Chapter 3

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Maplekit watched as Badgerface and Seedspeck left camp with Dustclaw hauled over their shoulders. They were going to bury him. She watched unblinkingly until the elders' tails disappeared into the vine tunnel. Her shoulders sagged and she looked at her paws. She would never see her father again.

     The first rays of dawn shone above the rock wall. Maplekit had sat vigil with her mother all night, refusing to sleep when Mottlebranch had told her to. Her pelt was thick with dew but she didn't care. Dustclaw was gone, and there was nothing she could do about it.

    "You should get some sleep," Mottlebranch murmured to her.

    Maplekit shook her head. "I-I'm n-not t-t-tired."

    Mottlebranch nuzzled her daughter. "Come on, I know you are. You'll feel better if you rest."

    Maplekit knew her mother was trying to be strong, but she could clearly see the grief clouding her gaze. Mottlebranch nudged her daughter and started toward the nursery. Sighing, Maplekit followed.

    Inside the nursery, Copperkit and Squirrelkit lay in one corner, shocked and speechless. With a pang of sympathy, Maplekit remembered that the younger kits had been very close to Dustclaw. He always used to help in the nursery.

    Thrushheart was sitting beside them, comforting them. She glanced at Mottlebranch sympathetically, but the speckled she-cat didn't seem to notice. Mottlebranch curled up on the other side of the nursery with her tail over her nose. Maplekit lay down next to her, chin resting on her paws. Mottlebranch lifted her head and started licking the dew off her daughter, but the kit barely paid attention. She stared into the distance.

    Surprisingly, Maplekit felt nothing. No emotions hit her. She felt numb. She could barely grasp what had just happened. One day, Dustclaw was with her, and the next he was gone. Just like that. She couldn't believe it was true. How could he be gone? she thought to herself. I don't understand. I haven't even left the nursery yet, and now he's gone. We were so close... we were going to do everything together... and now he's gone. My father is gone.

* * *

    It was sunhigh by the time Maplekit blinked open her eyes. Rising to her paws, she looked around. Mottlebranch was already awake and grooming silently. Thrushheart, Squirrelkit, and Copperkit were sharing a rabbit. Nettlestripe was on her side, breathing heavily as if in pain. Wait... that's not right!

    Maplekit flattened her ears as Nettlestripe gave a loud yowl. Mottlebranch jumped in surprise.

    "It's time!" Nettlestripe gasped.

    "I'll fetch Crowfur." Mottlebranch raced out of the den.

    Thrushheart sped over to Nettlestripe's side. She ran her tail along her back while whispering something Maplekit didn't catch. Copperkit and Squirrelkit scampered over to Maplekit.

    "What's happening?" Copperkit whimpered. Maplekit shook her head helplessly, mind completely blank with all that was happening.

    "She's kitting!" Squirrelkit hissed at her brother.

    Just then, Mottlebranch came bursting back into the den with Crowfur at her heels. The medicine cat dropped her bundle of herbs and placed a paw on Nettlestripe's stomach. The queen gasped in pain as a wave passed through her body.

    "The first one's coming," Crowfur announced, passing a long stick to Nettlestripe. "Chew on this."

    The ginger she-cat clamped her jaws around the branch, breathing through gritted teeth. Mottlebranch swept the three kits towards the nursery entrance. "Stay out here!" she ordered.

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