CHAPTER TWELVE - the performance

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we're in livs car, driving back to her apartment when my phone vibrates.


nai the sexy

went by house and got all your clothes,

still staying at vinnie's sorry

dropped your clothes at liv's door since

you weren't home :)

thank you!! ily


we get back to liv's apartment and my suitcase is at her door, like nai said. "luckily no one stole my clothes." i mumble to myself while liv unlocks her door. the fresh smell of vanilla hits me and it feels amazing after being out all day. "what would you like for dinner?" liv asks. "anything you want, i dont mind." i reply. she ends up making pasta, which was honestly one of the best pasta i've had. after talking for a while, i wash the dishes while liv brushes her teeth and gets changed as it was already 11pm. after doing the dishes, i brush my teeth and put on pjs from my suitcase. i lay next to liv, but sitting the slightest up.

we continue the second twilight movie and liv sits up a bit but not as much as me and rests her head against my right shoulder, snuggling against the crook of my neck. the butterflies come fluttering back into my stomach as she takes ahold of my right hand, and starts playing with my fingers. after playing with my hand for a bit, she laces her left hand in mine and my lips form a wide smile. "i'm getting pretty tired, y/l/n." liv says, voice raspy from her tiredness which was extremely cute. "yeah, me too." liv turns off the tv, and lays down, so do i. she turns her back away from me, getting comfy. "come closer." she whispers. my heart skips and it takes a few seconds to process what she said, but i move closer to her until my stomach presses against her back. my left hand traces over her waist, and they land on her right hand. i put my hand over hers, and laces them in between her hand, but on top. after a bit, olivia guides my hand under her shirt, and stops at her stomach. "sorry, my hands were getting sweaty, and your hand is really warm." she whispers again. i rub her stomach lightly in circles with my fingers. "it's okay, goodnight rodrigo." i whisper. "goodnight, love." liv whispers back, making my heart melt before i fall asleep.


after a week and a half of practising of austin city performance, the day has finally come. "EVERYONE ON THE COACH!" sam guides us, and we enter the coach, liv sitting in a seat, a spare seat next to her. does she want me to sit next to her? or is she waiting for someone else? "y/n! come sit down!" she pats the spare seat next to her, and i smile and sit next to her. "thanks liv." i say and she smiles at me before the coach starts moving. "the trip is pretty long, like an hour and a half." i say and liv takes a massive sigh.

30 minutes into the trip, my neck gets sore so i decide to rest my head against liv's shoulder. her fluffy coat absorbs my head weight, making it extremely comfy.



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oliviarodrigo austin city limits here we come :))

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username9 we're so excited for you guys!

username10 does anyone else ship y/n and olivia or just me...



"you did amazing livie!" i say as i hug her backstage. "new nickname huh y/l/n?" liv says as she hugs me back. i smile before letting go of her. "whadduya think about it?" i ask, and she immediately responds. "i love it." liv says, smiling back.

"where do you wanna go?" i ask, sitting on a nearby couch. liv stands in front of me and thinks for a bit. "mmm i might go out and see the fans for a bit, care to join me?" liv says, a smile creeping on her face. "i'd love to." i reply.

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