Chapter 3 - The First Bloody Kill

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A/N: WARNINGS: Trigger warning for: Drug and Alcohol Use, Violence, Gore, Death, Abuse.

Please be aware of those triggers as the story goes on. Each chapter will have trigger warnings across the top just in case. IF ANY OF THOSE BOTHER YOU, DO NOT READ THIS STORY.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to DM me or comment on the chapter.

Thanks and Enjoy!


QUICK EDIT - Y/N is non-binary - using They/Them pronouns and the Mx. honorific. <3



Matt led me over to the set and I slipped my mask on. I was held back from stepping on set until everyone else was set up.

"And Our Killer..." I heard James say, as Matt pushed my mid back a bit, sending me onto the set.



I entered the set, finding only those needed crew and Seb. Shifting on my feet, I looked at James.

"Ok, now Y/N, you have captured Seb's character. You are going to force him to write the letter and then you are gonna tie him up. He's gonna resist a bit, but you can take him. Seb, you resist for a few seconds. They're gonna 'hit' you on the side of the head. When they do that, go limp."

I nodded, my stomach rolling. I gripped my stomach, trying to calm it down.

"Y/N you ok?" Seb asked. I threw a thumbs up at him.

"Get set, once you both are set, we will start rolling."

Seb knelt where his mark was, slipping his hands into the restraints that the crew set up for him. His arms were 'tied' in front of him. I grabbed the pipe I had been told to grab and stood behind him.



Killer - Y/N    ----    Carter - Seb

Killer - "Carter, you are here because you beat your girlfriend." pokes him in the back with the pipe.

Carter - "I ain't done nothing." tries to shake out of his restraints.

Killer - "Fighting is futile. In front of you is a notepad and a pen. Confess your sins and your death will be quick."

Carter - Struggles once again.

Killer - pokes Carter harder in the back. "Confess..."

Carter - Struggles, nearly freeing his hand.

Killer - Punches at his jaw.

Carter - falls forward, still awake. "Fine." Writes letter.

Killer - Nods, reading the letter over Carter's shoulder. Once it's signed, Raises pipe and brings arm down.

Carter - falls forward completely with a groan.

Killer - Raises Pipe and brings it down repeatedly.


"CUT!" James shouted, as I raised the pipe one more time, I let my arm fall to the side. The pipe hit my thigh and I flinched. "You good?"

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