Chapter 22

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Maplepaw gulped down the remaining bits of vole before wiping her tongue over her lips. A moon had passed since Nettlestripe's death. Although the grief had passed from most of EarthClan, Maplepaw still noticed Lionpaw and Mothpaw looking unfocused or confused often. They didn't eat as much and they didn't show much of the apprentice energy they should, and Maplepaw was beginning to get concerned. She knew the two young cats had been through two tragic losses in a short amount of time and she knew they'd be permanently scarred. She felt bad for them. She knew what it felt like to lose someone she loved early on in life and she hoped Mothpaw and Lionpaw would eventually be okay.

Rising to her paws, Maplepaw gave a long stretch. It was sunhigh; there was still a good amount of time before the gathering that night. She was about to turn into the medicine den to see if Crowfur needed her when Copperpaw approached her. The tom seemed a bit uneasy and he shifted his paws as he stopped in front of her. "Hey, Maplepaw," he began.

"Hey," she answered, tipping her head. "What's up?"

Copperpaw seemed to regain his composure as he shook his head and looked up at her. "It's just... I was looking forward to battle training today, but Hayfern wanted to rest before the gathering. She said I can go without her, but I can't really battle train alone..."

Maplepaw glanced around the camp. "Are you looking for Squirrelpaw?" she asked. "I think I saw her—"

"No!" Copperpaw interrupted a little too quickly. "I-I mean, Squirrelpaw's going hunting with Dapplestream. I thought... maybe you'd like to train with me?"

"Me?" The she-cat blinked. She didn't think she needed much battle training, being a medicine cat apprentice, but... Copperpaw didn't have any other cat to train with. And, gazing into the tom's glittering yellow eyes, she couldn't bring herself to disappoint him. Just me and Copperpaw. That sounds nice. Lately, she had been spending more time with the tom. Even when Squirrelpaw wasn't around. She was aware of the brown she-cat casting the two of them weird looks every now and then, but Maplepaw couldn't understand why. Copperpaw was sweet and easy to hang out with, and training with him sounded fun enough.

"Sure," Maplepaw purred. "I just have to ask Crowfur."

She heard Copperpaw echo her purr as she turned into the medicine cave. She found her mentor bustling around the herb stash, tail lashing. Every now and then, she would dig through a pile of herbs before grunting and continuing her pacing.

Maplepaw eyed her curiously, trying to figure out what the black she-cat was doing. "Crowfur?"

The medicine cat jumped and whipped around to face her apprentice, seeming distressed. "What?" she snapped.

Maplepaw shrank backward. Her mentor had been like this all day. Frustrated, stressed, even a bit anxious. Maplepaw didn't know what was up with her, but she knew better than to question the older she-cat. Crowfur just got in weird moods sometimes. "I-I was just g-gonna ask you if I can go battle training w-with Copperpaw," she mewed.

"Battle training?" The idea seemed to lighten Crowfur's mood. She curled her tail over her paws, her eyes clearing. "I think that's a wonderful idea."

Maplepaw stared at her. "You do?" The sudden change in her mentor's mood made her suspicious.

"Of course. You should always be ready for battle."

Maplepaw felt unease bloom inside of her. For some reason, she felt the medicine cat was just a little too expectant for a battle. It must be just because she's a medicine cat, the apprentice told herself. She's seen the wounds warriors take when they come back from battle and wants to prevent more from happening.

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