CHAPTER SIX - the party

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"so yeah, then you texted and she drove me home." i say, finishing my story. "OH MY GOD! HOW CUTE!" nai says, "but i'm really not liking this josh guy." she says, shaking her head in disappointment. DING! my phone vibrates, so i tap my screen to turn it on.


Olivia Rodrigo

hey, just got home,

thank you again for staying

i really needed it :)

of course, anytime :)

thank you for driving me home!


i shut my phone off, smiling a little. "let me guess, it was olivia?" nai interrupts my daydreaming. i nod my head. "she just texted me that she was home safely."

after getting ready for bed, i lay next to nai, who's already asleep. i turn opposite of nai and close my eyes, letting sleep take over me.

5 weeks later

after weeks of recording and practising for liv's album, it's finally released. it was insanely successful, blowing up to 1st on the charts. tonight, liv is having a celebration party in honour of the album.

i look at myself in the mirror, wearing a short cream colored dress white my hair slightly curled at the bottom, little makeup done and white high heels. as liv said we can bring a plus 1, of course i had to bring nai with me.

we get in the car and drive to livs apartment. eventually, we get there and knock on her apartment door. you can hear liv's song traitor blasting as soon as she opens the door. liv is wearing a cropped black shirt with loose blue jeans, topped with a black chained belt. she smiles at you, then looking at nai before stepping out of the apartment and closing the door so she can talk to us. she wraps her arms around my neck, having to slightly go on her toes. i instantly hug her back, our bodies pressed against each other. she pulls away about 5 seconds after. she looks at nai and her eyes widen. "oh my god! you're nai devora! ive seen you everywhere recently!" liv says, pulling her into a shorter hug. "nice to meet you, olivia." nai says, with a smile on her face.

we eventually go inside, being about 25 people in here. the song 'deja vu' starts playing, and i feel a hand pull me away. I look to see who's pulls me away, and it's liv. she takes me to the drink section and smiles. "fancy a drink?" she says, in a posh british accent before laughing. i laugh, taking a can of coke and taking a sip. "you look really nice, liv" i say, smiling at her, "thank you," she says, before looking me up and down, "you don't look too bad yourself." she chuckles, before taking a can of coke and drinking it, keeping eye contact with me. i put my hand to my heart, dramatically. "ouch." i say. she laughs again, causing me to smile. "i'm kidding, you look really pretty, love." she says. my heart bursts as soon as she called me love. but i'm sure anyone would if olivia rodrigo said it to you, right? "anyways, thank you for everything. i couldn't have dropped this album without you, y/l/n." rodrigo says, before pulling me in for another hug. i wrap my arms around her lower waist, absorbing every second this hug has to offer. i pull away and smile. livs phone rings and she takes it out from her back pocket, before looking at who's calling. "excuse me, i have to take this, sorry." she says, before rushing out the door to take the call.

i roam around livs apartment, talking to the girls here and there, before stumbling apon dan, olivia's producer. "dan!" i say, pulling him into a short hug. "how are you?" i ask. "i'm great y/n, so happy that we finally dropped the album!" he exclaims, face lighting up. we talk for about 15 minutes ,before my eyes shift to the door thats opening, liv coming in first, before looking back, another figure behind her.

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