Chapter 9 - Survival Seems Unlikely

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WARNINGS: Trigger warning for: Suicide Attempt, Death.

Please be aware of those triggers as the story goes on. IF ANY OF THOSE BOTHER YOU, DO NOT READ THIS STORY.


QUICK EDIT - Y/N is non-binary - using They/Them pronouns and the Mx. honorific. <3


POV: Tom

Liz and I had been sitting on the couch, staring at the tv screen, neither of us actually watching whatever was on. A notification from both of our phones had us scrambling for them.

"What..." She whispered softly, opening whatever she got.

I looked at my phone, seeing that Y/N had shared a folder from their cloud account with Scar, Liz and I. The title of the file was concerning, but something else had my attention. I clicked on the file that was titled 'LOCATION' and quickly read it over.

"Tom..." Liz's voice was broken and unsteady. "We have to find them. Something's not right... its almost like they..."

"Almost like they?" I prompted, looking at her.

"As if they are saying goodbye..."

My heart stopped for a moment, before beginning to race. "Stay here, call Scarlett and tell her to meet me at the Edgewater Hotel, Room 724. I'll call you as soon as I see them." I kissed her on the forehead and raced out of the house. It took me 15 minutes to get to the hotel, and I went instantly to the front desk.

"Hi, My name is Tom Hiddleston, I'm looking for my partner. Mx. Y/N Y/L/N. Room 724." I quickly explained to the man behind the desk.

He looked up for a second, his jaw dropping. "Holy shit...I mean sorry. One second." He typed away on the computer in front of him, before he nodded and grabbed a key. "No problem sir, 7th floor, take a left when you get off the elevator, it should be the 4th or 5th door..." He looked over my shoulder and stopped talking. "Holy shit it's Black Widow."

I turned around after taking the keycard. "Scar... let's go. I have a really sick feeling in my stomach."

"So do I." she admitted, falling into step beside me as we headed to the elevator. It seemed like it took forever and only a second at the same time. The door opened with a chime and my feet seemed like they were cemented to the floor. Scarlett wrapped a hand around my forearm and led the way. We stopped in front of the door and I heard a small scream from inside the room.

"Y/N... Please open the door..." I begged, but there was no response. Forgoing knocking again, I used the keycard and walked in with Scar behind me. I froze as the bed came into view.

"OH MY GOD." Scarlett nearly screamed, which sent me running forward looking for a towel.

There, on the bed, covered in blood and barely breathing was Y/N. They grew paler with each second. My heart hammered in my chest as I watched one of the loves of my life die right in front of me.

"Y/N ... no.... Please... Stay with me." My voice seemed to calm them slightly, but that calm was scaring the hell out of me. "Call 911." I listened as Scar's footsteps receded for a few seconds. Finally Y/N's eyes locked on mine, I grabbed a few towels and knelt next to them. A smile slipped onto their face. "Stay with me, darling. Please." I looked over my shoulder to Scar. "SCAR ARE THEY COMING?"

My eyes went back to Y/N, only to find them unresponsive. "Scar... they.... Oh god, please..."

Scarlett came up next to me, taking one of the towels into her own hands, and taking over holding tightly to Y/N's neck as I handled their arms.

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