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we end up stumbling across this gas station with a store with a message on the side of it. "I LOVE YOU SAY IT BACK" "we have to take a picture here!" olivia says, getting out of her parked car. i follow her, and she pulls out her phone. "care to take 'em?" she asks, giving her phone to me. i nod and liv stands in front of the sign, striking different poses. i take pictures, it being impossible her olivia to look bad. after a few minutes, olivia looks through the pictures and sets her phone down on a curb so its standing upright. "let's take some together." she says and she grabs my hand and pulls me in front of the sign. we take a few photos, some poses consisting of me kissing liv's cheek and liv holding up my thigh. "wanna grab a drink at the petrol station?" i ask after we're done taking pictures. "let's go." liv says, linking her arm in mine and we go around a corner to the petrol station.

we get in and pick our slushies, liv paying at the counter. we go out and i take some more photos of olivia on my phone this time. "come here y/n!" she says, and i walk over to her. olivia wraps her arm around the back of my neck and one on the side of my cheek, and i take spam take photos.



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oliviarodrigo who knew petrol station trips were so fun?

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y/n.l/n only fun w me

oliviarodrigo : y/n.l/n mmm you right

user5 y/nlivia content FINALLY

user9 stop ur so pretty

13 minutes ago


"you look good in them." i say, looking through the pictures. "you look better!" olivia says, face smushed against mine, looking at the pictures too. we start to walk to her car, and we sit on the hood of it. "what now?" i ask, looking at the stars. "i was actually wondering something..." olivia says, looking down. i stop looking at the stars and face olivia. "what's up?" i ask, scared of what she's going to say next. she takes a deep breath, and i start to get anxious. "liv, you can tell me." i put my hand above hers. "i really like you y/n." she says, making eye contact with me. "i really like you too, olivia." i say back, smiling. "no like, i really mean it. not in the friends way, in the way that i've always meant." she says, and takes am anxious breath. "i really, really like you. i've liked you since you walked through the studio doors awkwardly. i wanna be your girlfriend." she says, still looking into my eyes. "liv, i've always liked you too. i want you to be my girlfriend." "so we're together?" "yes we're together dummy." i say, and we chuckle. olivia looks at my lips, then my eyes. i start to lean in, olivia leaning in too, until our lips touch. the flames re-ignite, olivia's soft lips connecting with mine again. after a few seconds, we pull apart, and olivia smiles. "let's go home, shall we?" olivia says, and we get off the hood and into the car.

"you should come in!" i say, when we reach my house. "seriously?!" olivia say, excited. "of course, meet my mom!" i say, and we both get out of the car. "i'm nervous!" olivia says. "there's nothing to be nervous about." i unlock the door, and mom's sitting on the couch, watching tv. "hey mom!" i say and liv walks in, smile on her face. i lock the door, and turn back around. "hey y/n, who's this?" mom says, referring to olivia. "this is olivia she's my-" i get cut off. "girlfriend. i'm her girlfriend. i'm so glad i get to meet you!" olivia says, introducing herself. olivia walks up to my mom and she gets up to hug her. after a few minutes of chatting, i decide to let liv see milo and my room.

i open the door to my room, liv behind me. "oh my god, your room is so prett- MILO!" she says, running to milo, who's sitting on his bed, just below mine. she begins to pat him, and i chuckle, sitting down next to liv, closing the door behind me. milo purrs and liv giggles. "i think he likes you." i say, smiling.

i sit on my bed, liv picking up milo and sitting him in front of her, petting him. "take a pic?" i say, pulling out my camera. "of course." liv says. i grab the hat that liv was wearing which was on the end of my bed and put it on. "look good?" "looks great." i smile and position the phone so it's got me, liv and milo in the picture.



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y/n.l/n guess you could say... we're dating?

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oliviarodrigo milo being third wheel ofc

y/n.l/n : oliviarodrigo yeah duh




12 minutes ago


a/n - end of a journey🥲 i just wanna say thank you guys for being here, really couldn't do it without you. i have another book which ive just recently started, it's a kate bishop x reader if you're a marvel fan! lots of love, hope your day/night is good <3

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