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*Ruby's POV*

"So what do we say when she comes in?" Lana questioned us.

Myself, Lana, Eve and Saffron were sat at my house, waiting for Eve to show up.

"'Why are you being such a bitch?'" I proposed.
"No," Lana was quick to reject.

"How about... 'this is an intervention'?" Saffron suggested.
"No. It's not an intervention," Lana shook her head.

"We don't have anything -" Marley started but the sound of my front door cut her off.
"That's her," I told them in a low voice.
"Pretend we're talking about something else," Lana rapidly whispered.
Eve entered the room within seconds and as she stepped in, Lana let out a fake, loud laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Eve wondered, taking her coat off and coming to sit down on the sofa beside Lana.
"Uh, Marley just said something funny," Lana lied.

"What was it?" Eve questioned further, looking at Marley.
"I - I can't remember. My memory... it's not great," Marley stammered, on the spot.

By this point, Eve had deciphered that there was something going on. "What's going on?"

"This is an intervention," Saffron proudly stated after a moment of silence.
"A what?" Eve raised his eyebrows.

"Look, we just wanted to check that you're okay. Specifically with Liam," I explained to her.
"What are you talking about?" She impatiently demanded.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but you've literally been snapping at every single thing he's said recently," I told her.
"I have not!" She defended immediately.

"You have," Saffron piped up. "I actually kind of feel bad for him."

Eve's defence dropped momentarily. "Well, all couples get sick of each other sometimes, right?"
"Yeah, but they usually talk it out," Lana countered. "Have you spoke to him about it?"
"Not really," she sheepishly admitted.

"Eve, I have to ask: do you even like him?" Marley questioned and everyone winced.
"What?" Eve snapped.
"I mean, you had to convince yourself to be with him in the first place, you were barely interested for the first few dates you went on. If I remember right, you only agreed to a relationship because your parents really liked and approved of him. And now you aren't very affectionate with him and you're getting shitty with everything he says," Marley explained.

"Are you being serious?" Eve snapped. "He's my boyfriend."
"I know that," Marley spoke cautiously now.

"Eve, she's making a valid point," I spoke up, attempting to take some of the heat off of Marley given that I agreed with everything she said, despite how bluntly she'd put it. "Are you really happy?"

"Yes, I'm happy!" Eve's volume raised. "He's my boyfriend, and he's right for me."
"Right for your happiness or just right for you on paper?" I pressed.

Eve pursed her lips out of anger; it wasn't common for us to see her angry.
"Look, I'm happy. And I'm not taking love advice from any of you. If you actually look closely, you'll see that I'm the only one that's been in a consistently stable relationship for months now."

"Low blow," Saffron mumbled, sensitively.
"I'm sorry. I'm not talking about you," Eve assured her.
"Then who?" Marley challenged, a frown on her face.

"All I'm saying is that none of you have perfect relationship. Ruby, you and Zayn had such a mess at the beginning and now for some reason you aren't even speaking to him, you're just cutting him out and leaving him to stress," she started with me first and I rolled my eyes, staring away from her so I didn't retaliate. And then she continued. "Lana, it's been nearly two weeks since New Year and everyone's aware that you and Louis might have feelings for each other, yet you're completely avoiding each other and being really awkward with each other, and for what? And Marley, I'm sorry but your relationship with Niall has hardly been straightforward, has it?"
The three of us targeted in her rant stayed silent. She continued, "I'd just appreciate if you didn't act so high and mighty and realise that none of your relationships are perfect and you all have your own issues, and I don't stage 'interventions' for you, do I?"

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