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*Saffron's POV*

"Wow," I awed.

The group of us had just walked into Eve's house for our annual Christmas meal there (with the boys in tow this year).
As usual, her lounge and conservatory area were decorated to the nines, and it looked utterly magical.
White string lights lined the ceiling in her conservatory and multicoloured lights lined the windows in her lounge. The huge Christmas tree in the corner was easily eight-foot and decorated with perfect symmetry and matching decorations. The whole place smelled like pine and clementines, and there was subtle decorations on every surface as well as Christmas blankets and tartan cushions on her sofas.

"This is amazing," Lana beamed, looking around.

"Yeah. Your parents really know how to decorate for Christmas," Harry raised his eyebrows, seemingly impressed.
"Yeah, they go all out," Eve smiled before quickly adding, "I contribute as well."
"You do well," Harry smiled at her.

"It's great," Liam stepped over to her, slipping his arm around her waist and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"So, what's on the agenda?" Louis wondering, taking a seat on the sofa.
"A roast dinner, with pigs in blankets, mulled wine and Home Alone," Eve filled him in.
"Sounds good," Liam pulled her closer to him again.

"Although we know Elf is superior," Lana couldn't help but comment as she gazed at the sparkling lights along the windows.
"I agree," Louis nodded.

"Well, Home Alone is the iconic movie in this household, so we're all going to enjoy it, okay?" Eve told everyone.

"I think it's going to be great," I smiled.


After a while of conversation, the ten of us sat down on Eve's perfectly decorated table to eat. The tablecloth was white with snowflakes cut into it and there was crackers and tinsel down the centre.

Eve and Liam carried all of the plates and food to the table before sitting down themselves.

"This looks amazing," Liam gaped.
It really did. There was her mum's infamous mashed potatoes and carrot and swede crush. Gloriously-scented steamed vegetables were next to the countless Yorkshire puddings and perfectly made stuffing, and of course, the ideally cooked turkey.

"Well, I can't take much credit. My parents made most of it," Eve admitted, grabbing a plate for herself.
"No, you did a lot as well. You're amazing," Liam leaned over to kiss her gently on the lips.

"Jesus," Harry rolled his eyes. "Can we eat now?"
"Yes, go ahead," Eve encouraged.

I placed a small amount of everything there was on the table onto my plate before filling my glass with mulled wine and tucking in.
Everyone ate with little conversation for a few minutes, completely devouring the food that was on the table, and then the debate about which was the superior Christmas movie kicked in again.

I looked up from my food and noticed Niall and Marley - who sat on opposite ends of the table - not talking. They'd barely made conversation all night, or for the couple of weeks before. Despite my forgiveness, they'd barely been themselves and had seemed completely preoccupied. I knew why, and it made me sigh.


We were half an hour into Home Alone. Louis still hadn't managed to let go how anyone could think that Elf wasn't the best Christmas film, and I still hadn't managed to stop fretting over Niall and Marley, and how they sat looking desperately unhappy, putting fake smiles on whenever someone tried to talk to them.

I excused myself quickly and rushed to Eve's bathroom, rubbing under my makeup-less eyes with cold water.

It had only been twenty seconds before there was a knock on the door and I heard Ruby's voice.
"Hey. It's me."

"Come in," I told her, leaning to the side to open the door.

"What's going on? You seem... absent," she observed, sitting down on the closed toilet seat as she spoke.
"I'm just... thinking," I shrugged, leaning back against the sink.

"About?" She pried.
"About... about how I need to do something," I nodded decisively before swinging the door back open and ushering, "come on."


I allowed the movie to finish before saying what I planned to say, and Ruby watched me with a confused and cautious look throughout it.

"Good film," Liam commented, smiling at Eve in his adoring way once it had finished.
"Great film!" Eve corrected with a grin.
"Average film," Louis threw in.

"I need to say something... to you," I looked towards Marley and then to Niall, "and you."

"What's up?" Niall shuffled in his seat as he asked. The atmosphere in the room completely changed as soon as I addressed them, and it was filled with an apprehensive tension.

I sighed as I looked between them both. "You two should be together."
"What?" They both spoke in unison.

"Yeah. I mean, let's not play oblivious, you like each other, right? You clearly have feelings for each other, and the only reason that I can think of that you're not acting on them is out of concern for my feelings. Am I wrong?"

The pair of them shared a long and awkward glance, almost like they were telepathically speaking to each other.
"I guess not," Niall spoke for both of them, in more of an awkward mumble.

"Well, I'm fine. I swear. I know you two would make each other happy, and you're both my friends. I don't want to stand in the way of that. So, I am telling you that you should be together. Or at least date," I ended with a small chuckle.

Marley looked completely bewildered and unsure how to respond. "Saff, are you sure? I - I mean -"

"Yes, I'm sure!" I interrupted. "I'm definitely sure. I really am. I think you're good for each other."
None of what I was saying was technically a lie. I was sure about what I was saying, and I knew that they'd make each other happy and that they were good for each other. It didn't make having to do this hurt any less.

Everyone sat awkwardly for a few moments, clearly unsure of how to follow-up from this conversation.
Niall and Marley looked the most uncomfortable. Their instincts clearly wanted to throw themselves at each other, but they were having to refrain.

"Well, this is exciting," Louis eventually spoke.
"Yeah, it really is," I forced a happy smile. "And on that note, I'm getting more mulled wine."

I immediately left the room. I didn't even bother stopping to grab a glass of mulled wine, I just headed straight for the front door and sat on the ground with my legs tucked up to my chest in the freezing December weather.
I felt so sad. I wanted to be happy for them, but I couldn't just wipe the feelings that I had for Niall away. It broke my heart that he'd wanted her and not me. It broke my heart even more that I could've predicted it.
I bit the inside of my mouth to try and suppress the tears that wanted to come out.

"Hey again," Ruby grinned as she opened the front door and came out, closing it behind her.
She carried one of Eve's blankets, and she sat down next to me, draping it over the pair of us.
"Hey," I smiled, huddling under it.

"I'm sorry," she spoke.
"I know that that hurt."
"What?" I tried to act naive.

"Telling them to be together because you know it'll make them happy, even though it breaks your heart. I'm really sorry that you were put in that position," she elaborated.

"I put myself in that position," I corrected with a sigh.
"No, you didn't," she shook her head before checking, "are you okay?"

I couldn't hide the pain anymore. I needed Ruby here, and I couldn't not show her.
"It hurt," I squeaked, a small tear escaping.

She smiled. "You're a very good person, Saffy."

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