CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN - the pop star princess

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a/n - please remember to vote! please comment it makes my day sm more interesting :)

hayley and tiana walk into a restaurant, and olivia grabs my arm. "italian! told you!" she exclaims excitedly, smiling widely. i laugh, shaking my head. "i didn't say you were wrong, olivia!" i say, and she chuckles, letting go as we walk in.

olivia and i sit next to each other, tiana opposite me, next to hailey. "thank you." i say, as olivia gives me a menu, giving the other girls one too. we look through it, ending up ordering 2 pizzas for all of us and drinks.

"take the last slice, someone." i say, leaning back on the couch. "not me!" tiana says. after a few minutes, i finish the last few sips of my drink. olivia's phone buzzes, and she takes it out, reading the message. she types back, putting her phone on the table. "sam and joel went home already, and they were supposed to take me home, but i forgot to tell them." olivia says, sighing. "you see, i would take you home but i have some dinner thing soon, and hayley lives like 2 minutes from mine." tiana says. "i can take you home, i'm not in a rush." i offer to olivia. "thank you," olivia says, smiling.

we walk back to the studio, hayley and tiana going home as i take my guitar out of the guitar case, olivia waiting patiently behind me. we walk into the studio, walking up the stairs, and i plug the guitar in. olivia turns the mic on, and i wait for her as i play things. "chill out... whatcha yelling for? lay back... it's all been done before." olivia sings, and i smile, realizing i know the chords. i play in time with her, and she turns around, smiling. "and if you could only let it be, you would see!" she sings the song perfectly, yet effortlessly. that's olivia for you. "i like you the way you are, when we're driving in your car... and you're talking to me, on one, but you become!" olivia sings her heart out as she keeps eye contact with me, sitting next to me on the seat leaning her body slightly forward on beat as she sings.

"that was so cool, baby!" olivia blurts out. i shoot her a surprised look, and our eyes widen as she realizes what she said at the same time as mine. "shit! uh-" "it's oka-" "ah!" "don't wor-'" "im so sorry, y/n." we interrupt each other as olivia says the final say. "sorry," she apologizes quietly again, looking at me. i give her a comforting smile. "it's okay, olivia." "i swear it was an accident!" she stands standing up, pacing back and forth. she runs her hands through her hair, clearly stressed. i stand up, turning off the amp as i lean the guitar on the chair, walking a few steps to olivia. "olivia?" i ask, causing her to stop walking as she stands in front of me. "it's okay." i repeat. i look into her eyes, seeing she's on the verge of tears.

i stare in her eyes for about 2 seconds as she stares back, before almost making me fall back as she runs into me, wrapping her arms around my waist tightly, digging her head in the crook of my neck. i'm taken aback, but quickly hug her back, closing my eyes as i take in this moment.

i hear olivia's breathing get inconsistent, feeling a wet tear running down my neck at the same time. i slightly panic as i don't know what to say, after all, i was the reason she's crying right now. i broke up with her. i hug her tighter, letting her cry in my arms. "it's okay, olivia." i whisper, olivia still crying.

olivia pulls apart, instantly wiping her eyes with her blue plaid jacket. i gently take her wrists, putting them down as i reach for my vest, pulling slightly forward as olivia closes her eyes. i pat her eyes, getting rid of the tears. "your vest is gonna be wet now." olivia says as i stop wiping her tears. "that's the least of my problems right now." i say, making olivia smile.

olivia's pov

i half lay half sit on my bed, guitar across my body. i think of lyrics that come to mind, figuring out a sentence that i liked as i play chords that i thought would fit the song. "i still can't call anyone baby, because baby is still you to me..." i sing, sighing as i lean my head back on the headrest behind me.

i take my phone out, tapping on the screen to turn it on. opening messages, i click on y/n's name, typing.



y/n l/n :)

hi y/n

thank you for comforting me

i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable

it's okay, i'll always be here for you

that's what friends are for

and don't worry you didn't make me uncomfortable

in the slightest

are you okay?

i'm okay

how about you?

that's good

and don't worry about me, you

have enough to worry about

y/n are you okay?

but doesn't mean you

aren't a priority

i'm okay liv

thank you for asking



i scroll up a lot, reading back texts from y/n and i back when we were dating. i smile at the messages, turning my phone off as i stare at my covers. i groan as i lay down, calling conan, iris and madison. "emergency, guys!" i say as they all join. "what is it?" conan says, putting a chip in his mouth as he eats. "i'm in a love crisis." i admit, iris and madison gasping as conan's eyes open as he chews. "you still like y/n?!" madison says. i take a few seconds to answer, really confirming my answer in my head. "yeah," i say, and iris claps as if i got an award. "finally, i was wondering when you guys would get back together." conan says, looking away from the camera as he picks up another chip, eating it. "i'm still dating josh, idiot." i say. "then break up with him and get back with y/n." madison says, concerningly neutrally. "it's not that easy!" i exclaim. "i told my parents, and they say they like y/n better than josh since she met them when we were dating, they said she was the best partner i've had, but it's my choice." "you tell your parents everything?" conan asks. "well- i mean, yeah, most things." "did you tell them that i pulled your chair out when you were holding your drink as you were trying to sit and you spilt it all over yourself?!" conan asks, panicked. "the hell? no! as if they'd give a shit, they'd probably laugh." i say, making them laugh. "that's besides the point, what do i do?" i say, getting back on topic.

"i mean, if you didn't like y/n, you wouldn't be asking us, y'know? and i think all of us like y/n better than josh." madison states, conan and iris agreeing with a 'yeah'. "it's your decision, let us know who you end up picking." conan says. "this isn't the bachelorette, guys! y/n doesn't even like me like that anymore i don't think." i say, madison and iris bursting out, laughing. "you are so stupid, olivia. anyways bye! good luck!" iris says, and they all hang up, one after the other. what the hell am i gonna do?

a/n - real ones know where the title comes from (ahem olivia calling avril the pop star princess on tour)

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