, but he hopped off of the barrel and pushed his way into the crowd.

The masses of people were even more disorienting without Steven to guide him, and he ended up ducking behind a stack of crates to get his bearings. Just before plunging into the crowds again, though, a shout caught his attention.

"Boy!" He grimaces, turning at the address to find the lightning-scarred soldier behind him- Lithian. "Val, isn't it?"

"Yes sir." Val's gaze flickered around as he searched for an exit. Just in case this went south.

"You looked mighty disoriented out there." Lithian gestured with his spear to the marketplace. "Are ye lookin' fer someone?"

"My uncle. I need to... tell him something." Valor suddenly wondered what would be wise to reveal to this man.

"The marketkeeper?" Lithian looks out over the marketplace again. "I just saw him. Come with me."

"Alright." While he was wary of following a near-stranger to his goal, Valor was relieved to have a guide who knew the area better than he did. Lithian wove through the crowds with ease, and they gave him space due to the sharp weapon he held. In moments, he had spotted Steven, chatting with the owner of a stall on the far side of the square.

"Uncle!" He shouted once they were (hopefully) within range to be audible. Steven looked up, looking more shocked than anything else. Valor waved to get his attention, hurrying closer and leaving Lithian a few feet behind.

"Something wrong?" Steven asked as he approached, looking concerned.

"Quite the opposite. I found one of the symbols."

"Where?" Steven promptly tucked the scrap of paper back into his pocket, bidding the shopkeep farewell before following him back. Valor hurried back through the marketplace to the barrel, feeling slightly more secure with Steven at his side, and showed him the mark carved into the sturdy wood.

"That's cert'nly a match." Steven muttered as he held up the scrap beside it. "This barrel belongs to a local toolsmith - I'll ask 'im where he got it from."

"Alright." Valor squeezed his hands into fists at his sides, bouncing on the balls of his feet. They had a clue!

"Match?" Lithian's voice behind them startled him, and he turned to see the guard studying the mark. "What... 'xactly are you two doing?" Steven's jaw tightened, but he turned to face him.

"...why don't you come back wit' me once the market's closed." He suggested lowly. "I'll explain." Lithian frowned, but nodded.

"Fine. I'll meet you at closin'." Turning away, the guard ambled away back into the crowd. Valor shot his mentor a look.

"...what exactly are you going to tell him?"

"Nothin' about you, don't worry." Steven leaned over the barrel again, taking a closer look. "Stay here. I'm going t' ask after this barrel."

"Alright." Valor leaned on the vessel, watching Steven engage a nearby shopkeep in conversation, and hoped he hadn't made a mistake in employing the guard's help.

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