Chapter 28

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"No, that's still not right," Riverheart's voice drifted into the medicine den. The white warrior was in the clearing, instructing Mothpaw on her battle training. The whole of EarthClan was preparing for the coming battle. If Crowfur stayed true to her threat, they only had two more sunrises.

Maplepaw stepped back to check over her herbs. She had been refilling her stash to make sure she had enough to treat her Clanmates after the battle. She pawed through a few shelves, mind spinning. I might need some more horsetail... and more cobwebs just to be sure...

She wasn't sure if she was overdoing it or not. But she didn't know what else to do, and she had to be doing something. Just sitting around gave her too much time to worry about the battle and think about what Crowfur had done. She had to keep herself busy. Besides, greenleaf is ending, and herbs don't grow too well during the colder moons, she figured.

Making up her mind, she turned and left the den. It was past sunhigh. Riverheart and Mothpaw were leaving the camp with Foxdust and Lionpaw: Maplepaw guessed they were heading for the training grounds. Ripplestar was on top of the Greatrock with a few of the senior warriors; Brambleflame and Ashstorm were talking near the fresh-kill pile. Turning her head, Maplepaw spotted Thunderkit and Breezekit tackling with each other outside the nursery, Speckledkit watching from a distance. Fernpool was keeping a careful eye on them, although her gaze was clouded. Maplepaw knew she must be thinking about what her kits had done in the battle. But everyone was thinking about the battle... and the one that was yet to come.

Just then, Copperstripe appeared from the warrior's den. Purring, Maplepaw bounded over to him. "Enjoying your new den?" she asked.

Copperstripe puffed out his chest in pride. "Totally!"

"Really?" Squirrelshine slunk out beside her brother. She shook out her pelt, eyes glittering with annoyance. "It's so crowded in there! It's no fair Lionpaw and Mothpaw get the apprentice's den all to themselves now."

Maplepaw gazed across the clearing at the den of straw, then switched her gaze to the kits near the nursery. "Speckledkit will be apprenticed soon," she pointed out. There weren't many young cats left in EarthClan... thanks to Crowfur. "But you can always ask R-Ripplestar to stay in the apprentice's den for now," she added teasingly.

Copperstripe stiffened. "No way! We're warriors now!" he boasted.

Maplepaw smiled up at him and he returned her gaze with a smirk.

"Well, I heard Dapplestream is expecting kits," Squirrelshine butted in.

"Really?" Maplepaw turned to her. "Who's the father?"

"Who do you think?" Squirrelshine laughed, glancing at the fresh-kill pile. "She and Ashstorm have gotten close over the moons."

Maplepaw followed her gaze to the black and white tom, relieved at the thought of new life. Dapplestream's kits will survive, she thought firmly. All of them. Now that she knew Crowfur had been behind the multiple kitten deaths in the Clan and the medicine cat was no longer in EarthClan, she knew both the remaining and new kits will be safe.

"We should get going." Copperstripe broke her thoughts as he started forward. "We've got warrior duties to get to!"

Maplepaw flicked her tail over his ear as he walked past. "Don't get too cocky," she purred.

After the tom left, Maplepaw realized Squirrelshine was staring at her. "What?"

The dark brown she-cat opened her mouth a moment, then clamped it shut again. She glanced toward Copperstripe before turning back to Maplepaw, frowning. With a shake of her head, she pounced after her brother.

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