Chapter 47

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Alex's POV =)

"GUYS WAKE UP ITS GRAND FINAL DAY TODAY!" I yelled out. We had arrived in Melbourne two days ago and the boys had a concert last night and everyone else is still asleep, excpet for me. I had been awake for a good hour and I was all dressed.

I had on a white knit and over the knit I had a Port Power gernsey, denim jeans, white Converse, pearl studs and a grey beanie. I had on some make-up and my hair was down and natural. I have been texting Zac all morning because we are both massive Port supporters! Sydney Swans are also in the Grand Final and know they are going to be hard to beat because they won the 2012 one.

"ALEX SHUT UP!" Niall yelled out. I laughed and went back into the room that Louis and I share. 

"Lou, can you get up soon?" I asked him in his ear. 

"Mmm what is the time babe?" he asked opening his eyes. His morning voice is some sexy shit.

"It's 10am and the game starts at 2.30" I said sitting on the end of the bed. Louis sat up and gave me a sleepy smile which I returned.

"What team should I go for?" Louis asked getting out of bed and getting some clothes.

"Port because Sydney suck" I said chucking him a scarf from my bag. He laughed and then went for a shower. I cleaned up my suit case because I had clothes thrown everywhere. I texted Zac back and then went and made myself some breakfast. We have more food in Melbourne because we only arrived two days ago and I went shopping yesterday. 

I made myself an omlete and I tea and sat down to watch some TV, which I hardly ever do. I could hear people waking up and turning the showers on. I went back to watching The Game Day Show when Louis came out wearing my scarf.

"So um do we like cheer and stuff?" Louis asked which caused me to laugh. I nodded and quickly made him an omlete and we sat down to watch the show. Louis was getting into it, asking me the players names and were they play. 

Bec came out a little while later wearing a cream/beige knit, black jeans, white Converse and a black beanie which said "Ragged". Her hair down like mine but in her natural curls.

"Louis, you don't want to sit next to her during the game she will blast you're ear drums out" Bec said walking to the kitchen.

"You have only watched one football game with me and we were loosing so I think that is fair" I pointed out. Louis nodded in agreement and then Niall walked into the kitchen wearing his Sydney Swans gernsey, not even saying hello.

"Morning Niall, Morning Alex, how are you this morning, would be nice" I said to Niall. Niall rolled his eyes at me and contunied eating his food. Soon everyone was up and awake. The only people who had anything supporter like on were Louis, Niall and I. After a while, we left for the MCG.

"Zac is meeting us outside the hotel" I said as we got in the lift. I felt Louis's hand tense up in mine and I gave him a funny look. He looked away and I just shurgged it off. I have a feeling that Louis doesn't like Zac all that much but I can hardly see why. Zac is a lot like Louis in some ways.

As we got out of the lift I saw the famalier blonde haired boy waiting for me, in a Port gernsey. I let go of Louis's hands and he saw me and grinned. I ran over to him and he pulled me into a hug.

"Horan" he said with a smile which made me grin.

"Fox" I said grinning. Zac and I have always had a close realtionship. He and Bec are some of my cloest friends that know everything about me. Will nearly everything, they don't know about Matt. Only Louis know's about that.

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