14. Him vs. Him

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In the quiet of the early morning before I leave for my flight, everyone eyes on me giving me their undivided attention as I explain the situation that started from the banquet involving Vincenzo and Tempest.Watching as Uncle Galileli piercing blue eyes stare at me actively listening to how one thing led to another and resulting in me falsely claiming that woman to be my significant other.

The same erratic, lunatic of a woman that on almost every interaction makes me want to rip her damn tongue out of her mouth woman and yet, a key witness and now also a target. Vincenzo's target. Now it's my duty to see where it's all stemming from. Zyus or something me nor Tempest know about.

I must know on what basis does Vincenzo wants with Tempest. Vincenzo can be a very persistent man and he tries to be sneaky about the things he does and how he go about things but he got to be out of his got damn mind if he thinks he could get past me as I have known his ways for a good percentage our entire lives.

Vincenzo knows me. He knows what kind of man I am. He knows how ruthless I really am and can be. I don't think he wants to go there with me because he will not win which is why he will try to find ways around me snapping his fucking neck open and then going to go tell Joseph Salvatore why I rip the spinal cord out of his nephew's body.

"Well dear it is understandable why you did it and I'm glad you told us. I do have to check on Tempest later on as I know she was not happy and I don't want her to think I just threw her out to the wolves and ran off. I'm sure Vincenzo knows his boundaries when it comes to you." Godmother spoke.

I nod my head "Of course he knows my boundaries but that doesn't mean his need for Tempest wouldn't stop him from at least seeing how far he can go." I explained. "And we won't let that happen," Ricco assured.

"And she has no idea why he specifically wants her?" Uncle Galileli asked. I shook my head "I have told you all that was discussed and that has transpired. Her and I have an understanding with this situation and I do think she was fully honest with me about everything." I informed him.

"That is a special kind of woman." Nino grinned. "That Nicole ruined your chance of you having," Gabby smirked at him causing him to mug her. "Focus." I sternly spoke looking amongst them.

Gia softly exhales "My thing is the only time we have to be on guard is when Vincenzo is at one of our events, okay that is understood. If you need for us to keep Tempest away from him then that'll be easy especially if you have a slight discussion with him about it because he knows you. He knows you don't play in regards to those you hold closest to you. In this case, fake closest to you. I get that he is a sneaky, conniving, jealous, envious prick but come on, when has Vincenzo ever been so bold? And he knows he's on a leash as he can't do nothing too major if it isn't ran through Joseph Salvatore, that's if he wants to really be Boss." she explained.

"Or if he wants to be dead." I corrected her.

Nino chuckled "You killing over Tempest? Yeah she's special." he smirked.

I snorted at the audacity of him to link the two. "Damn sure not over Tempest. The fact of the situation is, she is now in contract with us, working on something very important. She is under our roof and on our estate. If he poses a threat to Tempest, he's poses a threat to us. She is our responsibility, therefore we will protect how estate. We will protect her." I sternly spoke staring amongst every single Mafia member that was in the room. "I got a lot planned far as what Tempest will be working on in the future, I don't need Vincenzo anywhere close to that, understand me?"

Everyone in the room nodded their head accepting and approving their new duty of this situation. "Also be sure to pass it along to the other soldiers. This conversation stays within the Galileli family, not anyone else" I assertively explained. My eyes darted to those inside the room seeing them once more nod their head accepting.

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