Chapter 9

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Alex's POV =)

I still can't belive I got signed. I called my family last night and told them, they were very proud of me. I also texted a few close friends about it as well. Rebecca and I are having a girls day out today, which will be nice and I also need to buy Louis a present, since it's his birthday tomorrow. And I also need to get Rebecca a Christmas present. None of us are going home for Christmas, I can't, Rebecca doesn't want too and the boys don't want to leave us. Which I think is stupid since they should go home to their families. I got up and took a quick shower and slipped on my dark blue denim jeans, a navy blue and white striped batwing long sleeve top and blue pimsoles. I put my hair in a messy bun adding a white ribbon and I put on my gold fox ring. I just put on conceler and a little bit of lipstick and I grabbed my purse and phone and went down stairs. I saw Rebecca waiting for me and for once in her life, she wasn't wearing heels. "Oh my god, you aren't wearing heels!" I said looking at her black Vans. "I know, it feels weird!" she exclamied. I laughed and then we set off for our day. "So where should we go for breakfast?" I asked. "That little breakfast cafe down the road?" Rebecca suggested. I nodded and we went to the local cafe. I orderd a Hot Chocolate and  bacon and eggs. We sat down and started talking. "Yeah, I transfered to London with my job, which is good" Bec said. I nodded and I said "When I get enough money, I'm going to buy my own flat". "Aren't you going back to Ireland?" Rebecca asked. Sometimes she can be a real dumb ass. "Dude,  I just got a recordring contract yesterday, you really think that I would move back to Ireland now?" I asked. "Oh yeah, well I forgot" she said. Our food came a good 10 minutes later and we dug in. "This is amazing!" I said. Rebecca nodded, her mouth full. I'm pretty sure I was still half asleep when we get going, I don't fully wake up until like 11am, it's only 9. I think I get that from my Dad. We set off on a shopping trip, we didn't get much yesterday. Louis bought me the jumper and that's all I got. We went into American Apparel. We are going to do some damage today. I went and picked out a few things and tried them on, buying them all. I love shopping, it's one of my favourite past times. Before our house burnt down, I had so many clothes and lot's of them were vintage, so that sadned me a lot. I don't have a particular style but I am quite girly at times. Once we were done there, we went to Zara. I found the most gorgeous pair of Wedge Sneakers, they were cream and gold and I HAD to get them. Time flies when you are shopping and soon it was lunch time. "Where should we go for lunch?" I asked. "I have no idea, Starbucks?"  Rebecca suggested. "Yeah ok" I said. We chatted until we got to Starbucks, ordering our food and drinks for take away. "Wanna go to the park?" I asked. She nodded and we went to the park. "Can I ask you something?" I said. "Yeah what?". "Why didn't you tell me about Niall and you?" I asked. Rebecca stayed silent for a moment and said "I really don't know, I do trust you Alex and you are my best friend, but what would've happened if you knew and we broke up, you would be mad at Niall for breaking my heart or mad at me for breaking his heart, so we thought that it was better that you didn't know for a while". I nodded and then said "Yeah but you guys were always meant to be together" I said. "What?" she asked confused. "You and Niall are perfect for itch other!" I said. She smiled and said "Just like you and Louis". Oh god here we go again. "Bec, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me, just because he kissed me doesn't mean they like me!". "WHAT HE KISSED YOU!'' she screamed. "Shh people are looking!" I said. She blushed and said "When did this happen?". "About a week ago" I said going red. "Did you kiss back?" she asked. I shook my head and said "No, I didn't know what to do soI ran away and then I met Union J". "What really?!" she asked. "Yeah at the cafe we had breakfast at this morning" I said. "Oh my god, did you get there number's?" she asked. I nodded and Rebecca squealed. "Oh my god you could totally date George!" she said. "Hold on a minute ago, you were saying that I was ment to date Louis" I said raising an eyebrow. "Well, you and George would be cute together but you and Louis are meant for itch other, didn't he come and watch you peform yesterday nobody else came and watched, Matt never went to your ballet concerts did he?" she asked. "Yeah so what if he came, there were loads of people there and Matt didn't come because they go on for ever and ever". "Yeah but look at the signs women he likes you a lot, he bought you a jumper yesterday didn't he, god you really are blonde aren't you!" she said face palming. "Ok say if he does like me, why hasn't he asked me out yet?" I asked. "Because Alex, he is afraid of you saying no, Alex you are a beautiful girl but sometime guys fear rejection just us much as girls, I know some of the guys in senior year wanted to ask you but were to afraid too". "Yeah that's because they are all to afraid to do anything!" I said. "Touche my good friend". That made us burst into a fit of giggles.

Louis's POV =)

The boys and I are just chilling at home today. "So when are you going to ask Alex out?" Harry asked. "Excuse me, I would prefer if you don't talk about my cousin like that" Niall said. "Sorry mate" I said. "Nah it's ok, spose I'm dating her best friend, kinda the same thing" Niall said. I nodded and I said "I have no idea when I'm going to ask her out". "You should really do it soon" Zayn said. "Hold on a minute, I thought you had the hots for her?" Liam asked. "Just because I think she's hot, doesn't mean I like her, there is this other girl that is always playing soccer when I go out that I like, we've talked a few times, her name is Zara" Zayn said. Aw Zayn is in love. "Like the shop?" I asked. The boys laughed and Zayn said "Well no, she is not a girly girl and loves her sports, she is amazing". "ZAYN IS IN LOVE!" Harry yelled. "Shutup curly" Zayn said going red. "But anyway, when should I ask her out?" I asked everyone. "Tomorrow" Niall said. "Wait at the party that we are having?" I asked. He nodded and I said "Fine done, tomorrow it is". "Oh yay finally!" Liam said. I glared at him and then Niall said "So whats for dinner?". "Niall, it's only like 3pm there is a good 3 hours till dinner!" I said. "Yeah so, I like to know what I'm eating for dinner!" Niall said. Good point. "I'll call Alex and see if they can bring us something home" I said. "Okie dokie" Harry said. I grabbed my phone and put in Alex's number.

"Hello Lou".

"Hey Alex, I was wondering if you would be able to bring something home for dinner for the boys and I?'' I asked. 

"Yeah sure ok, Chinese sound ok?" she asked. Her voice is so cute, kinda like a Irish Emma Watson.

"Yeah Chinese sounds great, thanks Alex".

"Anytime Lou, anyway I have to go now, Bec and I are going into a Harry Potter store!" she exclmaied. I smiled to myself, I could almost see the grin on her face.

"Bye Alex, have fun". I jung up after that and said "Chinese sound good?". The boys all cheered, so that must mean a yes.

----------------------------------------------------------------3 hours later-------------------------------------------

"Oh god, I'm dying of starvation" Niall said. "Niall, you had a packet of chips 10 minutes ago!" Liam said. "I know, that was a long time ago!" Niall said. We heard the door open and Alex yelled ''WE COME WITH FOOD!". She walked into the lounge room and chucked a massive bag of chinese at us and put her bags down and came and sat with us. "I have the honey chicken and the iced tea, so hand it over Nialler" she said. Niall sighed and handed her the food. "Thanks bro". Ah this is the life, just chilling with your best friends.

Hey Hey!

Wooh two updates in two days!

Haha, I won't be updating as much anymore because school starts tomorrow :(

Alex's outfit ^^ :)

Did you hear about Zayn and Perrie? I hope it's not true what he did :(

Comment and vote please <3

Lots of love,

~Alex xxxxx

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