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i hug nai as i cry into her shirt, the shirt probably being damp. "it's okay, y/n." she assures, rubbing my back. i cry for about an hour, letting it all out as nai holds me tight.

a few days later, i walk into the coffee shop, sitting down. "you're back again? this is like 4 days in a row, y/n." louis says as he walks next to me. "in desperate needs get coffee, right?" i say, making him chuckle. "can't believe you two broke up. anyways, the usual?" "the usual." i say, and he nods, walking away. a few minutes later, he comes back with my iced coffee and his drink, placing it in front of me. "thanks," i say as he sits down opposite me. "how's work? has it been busy?" i ask, stirring the coffee with the spoon he gave me, along with a straw. "around the same customers as yesterday, at least i didn't burn my hand today." he says, smiling. i laugh, shaking my head. i drink some, and louis waits for my approval. "how is it?" he asks. "gets better every time." i say, and he laughs, drinking his coffee.

we talk for about an hour, louis walking back and forth has he makes drinks. he sits back down, brushing cocoa powder off his apron. "your coffee's probably gone cold." i joke, smiling. he takes a sip, checking it. "still warm." he replies, looking behind him. i hear squeals behind him, and i look behind louis. "oh my god..." i mutter. olivia and josh sit down a few tables behind me, seeing them talk to some teenage fans, about 6 of them. "what's your luck, y/n?" louis says, and look at him, shrugging. "i'm gonna kick the fans away, they're really loud," louis says, raising his voice to speak louder than the fans. he stands up, giving me a clear view of olivia and josh, talking to the fans as they take photos with them. louis makes his way to them, clearing his voice. "hey guys! if you're not gonna get anything, please make your way out!" he says, some fans getting out. he says a few more other stuff, eventually clearing out the fans. he faces olivia, not smiling as he pulls out his notepad. moments later, he comes back with 2 coffees, placing it in front of them.

olivia's pov
he places the coffees down in front of us, standing upright again. "thank you," josh and i both say. "hope you enjoy it." he responds, polite smile. he walks away, and i watch him as he walks to a table. "jesus!" i accidentally say as he walks to a table, y/n sitting there as she smiles at him. "what?" josh says, looking at me. "oh- it's nothing." i say, turning back to josh as i give him a convincing smile, which he buys.

y/n's pov
louis sits back next to me, sighing. "another negative of being manager, having to be so confronting." he says, moving his empty coffee cup to the side. "because you're just so nice, right?" i say, smiling as he chuckles.

he turns his phone to me, showing me what he's gonna post. "is this okay to post now?" he asks. i examine the photo i took a few weeks ago, nodding. "yeah, it's good!" i say, both of us smiling at the same time. "okay... give me one sec..." he says, tapping a few things. a figure walks past me from the counter, which was josh. he walks out of the coffee shop, in some sort of rush, leaving olivia behind. "posted." he tells me, putting his phone down. i pick my phone up, checking instagram.



liked by 1,209 otherslouispartridge_   too damn cold for my likings

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louispartridge_   too damn cold for my likings

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y/n.l/n   luckily you work at a coffee shop

louispartridge_ : y/n.l/n   free coffee 👍👍
1 hour ago


"but amy ate it anyways, it was too good to waste apparently." louis retells a story with his friends.  i chuckle, looking behind him subconsciously. shit. olivia's eyes are already on me, and i lock eye contact with her. we stare at each other for a second, before she looks down. i look away, back to louis.

"i'm probably gonna go now, i've got loads of shit to do." i say, standing up. i move my empty glass next to louis' one, just to make cleaning the tiniest bit easier. "alright, i'll get back to work." louis says, standing up too. "'thanks for talking with me." i say, smiling as he stands opposite me. "thanks for making work easier to get through." he says. i pay at the counter, louis giving me the 'okay' that the payment went through. he walks around the counter, standing in front of me again. "see you later," he says. "maybe tomorrow," i half joke, making him laugh. i wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him tight.

olivia's pov
i watch y/n as she hugs the waiter, arms around his neck. he wraps his arms around y/n, them embracing for around 3 seconds. i look down again, fiddling with my phone. why do i feel... jealous?

y/n's pov
we let go of the hug, and he walks me to the door. i walk out, louis closing the door behind me even thought it closes by itself. i start walking out, hearing a voice call me.
"hey y/n!" i hear olivia's voice say. i swallow, turning around. olivia jogs over to me, slightly out of breath. "um... hey." she says, we stops in front of me, looking around. "hi," i respond. "i was just wondering," olivia says, taking a deep inhale, "if you still wanted to be my guitarist." she says. i take a moment to think, speaking. "yeah, i don't want... whatever happened with us... to get in the way of your career." i say, and olivia smiles. "our career. i'll text the details for the next practice, okay?" she says. "yeah, okay." i confirm. we stand there awkwardly for a few seconds, then i break the silence. "i've gotta go now," i say, olivia nodding quickly. "yeah, sorry." she apologized. "i'll see you later," i say, turning around. "see you..." olivia says quietly as i start walking away.

a/n - please remember to vote!

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