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~Katya's POV~

On Monday morning, I found myself walking through the University's front doors just fifteen minutes before nine AM, my all white, high-top converse thumping against the tiled floors. I found Saki and Zena sitting at a table in the cafeteria with one another, all of the others standing in the line to get something for breakfast.

"Good morning." Saki smiled as I sat down with them, causing me to give her a smile. Zena glanced up and waved a hand at me in greeting, slurping on some orange juice. "Hey, Kat." Zena said, looking rather sleepy this morning. I hid a smile and took off my backpack, setting it in my lap to lean forwards into the table. My eyes wandered mindlessly around the cafeteria as I waited for the time to tick on by, anticipating having to go to English class. As my eyes trailed over the room, studying all of the different people and the odd things some of them were doing, I spotted a familiar face that had me blinking in surprise as I stared intently after the large frame.

"I didn't know Onyx went here as well." I mentioned aloud to Zena and Saki, curiously glancing at the two of them. Zena cocked up a brow at me, letting out an amused giggle. "Well, duh. How do you think we all got to be friends with him?" She teased in a playful tone, a little smile on her full lips. I shrugged my shoulders, glancing back at him as he walked through the cafeteria, shouldering people out of his way when he didn't feel like walking around them. "It's a miracle that man got anyone to be friends with him." I responded in a mutter, shaking my head.

Saki choked on a laugh, causing my eyes to flick over to her as she threw her head back in laughter. "Kiki!" Zena whisper-yelled at her in a scolding manner, gently nudging her in the side with the point of her elbow. All that Saki did was giggle, trying to control her laughter that left her lips. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but she does have a point. He's a cranky, grumpy man and you know it." She told Zena, who just huffed and rolled her eyes. "Maybe, but he's not a bad guy." She responded in his defense, a dark eyebrow of Saki's cocking up at her words. Saki shared a look with me and then stared at Zena. "You just say that because you've been friends with him the longest." Saki said.

A little surprised, I blinked, my eyes flicking over to Zena. "You have?" I asked, intrigued by that. She was the exact opposite of him, all cheerful and kind while he was a man who seemed to enjoy scaring and intimidating others. It was odd to think that she had been the first of the entire group to befriend him.

Her eyes found mine as she nodded her head, absentmindedly stirring the straw around within her container of orange juice with her fingers. "Yeah. We met before we went to college, back in tenth grade of high school." She told me. I cocked my head to the side and hummed in thought, furrowing my brows. "Is this your first year here?" I wondered, but she shook her head and grinned. "Third." She told me. "And same for Onyx." She added, more as an afterthought than anything. I furrowed my brows and frowned slightly. "Is that why I don't see you guys around on campus almost ever?" I asked, earning a soft laugh and a gentle, quick nod of her head. "Yep." She chirped.

"By the way..." Saki began after the conversation died down, her foot nudging my leg beneath the table in order to catch my attention. I looked at her, curiously raising a brow as I waited for her to speak. "Did something happen between you and him? After we left that antique store on Saturday, he seemed even more grumpy than usual." She mentioned, and Zena gasped, eyes widening. "So you noticed that, too? I thought maybe I was imagining it!" She exclaimed in agreement to Saki.

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, leaning further into the table so I was slumped over it, the action making my beige denim shorts tighten around the expanse of my waist. The shorts exposed more of my back, but thankfully the plaid green button up I had on over my crop top hid my skin a little. "Yeah, I was looking at some stuff and he was looking at the same things, and I guess he didn't like that I was glancing at him because he started talking shit." I told the two of them, shrugging my shoulders as I recalled the incident. "So I decided to give him a little bit of shit back, and he didn't like that. That's really all that happened." I explained, causing Saki to giggle softly while Zena shook her head gently, the edges of her full lips twitching into a smile.

"Sounds like Onyx." Zena stated, a tinge of fondness within her voice that had me eyeing her slightly before I looked away.

Saki chuckled, her dark brown eyes glinting with amusement as she looked at me. "Poor Kat. Onyx can be quite an asshole when he wants to be, so just don't let him walk all over you, okay? You can always come to one of us, if you need." She offered to me, but I just waved a hand in a dismissive manner and shook my head. "Nah, it's okay. I'm a big girl and I can handle myself." I assured, not very concerned about it.

"Besides," I began to add as an afterthought, pulling my white crop top down a little more. "It really wasn't a big deal, so I doubt he'll try to talk me again anyways." I said, but the two of them exchanged glances that didn't look too very convinced by that. Still, I brushed it off, seeing the argument as something too insignificant to actually mean anything. He'd ignore me, and I'd leave him be. It was that simple.

At least, that was what I continued to tell myself.

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