26. The Dark Truths of Fairytales

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As my alarm rang for what feels like the three thousand, five hundred and sixty-fourth day in a row, I begrudgingly reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone. With a sigh of annoyance, I fumbled to turn off the alarm, trying my best to avoid fully waking up. Plopping my head back against the fluffy white plush pillow, staring blankly at the ceiling. The feeling of monotony and repetition in my life of being here. It is as though I am living the same day over and over again, with no end in sight.

Before you know it, this will all be over. Three years will go by quickly.

I rolled my eyes knowing that my thoughts were all a lie. This is going to be the most slowest three years of my fucking life.

I let out a deep breath of exhaustion wanting to purposely skip out on breakfast to sleep more just so Marcellus could come to my room and put a bullet in me so I could be sleep forever.

Quickly realizing that I do not even have the energy to go off on that man if he were to come in here yelling and raising hell about me skipping out on breakfast and how he would mention all the ways he would kill me.

A yawn escapes my mouth as even the thought of it bore me. I gently raised up feeling a slight headache from the champagne I consumed after Marcellus and I talked at the pond.

I needed something to numb me from the thoughts of having to still portray as his girlfriend. However, by the time we got back to the event, people were leaving, saying their goodbyes and how they could not wait to return next week.

Vincenzo was long gone by the time we got back as I expected after he have tried to cause a fucking ruckus. I get what he's trying to do. It'll be easier for him to have me hate Marcellus as if I already don't but Vincenzo doesn't know that. He would want Marcellus viewed as the bad guy and himself viewed as the good guy. The guy who is looking out for me and only wants to see me happy. The good guy who I begin to trust and let my guard down and begin to get closer to him so he could get on with whatever there is to it.

Seems like a good idea.....-

For a naive dummy. Anyone in their right mind would know that it's all a game. I just want to know what the fuck is it with me at this point. Part of me just wants to ask. Truth be told whatever it is he thinking, I could either admit or deny it.

The other part of me could just enjoy both him and Marcellus play tug and war on who 'keeps' me. Marcellus thinking endlessly about why Vincenzo wants me and Vincenzo working endlessly on getting closer to me for whatever his cause is. Both men have boundaries given the industry and lifestyle that they are in with their "rules."

It would only be right to see how far both would go at this game right?

Decisions, decisions.

I took a deep breath and stretched my arms out wide, feeling the stiffness in my joints slowly dissipating. The sensation of my bones popping and tension releasing from my muscles causing me to let out a soft moan of satisfying pleasure.

After a few more minutes of stretching, I finally pulled myself out of bed, not bothering to make it up as I knew I'd be back soon for a nap. Gia and Gabby had mentioned that the surprise was planned for later in the afternoon, around fifteen hundred hours which is three o'clock in the afternoon giving me more than enough time to come back and nap.

Walking around the bed, feeling the cool breeze from the air conditioner brush against my skin. I made my way to the bathroom, standing in front of the sink. Taking a moment to enjoy the sensation of the cool air on my face. I turned on the hot water tap and reached for the face towel from the rack on the side of the wall. Tossing it into the sink allowing the water to drench it.

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