Chapter 8

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"They're back!"

Maplepaw peered out of the medicine den to see cats crowding the vine tunnel. Crowfur and Ripplefur! She turned to Thistlestep, who she was treating. The warrior had had a thorn stuck in her paw, but Maplepaw had already taken it out.

She rubbed a dock leaf on Thistlestep's pad. "You're g-good t-to go," she told her when she was finished.

"Thanks," the senior warrior rasped as she trotted out of the den.

Maplepaw followed her to the mob of cats, squeezing through them to greet her mentor. She was surprised to see Squirrelkit and Copperkit beside her. She glanced over her shoulder at Thrushheart, who only shrugged. "I couldn't keep them away," she laughed.

Meows of greetings and congratulations rang out through the camp. Squirrelkit looked up at Maplepaw.

"Is Ripplefur our new leader?" she squeaked.

Fernpool, who was sitting beside them, gazed down at the kit. "Yes, Ripplestar is our new leader."

"Ripplestar!" Copperkit squealed loudly.

"Ripplestar!" Squirrelkit echoed.

On hearing the kits' call, soon every cat was shouting out the she-cat's new name.

"Ripplestar! Ripplestar! Ripplestar!"

"Thank you—all of you," Ripplestar purred.

Maplepaw came forward to greet her mentor. Crowfur flicked her ear with her tail. "Was everything alright when I was gone?"

The apprentice nodded. "Thistlestep got a thorn in her pad," she reported. "But everything else was fine."

Crowfur gave her a nod of approval. "Good." She then looked around at the crowding cats, annoyance sparkling in her eyes. "Alright that's enough," she called to every cat. "Ripplestar needs her rest."

While the cats dipped their heads respectfully and retreated to their dens, Maplepaw stayed beside her mentor as she shared a quick word with the new leader.

"It's moonrise now," Crowfur reminded Ripplestar. "Make sure you make your decision by moonhigh."

"Right," Ripplestar mewed. "I'll start thinking."

She started towards the warrior's den, only to be stopped by Crowfur. "Ripplestar" was all she needed to say for the leader to realize her mistake.

"I-I guess I'll be sleeping on the Greatrock," Ripplestar murmured, almost regretfully.

She padded over to the Greatrock where Dapplepaw and Haypaw were leaping off of, moss dangling in their jaws. Ripplestar told them something which apparently made them extremely excited—seeing that their eyes lit up and they bounced all the way back to their den.

Ripplestar jumped onto the Greatrock and halted before entering her new den. She took a deep breath and finally disappeared into the shadows of the bush.

Maplepaw drew in a shaky breath. It's official. Ripplestar is the new leader of EarthClan.

* * *

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Greatrock for a Clan meeting!"

Maplepaw felt a pang of shock and sadness as she heard Ripplestar's voice instead of Eaglestar's. She suppressed a sigh. I'll get used to it.

Padding out of the medicine cat den after Crowfur, she glanced upwards and saw the moon high in the cloudless sky. It must be time to appoint the new deputy.

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