CHAPTER THIRTY ONE - deja vu/happier

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a/n - please remember to vote ! feel free to comment
olivia's pov

2 months later

after months of deciding the outfits for everyone and the way the songs were gonna go, we finally had everything finalized. i end the call, leaning my head back as i sigh in relief. "finally done?" y/n asks behind me, half laying half sitting on my bed. "yeah, finally done, that was the last call." i say, picking up my pen as i get another call. "jinxed it." y/n chuckles and i smile, picking it up. i hang up after the conversation, thinking. "what was it?" y/n asks. "i need to think of 7 songs now, " i say, swinging my legs to turn my chair around as y/n smiles. "what about the deja vu or happier song we thought of?" she suggests, a smile forming on my face. "we can make it a mash-up! it'll count as one song so i have more room for the other songs." i say, y/n nodding in agreement. "yeah, perfect!" y/n says. "you're a genius, y/n." i say, swinging my body back around as i pick up my pen. "actually, can you bring your guitar and sit next to me? i need to figure out the mash-up while i have the inspiration now and i can't play and focus hard at the same time." i say, y/n standing up as she gets her acoustic guitar, sitting next to me. i write deja vu/happier mashup at the top of my composition book. "can you repeat it for a bit, please? i just need to think..." i say, y/n starting to play what she played as i think. "we broke up a month ago..." i sing in time with y/n, writing it down as she stops playing, playing again after i finsih writing the line down.

"i think you should stop at 'one more girl who brings out the better in you' and start deja vu, then you can overlap everything." y/n suggests and i smile as she continues playing. "and i hope... you're... happy, just not, like how, you were, with me that was the show we talked about, played you the songs she's singing now when she's with you... do you get deja vu?" i sing with y/n's guitar. "i hope youre happy but don't be happier," i end, y/n ending on the last pick of the strings. "that was really good!" i say, writing the last part.

olivia pulls up her vocals of deja vu file from her computer, looking at me as she smiles. "you ready? we'll practise a few times, then i'll record on my phone to show dan." i say, y/n nodding in response. "whenever you're ready." i say, y/n starting the guitar. we do a few takes, pressing play for deja vu as i add a little lines of happier to mix it in nicely, recording it after. "this is so good!" olivia says, clicking a few things with her mouse as she gets the recording from her phone to the laptop. she taps the space bar, and we listen to the song. "woah," y/n says as the song ends. "it's amazing, isn't it?" i ask, smiling. "yeah, crazy what you can do in 3 hours." y/n says, and i drag the file and do a few things, sending it to dan. "how's this? y/n and i just made it, thought it could go well with sour prom." i read to myself as i type it. "you don't have to mention my name, y'know," y/n says, and i look at her, scoffing. "no way, this was as much of your work as it was mine. to be honest, you did more work than me, credits all yours, baby." i admit. "no way!" y/n defends, but i cut her off. "shh! end of discussion." i say, grinning as i turn back to my computer.

y/n's pov

we walk to the building, and i open the door for olivia. "thanks," she says, and i follow behind her. we greet olivia's dress designer and i sit down on the velvet couch, waiting for olivia to come out of the dressing room. we go through a few dresses, olivia teasing me at how stunned i am at all of the ones she comes out in. the door opens again, and my eyes widen. "i know that look, y/n!" she says, spinning around in the dress to show me. i smile widely, looking at the dress beautiful design. "i think this is the one!" i exclaim, standing up as i walk closer to olivia. "you've said that about the last five." she says, laughing as i briefly hold her waist, looking at the dress closely. "no, no i mean it this time, it's my favorite so far, talk about the last dress going out with a bang." i say, olivia turning herself to show me the back. "what do we think?" the dress designer, claire says. "you're amazing at designing dresses!" i say, smiling asi let go of olivia's waist, looking at claire. "thank you, i agree. this dress suits olivia the best i think, but it's all up to our sour prom queen." she says, making olivia smile. "you guys really think this is the best dress?" olivia asks, looking down to see the dress. "yeah, a hundred percent. do you like it?" i ask, olivia nodding as the looks at me. "yeah, it's gorgeous." she says, walking towards claire. "i think we'll go with this one." liv tells her.

1 week later

walking into the same building as before, we say hi to all the stylists, oliva getting on the dress we picked. "okay, olivia sit down here please." the hairstylist says, olivia sitting on the makeup chair as i sit on the couch next to her. "this hairstyle, right?" the hairstylist says, showing olivia something on the phone. "yeah, i think so. what do you think, y/n?" olivia asks for my opinion. "wait, surprise me." i say, smiling as olivia smiles, turning back to the hairstylist as she starts to do her hair, olivia looking in the mirror in front of her. i lay on the bed, yawning as i close my eyes,  falling asleep eventually.

i feel light tapping on my shoulder, and i wake up, olivia smiling at me. "holy shit!" i exclaim, sitting up as olivia holds my hand, pulling me up. "you look beautiful!" i say, looking olivia up and down. "you've already done the makeup? how long was i asleep for?" i ask, smiling as olivia thinks. "maybe... 2 or 3 hours?" olivia estimates. "you look amazing my love!" i say, pulling out my phone. "take a picture?" i ask? showing olivia my phone. "sure!" she says, standing in front of a white wall. "okay... 3,2,1." i say, taking the picture.



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oliviarodrigo   🦋

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y/n.l/n   YOU ARE SO CUTE



oliviarodrigo : y/n.l/n  YOU'RE FLATTERING ME



15 minutes ago


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