Chapter 33

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Alex's POV =)

Today was the day of my interview and I'm freaking out. I texted Louis last night telling him that I have my interview today and he told me that I will be fine. I had a quick shower and curled my hair and put it in a neat pony tail and hairsparyed it so the curls would stay.

I put on my black high waisted jeans, a 3/4 sleeve white sheer crop top with lace deatiling, my black and white Katz(the Topshop shoes El Calder has) and my rose gold love heart necklace. I got my black Effie and walked down stairs.

I couldn't eat breakfast, for the fear that I would throw up if I ate. I was going to leave half an hour early to walk to the bus stop so I could get to the LFI on time. Man I really need a car. 

I left at 9.30 so I could get to the Instatuite in time. I paid for my ticket on the bus and sat down, feeling nervous as ever. I played around on my phone, texting my friend Zac and replying to my Mum and Dad's texts wishing me good luck from everyone. Once I arrived, my jaw dropped open. The bulding was huge! I walked inside and went to the lady at the frontdesk.

"I'm Alexandra Horan and I have an interview with Louise Jamieseon at 10.30" I said. The lady looked up, she looked to be around her late 40s and she had that look that she really didn't want to be here.

"3rd floor, 2nd office on you're right" she said in a bored tone. I thanked her and went in the lift. I waited outsideher office for around 10 minutes and then she opened the door and let me in.

"So you must be Alexandra Horan?" she asked. I nodded and she smiled.

"Ok this is going to sound really weird and all but you are a style icon, my eldest daughter LOVES you're fashion sense" Louise said which made me smile.

"Anyway, back to busniess". She asked me a series of questions, most of them being quite easy.

"You will work on my floor because from what I've heard, you have great potentiel already".

"Er, who told you that?" I asked.

"I know my people" she said with a slight grin. I have a feeling that she knows Lou Tesdale.

"Oh ok" is all I said.

"And one more question" Louise said. I nodded for her to contunie.

"Do you know how to blog and use Polyvore?" she asked. 

"Yes, yes I do" I said with a small smile. She looked at her computer where she typed all my answers to my questions and I held my breath.

"So, do I have the job?" I asked.

"Honey, this job was yours before you even entered my office" Louise said with a small grin.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" I said with a huge grin.

"You start in a month on a Monday" she said. I grinned and I had to restrain myself from squealing. I left Louise's office feeling happy and so realived.I went back down stairs and caught the bus back home. On the way home, I texted Louis that I got the job.

To- Louuu<3x

I got the job :) x

From- Louu<3x

Thats amazing! See I told you would be fine!x

I smiled to myself and then got off at my stop and walked back to my flat. When I got back I saw something quite surprising on my door step, Bec was siting there.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Well I forgot that you had you're interview so I came over and you weren't home" Bec said. I laughed and opened the door.

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