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"hey i'm outside." "you couldn't just text me?" "mmm nah, come out!"

i walk outside after getting the call from olivia, i'm wearing a tank top and a black puffer jacket, with some brown capri pants as it was pretty cold outside. i get in the car and olivia's wearing her black hat and jacket that she was telling me about. "how does it look?" olivia asks me, starting up the car. i furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "how does what look?" i reply. "the hat and jacket." "oh, it looks good." "just good?" "amazing."

olivia takes me to the all familiar coffee shop that i went to yesterday, and we get a table for 2. "what would you like to eat?" olivia says, giving me the menu. i end up picking the fettuccine pasta like yesterday and a caramel frappe. "what would you guys like to order?" a waiter comes up to us. "oh y/n! didn't see you there." louis says, notepad in hand, pen in other. i smile and look at olivia, who has a confused look on her face. "hi louis, this is olivia. olivia, this is louis." i introduce them to each other. louis realises that olivia was the one that stood me up before as i told him on our walk, but covers his realisation with a polite smile on his face. "hi, could i please get avocado on toast with fries on the side" olivia orders. "could i get a fettuccine pasta and a caramel frappe please." "was it that good last time?" louis smirks, writing it down. i laugh and nod my head. "it'll be right with you too." louis says, walking back to the kitchen.

"do you know him?" olivia asks, curiously. "yeah, we met when you stood me up a few days ago." olivia sighs at my response. "i'm sorry y/n, i really am." she says, playing with her fingers. "it's fine, really." "are you sure? i feel so bad." "i'm sure."

we get our food 10 minutes after, another waiter bringing it to us. after a few minutes of eating, i offer liv some of my pasta. "would you like some?" i ask her, pointing the fork at my plate.  she thinks for a second before picking up an unused fork and twirled some pasta onto it. "this is really good!" olivia says, gulping down the rest of the pasta on her fork. i smile and push the plate to her. "there's not much left, and i'm pretty full so you can have the rest." i say, placing my fork down on a napkin, drinking my frappe. "thanks y/n."

after a few seconds of fighting, i ended up getting it my way and pay the bills. we walk out the door, louis holding it for us and i give him a goodbye smile. "how is it so dark already?" olivia says, looking at the sky. "we've been in there for like 5 hours its 7pm." i say, not realising how long we've stayed in there for. "wanna drive around for a bit?" olivia says, getting in her car. "sure, where abouts?" i say, getting in the passenger seat. "wherever we stumble upon." liv replies.

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