CHAPTER THIRTY NINE - the question every family wants to know

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a/n - please remember to vote! enjoy the chapter, comment if you'd like :)

i hug my mom as i walk back into the house as milo walks inside. "how was the trip?" i ask, letting go of the hug. "it was beautiful there, we should go for a holiday!" she replies, smiling. we talk about her trip for a few minutes as we sit on the couch. "we're having dinner, right?" i ask. "yeah, of course. i feel so bad i missed it!" she says. "it's okay, we'll have dinner." i say, standing up. "by the way, your grandma and grandpa's coming for dinner too." she says. "okay, what time?" i ask, starting to go up the stairs. "about... an hour or two." she replies. i head up the stairs, taking out my phone.



louis :)

im never on social media 

thats why😭

hows the coffee shop?

same old same old

hows the celebrity life?

LMFAO not even

just somehow dating a celeb

like what is my life

you tell me!! 

crazy is what it is


louis likes my message and i go to reply to olivia's message.



my livie <3

hey you still going out for dinner?


 did you wanna come?

no no it's all good

spend time with your family

got loads of shit to do anyways

okay cool, facetime later?

of course, just call me whenever :))


i turn my phone off, turning my tv on. i go to disney plus, resuming watching wandavision. after about an hour and a half, there's a knock on the door. i turn off the tv, walking downstairs. i greet my grandparents, and we decide to go out for dinner. we all get in my car and i start it up, buckling up. "you're so grown up, y/n! already driving and everything." grandma says. "yeah, i started driving years ago." i say, chuckling.

we begin to eat, and i place the fork in my mouth, taking it out once the food was in my mouth. "so, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend yet?" grandpa asks. the question every family wants to know. "yeah, i do actually. her name's olivia." i say, smiling. they looked shocked, but then hides it, but a little too late. "can we see what she looks like?" grandma asks, and i pull out my phone. i scroll through my camera roll, tapping on a photo of liv and i. 


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i turn my phone around, showing my grandma and grandpa as mom looks too. "this is her," i say with a beaming smiling. their eyes widen at the same time, smiling too as i pull my phone back to me, placing it in my pocket. "she's so pretty!" grandpa compliments. i chuckle, nodding as grandma agrees. "how did you guys meet?" grandma asks. "well she's a singer, and she was looking for a guitarist. i applied, and she accepted. and it just went from there, i guess!" i say, finishing my food as i hear 'awe's' from my mom and my grandparents. "how long have you guys been dating?" mom asks. "uh... almost a year," i recall. 

olivia's pov

it's been around 3 or 4 hours since y/n texted me, and i assume she's busy with her family. i scroll on tiktok, my eyes lighting up as i see a tiktok of y/n, posted an hour ago. i pause the video, reading the caption. "y/n out with her family!" it reads. i press play, watching it. the camera was a few tables away, but close enough to see y/n clearly. i watch the video with a grin as y/n turns her phone to her grandparents with a wide smile. i recognise the familiar photo, from when we went to eat with conan and iris. her grandparent's back was towards the camera, so i couldn't see what their reaction was. oh my god... what if they thought i wasn't good enough for y/n? y/n pulls her phone away after a few seconds, chuckling as she talks again. the video stops as the camera pulls down, and i open the comments. "Y/N SHOWING HER FAMILY OLIVIA STOP" "what did y/n show her family?" "where's olivia :((" "omg is y/n showing her grandparents olivia?" "y/n looks so happy when she's talking about olivia i love their relationship sm" i smile, swiping out of the app. 

i get a face time notification from the top of my screen, pressing accept. "hey!" y/n says, in her bed. "hey, baby!" i reply, smiling. "how was dinner?" i ask. "it was great, my grandparents came too." she says, petting milo beside her. "yeah, i know." i say, giggling as y/n gives me a confused look. "huh? what do you mean?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows. "someone posted a tiktok an hour ago, and i saw it." i explain. "let me show you it, actually." i say, swiping out of facetime as i go onto tiktok. i copy the link, sending it to y/n via messages. "did you get it?" i ask, going back to facetime. "yeah, let me watch it." she says. we stay silent until y/n laughs, making me laugh. "you showed me to your grandparents?!" i ask, y/n nodding as she continues to laugh. eventually her laughter dies down and i smile at y/n as she talks. "yeah, i did. they asked if i had a girlfriend or boyfriend, and i showed them a photo of you and i." y/n explains. "you could've shown a better photo!" i groan. "no, you look perfect. you are perfect." y/n says softly. my cheeks get red, and y/n chuckles at the sight. "if you're that worried, don't be. you'll meet them soon enough." she says, smiling as i smile.

i watch amusingly as y/n screen shared her screen, showing me she's on tiktok. "i can literally give you my account, olivia," she says as she scrolls to the next tiktok. i laugh at what she said, and y/n swipes out of the app. she goes to messages, clicking my name. i smile at the contact name and contact photo, it being a picture of both of us. y/n types her username and password into the textbox, sending it. "there you go." she says, swiping out. my phone vibrates as i get the message, smiling.

the time was now almost 12:30am, and we hang up as y/n was getting tired. i lay in bed, smiling as i type y/n's account username and password into the tiktok login page. seconds later, i'm in the page. i go to the 'for you page', watching her tiktoks for a few more minutes. 

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