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~Katya's POV~

Unsurprisingly, I was alone when I woke up the next morning, after I had somehow managed to fall back asleep beside Onyx. I laid there on my back for a while, peering up at the ceiling as I listened to the utter silence that had settled over my apartment now that he was gone. It was just me here again, and despite the fact that I had lived here on my own for a while now, I suddenly felt a little more lonely. I'd gotten too used to having him around.

As I laid there in bed, my phone began to ring, causing me to groan to myself before I leaned over and snatched it off of my bedside table. "What?" I answered the phone grumpily, not even bothering to hide my bad mood. I mean, Onyx had been incredibly blunt and cruel when he ended things. This isn't fun anymore, He'd said. I don't want to keep fucking you.

Who the hell says that to someone? If he didn't want to continue this, I could probably try to begin to accept that, but he didn't have to put it the way he did. And what had even caused the sudden change of character in the first place? It had come out of nowhere, but I remembered the look on his face when he said it, so I knew he was being serious. He didn't want me anymore. I'd been discarded, like I was never even there to begin with.

"Geez, what crawled up your ass and died? You sound grouchy as hell." Zena remarked, causing me to grunt in annoyance as I rolled over onto my stomach and pressed my cheek into the cold side of my pillowcase. "Onyx ended things last night, saying this wasn't fun, how he doesn't want to fuck me. If you can't guess, I don't like it." I explained simply, knowing that she was going to likely find out at some point. There wasn't much of a point in trying to hide it from her.

She let out a soft giggle. "Which part don't you like—The insult part or just the fact that he broke it off with you?" She asked, causing me to pause and clench my jaw slightly. I hesitated to respond, eventually letting out a heavy sigh. "I just...I don't know, I thought things were changing. He doesn't glare at me all the time anymore, and he didn't seem to mind being around me alone. We even spent this entire past week together at my apartment, but then he randomly called it off last night." I said softly, biting gently on my bottom lip.

There was a brief pause of silence, as if she were stunned. "He stayed with you at your apartment for the entire week?" She asked, surprise clear in her voice. "I've never known Onyx to do that since I've met him, not even with his friends. He usually likes his privacy." Zena added thoughtfully.

My lips twitched up slightly. "Yeah. It was really nice. I'd expected him to just want to have sex the entire time he was here, but....we actually talked and cuddled a lot." I told her, earning a soft chuckle from her. "You got him to cuddle with you?!" She asked, laughing to herself. A furrow of confusion formed between my brows, lost. "What's so funny?" I pouted, unsure what she was laughing about.

Zena's laugh died down but I could still hear the smile within her voice when she spoke. "It's just amusing that you got him to do that. He must really like you." She remarked, causing me to purse my lips. "Yeah, he likes me so much that he ended things between us." I responded sarcastically. A beat of silence passed between us and I let out a sigh. "Sorry, but I'm obviously not happy about it." I grumbled.

"You don't have to apologize. It's obvious you have feelings for him, Kat." Zena responded with a soft voice, causing my face to burn at her words, which I knew were true. I had obviously not spoken about it to anyone, though, and it had me a little flustered. "Did you tell him about it?" She asked, only earning a soft scoff from me. "Hell no. It's probably pointless now, anyways." I said with a frown, rolling over onto my back. A low sigh left her. "You don't know that. I'm telling you, Kat, that he's never been like this before. I think you should at least tell him, you know. Pretending like your feelings don't exist won't make it so." She advised me gently.

I hesitated, staring up at the ceiling in deep thought. Did she really have a point here? If Onyx didn't return my feelings, would I be able to handle hearing it from him? Would I be able to handle the rejection?

"You're right." I agreed weakly, knowing that she was. There was no denying these feelings, or pretending like they didn't exist. At the very least, I figured I should get these feelings out in the open, even if Onyx didn't return them. Even if it meant my heart got broken in the end, I wanted him to know. "I'll tell him." I said, silently vowing to myself that I would. When I'd do so, I wasn't sure, but it needed to be sooner rather than later. If it wasn't, I'd talk myself out of it.

But even with the vow to myself, I knew it would take me a lot of courage to get the words out to him.

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