Chapter 20

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Alex's POV =)

Oh my god, I'm meeting Ed Sheeren today. I'm so excited yet so nervous. I rolled over to see that Louis was still there. I smiled, he looked so adorable asleep. I cuddled back into him, he was so warm. I felt him stir. I crap I had woken him up!

"Lou, I'm so sorry" I said. 

"Its fine Ally" he said smiling. Oh god, his smile.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He needs his sleep at the moment.

"Alex, I promise you that I was awake" he said kissing my forhead. I smiled and rested back in his arms. He started playing with my hair, tangling it in between his fingers.

"Don't rip it out" I said giggling.

"I would never do that, I love your hair too much". I blushed and we contunied to talk for about an hour. I told Louis that I was meeting Ed Sheeran and he said he is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. 

"Lou, I need to have a shower" I said.

"Can I come with you?" Louis asked with a wink.

"No way" I said grabbing my clothes and walking into the bathroom. I stripped off and turned the shower on, letting the hot water run all over my body. About 5 minutes later there was a knock at the door.

"Ally, I need to pee" Louis said.

"Go to your bathroom" I said.

"No, I can't wait" Louis said. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine come in, just don't look" I said. I quickly wrapped a towel around me and then opened the door for him. He ran to the toilet and I turned around. 

"You know, you shouldn't be wearing a towel" Louis said. I rolled my eyes, he is such a pervet this morning!

"I think I should be wearing one" I said. I started to brush my hair because it would be easier to dry if it was not tangled. Louis put his head on my shoulder and then kissed my neck. Ah great, a hicky. I moaned. 

"Louisssss" I moaned.

"What?" he asked pulling his lips off my neck.

"You just gave me hicky" I said. He laughed and kissed my forhead.

"Now everyone can know that your mine" he said hugging me. I blushed and then pushed him out of the bathroom. I dried my hair of and put it in a messy bun. I put on some denim skinny jeans, a off red sweater with a white peter pan collar and I put some black stud earrings on. I put on a little bit of make-up on and then went out and slipped on my black velvet slippers. I put my phone on charge and went down stairs and found Louis making toast. I made us some tea and then went down and sat at the table.

"Wheres Niall and Bec?" I asked.

"I have no idea, still asleep I think" Louis said.

"What time do you have to leave?" I asked. Louis came and sat down and handed me a plate with some toast on it and said,

"At 12". It is 10am now. We ate our breakfast and then a sleepy Niall and Rebecca.

"Is there any food for us?" Niall asked. I shook my head and giggled.

"I'll make something" Bec said going into the kitchen. Once I was finished I went up to my room and grabbed my black messanger bag, my phone and purse and then headed downstairs. Louis was going to take me since he knows where Ed lives and I don't. I said goodbye to Bec and Niall and then we jumped into Lou's car and dove off. We talked most of the way and once we got there, I started to freak out.

Irresistible: Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now