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a/n - please remember to vote! also, i made a change in the story! y/n doesn't like her dad, and y/n's mom went on the holiday by herself (for work). sorry for the change, comment if you'd like!

2 days later

"you know, i don't get why you scroll on my phone when you have tiktok on your phone," i say on olivia's chair with the guitar in my hand as i watch olivia on her bed, watching tiktok on my phone. "because your 'for you page' is better than mine," she says, smiling as i assume she saw a funny tiktok. "matches my personality, what can i say?" i joke, making olivia laugh.

i muck around with the amp, turning the reverb up. coming up with some sort of guitar solo, i play olivia's song, deja vu, to it. "shit, y/n!" olivia says, smiling at me as she puts my phone down on the bed. "that sounds insane!" she says, standing up and rushing to me with her phone in her hand. "can you record that?" liv asks, sitting next to me. "yeah, of course!" i say. olivia presses play, and i play it on guitar. "that needs to go on deja vu for tour," she says, smiling. "seriously?" i ask, stunned. "yeah, seriously!" she says, giggling. "let me know if you come up with anymore, we'll add that too." she says, standing up as she lays on the bed again. "wait... what was your password again?" she asks, picking up my phone. i tell her my password and she thanks me, continuing to watch tiktoks.

i lay next to her after placing the guitar back in the case, i lay next to olivia. i turn the tv on, watching wandavision for the hundredth time. my phone vibrates in olivia's hand, but i keep paying attention to the show. "your dad texted." olivia says softly. "don't worry about it," i mutter. "are you sure you don't wanna answer?" "yeah, i'm sure." i respond, olivia turning my phone off as she hands it to me. i place it on the bedside table, seeing olivia pick up the remote. the show pauses and i look at olivia as she places the remote on the bed. "okay, serious talk." she says, sitting up. "listen... i don't wanna push you, but if it makes you feel any better, i can listen to your past with your dad." she says as i stare at the tv screen. "again, you don't have to tell me anything if you're uncomfortable." she assures. 

i take a deep breath, looking at olivia. "my dad wasn't around for anything. he wasn't good to my mom, treated her like absolute shit. we was never home, and even when he did come back, he would always end up drunk. one day he blew up at my mom, and they had an argument that lasted for a long hour or two. he packed a suitcase of things, and left when i was 3 after they got divorced. never came back. my mom raised me by herself as she had full custody of me now, and i never heard a word from my dad, until i was 16. mom said that apparently he's changed, so we met up with him multiple times. the first few times it seemed like he changed, but he never changed. blew up at my mom again, constantly irritating her for money, just for him to buy another pack of beer, or to gamble. he left again, but with my phone number this time, as i gave it to him from the first few days. he was never there for me, it was always my mom. he didn't come to my graduation, or congratulated me on my first job, or even messaged me a happy birthday. honestly, i wouldn't be shocked if he forgot, which he probably did. it was mom." i say, olivia listening closely. "lately, i'm guessing he's seen me around social media, with you. and everyone knows who you are, now they know who i am because we're dating. he's been messaging me lately, saying he's sorry for everything. some months he just cuts to the chase, asking for money." i say, olivia sighing. "do you ever reply to his messages?" she asks, fiddling with my hands as she holds them. "no," i say. "why don't you block him?" "i don't know, a part of me feels... guilty." i answer truthfully. "you didn't do anything wrong, y/n." olivia says. "i know, but i just feel guilty." "that's because you're a good person y/n, you aren't selfish." she says, laying next to me.

olivia and i talk for another hour, before i decide to end the subject. "it's cool, doesn't really matter anymore. my mom at the time was more than enough." i say, smiling. "your mom's an amazing mom." she says. i smile, handing olivia my phone. "can you delete the message? i don't wanna know what it is." i say, and she takes it, nodding.

olivia's pov

i tap on the messages app, reading y/n's dad's text. "can we talk?"  i read in my head, swallowing. y/n doesn't want to know the message, olivia. i swipe to the left, deleting the message as i turn off y/n's phone, picking up the remote and playing the tv show.

we fall asleep, woken up by my alarm. i look at y/n, not sure if she's awake as her eyes are still closed. another 15 minutes of sleeping won't hurt for y/n. i reach over y/n, getting her phone. i go on instagram, taking a picture.

i giggle to myself, sharing it to her story

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i giggle to myself, sharing it to her story. i open tiktok, scrolling on y/n's account. after about 10 minutes, i see a notification pop up. my eyes look up to it, and i pull my eyes away for y/n's privacy. too late. already read it. i mentally punch myself, turning y/n's phone off.

i smile as i tap her shoulder lightly, causing her to wake up. "you're a deep sleeper, y/n." i whisper, making y/n groan. i rub her shoulders, watching y/n as her eyes are closed again. "we have to get up, we have to finish the sour prom thing, remember?" i say as y/n nods her head slowly. she rolls away from me, making me laugh. "c'mon, i let you sleep in for 10 minutes." i persuade, and y/n rolls back to me. "someone texted you by the way." i say, and y/n slowly sits up. "who?" she asks, rubbing her eyes. i stand up, walking to the other side of the bed as i open the blinds. "louis, is that the coffee boy?"

y/n's pov

"mhm," i hum, picking up my phone as i go to messages, reading the message. "saw your story, are you and olivia back together?" it reads. "yeah we've been together for a few months, you're just noticing?" i type back, sending it as i turn off my phone.

olivia and i walk into the all familiar building, going to the outfit room. there, we're met by claire, who's patiently waiting. i place my guitar on the side of the couch, smiling. "today's the day!" she says excitedly as she claps. after about an hour, olivia was all set to get ready to shoot, and i smile at the dress. "it's amazing, claire." i say, mind blown.

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