Chapter 20

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Runningflake paced in front of the nursery, fur on end. Crowfur and Maplepaw sat nearby with a clump of herbs at their paws. They were expecting Fernpool's kits any minute now. Maplepaw watched Runningflake anxiously, flattening her ears as a yowl came from inside the nursery walls. The tom froze as Yelloweye poked her head through the grass.

"It's time!"

Runningflake gasped and rushed into the den. Maplepaw leaped to her paws and, grabbing her share of the herbs, pushed through the entrance after her mentor.

The gray tom was next to his mate, quivering restlessly. The she-cat had her claws dug into the ground, breathing heavily. Yelloweye was at the other side of the den with Speckledkit beside her. Nettlestripe, who had barely moved from the last time Maplepaw had seen her, had her head turned toward the scene, although she seemed lost.

Yelloweye lowered her head until her muzzle reached the ginger she-cat's ear. "New kits bring new hope to the Clan, right?" she whispered.

Nettlestripe narrowed her eyes. "What's the point?" she spat. "Kits bring nothing but grief." She turned her head sharply.

Yelloweye flinched, wrapping her tail around Speckledkit protectively.


Maplepaw hurried over to Crowfur, who was now seated beside Fernpool. The medicine cat's tail twitched in annoyance.

"Would you escort Runningflake out?" she muttered. "I can't work with his nerves shaking up the den."

Runningflake's eyes widened. "But Fernpool—"

"Fernpool will be fine," Crowfur growled. "Don't you trust my judgment?"

Before he could reply, Fernpool let out another yowl. As Runningflake stiffened, Maplepaw dropped the herbs in her jaws and nudged the tom's flank with her nose.

"C-come on," she growled and pressed her head against his pelt, pushing the confused warrior out of the nursery. "Crowfur k-knows what she's d-doing."

As soon as they were outside, Runningflake began to pace once again. Maplepaw sat in front of the nursery entrance, watching the tom in case he tried to rush back inside.

Riverheart gave a purr and joined his brother. "Calm down, Runningflake. Fernpool and your kits will be alright," he comforted, although Maplepaw saw a short flicker of doubt flash in his eyes. She guessed he was thinking about Palekit.

He nudged the gray warrior. With a sigh, Runningflake forced himself to sit down. "I guess you're right," he murmured, but his pelt jerked at every sound from the nursery.

Maplepaw pricked her ears as Ripplestar padded over to the toms. Her whiskers twitched. "For StarClan's sake, Runningflake, instead of worrying the Clan, how about you do something useful?"

Runningflake blinked. "Like what?" Before any cat could reply, he leaped to his paws. "I know! I'll fetch Fernpool some water! She'll like that!" he exclaimed before pelting out of camp.

Riverheart gave a mrrow of amusement. "I guess that's how he got his name."

Ripplestar sat beside her littermate. "Sometimes he acts more like a kit than a warrior," she commented.


Maplepaw jumped at Crowfur's voice. She turned around sharply and slipped into the nursery.

Crowfur was crouched by Fernpool's tail. When Maplepaw settled beside her, she realized the medicine cat had a wet tom-kit in her jaws. She laid him at the apprentice's paws.

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