Chapter 10 - Final Scenes

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WARNINGS: Trigger warning for: None, for this chapter, surprisingly.

Thanks and Enjoy!


QUICK EDIT - Y/N is non-binary - using They/Them pronouns and the Mx. honorific. <3



I had been out of the hospital for three days at this point and the studio had me doing voice over work for the scenes they had shot with my body double. Just saying the words didn't really affect my mind, which was a concern for everyone. Dr. Queen had been over every day since I woke up, checking in with me and setting me up with a therapist once filming was finished. I would be headed to set in a few days to actually film my last scene.

Liz and Tom were cautious with me right now, which was beginning to grate on my nerves. I know that I am not completely stable at this point, but I'm not made of glass. After her fifth check in since I woke up, I slammed my hand down on my desk and groaned.

"Liz, I love you, but please, stop asking if I am ok. You have been in here once an hour since I woke up. I'm fine. If I wasn't, I would come to you or Tom. I promise." I clenched my hands and released them several times, trying to calm myself down.

"Oh... I just..." Liz stammered, hanging her head.

"Sweetheart, come here." I requested, knowing that she was just trying to be there for me. She complied, coming to stand next to my chair. I pulled her into my lap and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I understand you are worried about me. I get it. But the constant questioning is overwhelming. I don't mind you checking it, just... roll it back a bit. A couple times a day, not a couple times an hour." I held her tight, feeling her body tighten. Her shoulders shook as she cried softly.

"I'm sorry, Detka." She whispered in between sobs.

"I love you, and I love that you care, no crying sweetheart. Come on. Lemme see those eyes." I tilted her head so I could see her eyes. I used my thumb to brush a tear away. "How about we make a deal? You can ask me how I'm doing, twice before lunch and then twice before dinner, then once before bed... that's 5 a day... That keeps me from being overwhelmed, but it also helps you keep checking in on me. Will that work for you?"

She nodded, a soft smile gracing her lips. "5 a day... I think I can keep it to that."

"Good... now can we go get some coffee?"


"Sounds great, although... I might want my tea instead of coffee." I admitted, I had fallen into drinking tea while in the hospital. Liz stood, dragging me to my feet.

A quick Starbucks run resulted in a Honey Citrus Mint tea for me and a caramel latte for Liz, with an Earl Grey, add honey and lemon, for Tom. The three of us had stir fry for dinner and relaxed with a movie.

The rest of my time at home went quickly, voice over recording in the morning, therapy in the afternoon, movies with Tom and Liz in the evening. The return to the set was just minutes away and I could feel a queasy feeling in my stomach. Was I nervous about my return or what my return may trigger. I couldn't dwell on it, as Liz parked the car and looked at me.

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" She asked softly, taking my hand.

"It's two scenes, neither are violent. I am gonna be ok. Dr. Queen is going to be on set, she can interrupt if she sees me going down that rabbit hole. You will be there, you can do that same. If I get overwhelmed, I'll say something."

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