3. Hell meets Hell

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My body naturally woke me up once more as the sunlight peeks through the curtains. I leaned up rubbing my eyes awake and stretching my body. I looked around the room slowly growing even more annoyed that it just feels like a never-ending cycle. This cycle has been going on for days and I have completely lost track of how many days it's been. I don't know what day it is, what's the date and everything has really been a blur since after being here for what seems like forever, everything just runs together.

Being stuck in this fucking room as if I am in the psych ward all over again and just under strict restrictions and that the only thing I am allowed to do is sleep, eat three times a day, and do my hygiene. With that being the cycle I am on, I am very much sure that I have gained weight that I did not plan on ever gaining.

I have been locked in this fucking room as if I am some fucking Disney princess waiting for the prince to come and save me but unlike the Disney fairytale, this is actually a fucking nightmare. This is not how I expected my year to start off. This is not how I thought or even imagine myself being Twenty-five would be. I am suppose to be in Washington D.C hosting interviews on what company I should work for next. Not trapped in some fucking house of a fucking Mafia King who still has yet to come back which by the way is giving me Feds vibe.

I feel like I am waiting on this man as if he is the police that has pulled me over and have me waiting in my vehicle for him to get out and ask me for my license and registration because I don't understand how the hell did I get kidnap from the orders of a man who isn't even fucking here and why does he feel so fucking comfortable having me in his main building for however long I've been here and he is just doing whatever the fuck he's doing.

I don't like waiting. I am not a woman that just waits around especially for a fucking man which is also pissing me off because honestly, who the fuck does he think he is.

A knock sounded off at my door starting the cycle once more. I scoffed pushing my hair out my face as I hear the door open "Goodmorning Tempest" Gia greeted walking into the room with breakfast and closing the door behind her.

Similar to Gabby who is a beautiful tanned skin woman with black hair, beautiful brown eyes, petite girl who gives off top-secret, bad-girl vibes. Gia is this beautiful tanned skin, black hair, petite girl with piercing blue eyes that she expressed that she gets from their father. Gia definitely gives me this innocent but deadly vibe. Both girls give off two different vibes and fit so well together as sisters. They also mentioned to me of them having a brother named Giannino but they call him Nino that Gia mentions also has piercing blue eyes similar to their father.

She walked over placing the tray on my bed "How are you doing?" she asked. I exhale "I am honestly an inch away from going fucking insane. I am actually considering cracking my shit open. Very close to considering hitting my head on that dresser or leaning over hitting my neck on this nightstand beside me. Maybe even cracking the glass, taking a piece, and slicing my fucking wrist. I actually may take this fork and stab myself in the fucking Trachea. Don't worry, I won't do it in front of you. I know we have grown quite acquaintance so I'll at least wait until you leave the room" I smiled tilting my head as I was so very serious.

Gia held her hand up "Okay ma'am slow down, relax. Marcellus has made it to the estate and your meeting will be momentarily so eat your breakfast, get ready to be your entire best, and Sapphire will come and bring you your clothes for the meeting" she explained.

It was as if I had heard the best news ever. "Finally," I spoke. Gia smiled "Well good luck." she expressed and then left the room.

Although it has been hell being in this room for I don't know how many days but it was nice for the girls to come and keep me company on the days I've been here. Gia and Gabby explained that Marcellus was actually their cousin but that was literally all they really could tell me since I haven't had my meeting with him which was his fucking fault since he decided to not even be on his own Estate.

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