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~Katya's POV~

I sat down in my usual seat in my Astrology class the next day, joined by Saki just a few minutes later. Looping my backpack over the back of my chair after I'd taken out my textbook, I set the hefty book in front of me on the table and glanced over at Saki as she tapped her fingers against my arm.

"Yeah?" I asked curiously when I spotted the look on her face, cocking my head to the side. She looked as though she wanted to ask me a question. "Are you coming over to Onyx's after classes end? Zena said they're already there together—her and Onyx, I mean." She said, dark brown eyes peering at me in expectation of my answer. I shook my head, brushing my fingers through my fiery hair. "Ah, I can't." I responded with a frown. "There's a bunch of homework that I gotta catch up on."

Saki pouted but nodded her head in understanding, tapping the eraser of her pencil against the table. "Maybe next time, then." She smiled. I just smiled back softly and nodded my head, fiddling with the pages of my textbook.

I suppose it wasn't necessarily a bad thing that I couldn't go to Onyx's place to hang out with everyone, mostly because I was still really sore from yesterday and sitting at home seemed more appealing. It wasn't like I had never had sex before because I'd slept with four other guys, but none had been as large as him. Certainly none of them had fucked me like that, either. My body felt worn out and my thighs still ached, the back of my thighs littered with bruises from how hard he'd been gripping them. I'd worn a pair of black sweatpants with a lightning print on them just to prevent the marks from being seen, my black t-shirt with a brightly colored graphic print on it falling loosely over my frame. My right leg absentmindedly bounced as I bit in the inside of my cheek, the white low-rise sneakers on my feet creasing just a bit.

Onyx and I, despite the fact that he'd fucked me into oblivion just yesterday, hadn't seen nor spoken to one another since he walked out of my apartment. The gym had finished being renovated today, too, so I no longer had him in my yoga class with me. Hopefully he didn't think I was trying to duck him by not going today or I'd have to put the man in his place.

Astrology class went by faster than normal it seemed and, before I even knew it, I was walking down the sidewalk to get to the bus stop to take me back to my apartment. I plopped down in one of the seats, looking out the window as I watched the buildings and people pass by as the bus drove down the streets. When I got back home, I went up to my floor and entered my apartment, locking the door behind myself. As I shut the door, I couldn't help the wave of heat that ran through my body, recalling the way that Onyx had fucked me right here just yesterday. My core throbbed slightly just thinking about it, causing me to shake my head to myself and turn around to head down the hallway to my bedroom.

Tossing my backpack onto my bed, I plopped onto the comfy blankets atop my bed and kicked my shoes off, letting them fall to the floor. I unzipped my bag and pulled out my things, beginning to get to work.


I was getting ready for bed when my phone began to ring from where I had left it on my bedside table, causing me to frown and furrow my brows in confusion. With a toss of my old clothes that I'd been wearing into the laundry basket in my bathroom, I went and grabbed my phone, surprised to see that Onyx was calling me.

For a moment I just stared at the screen of my phone before I answered the call, raising my phone to my ear. "Onyx?" I said, confusion lacing my tone. "What are you calling me for? It's late." I wondered. It was really only about twelve AM, but I was usually asleep by ten PM at the latest, so it was a little bit later than I was used to.

He let out a grumble into the phone and I sat down on the edge of my bed. "You weren't here with everyone today." He stated, causing me to cock up a brow. I couldn't help the slight smirk that tugged up on the edges of my lips. "Aw, did you miss me?" I teased, a giggle leaving my lips when he made a sound of annoyance. It was clear that he wasn't fond of my teasing, but I found it pretty amusing. "Shut up." He grunted, the sound of his voice filled with irritation.

"Well, then." I said with an amused shake of my head, crossing one of my legs over the other. "What were you calling for, again?" I asked him yet again, bouncing my foot. He paused for a second, as if reluctant to say anything, which was unusual for him seeing as he seemed to like to say things that got on my nerves. "Nothing, really." He responded in a grumble. "Just wanted to make sure that you weren't, you know....somehow actually regretting that we fucked yesterday." He told me, sounding as if he couldn't believe the fact that he was saying that. I cocked up a brow, able to hear in his voice that he seemed to have trouble getting the words out. Maybe he'd never considered that a woman wouldn't enjoy being fucked by him, and I could see why.

Even so, I wanted to mess with him a little bit, which was why I didn't try to correct him. "Well, I didn't want to say anything but now that you mention it..." I said, purposely letting my words trail off.

The entire time that I spoke, I wore a shit eating grin on my face, biting on my bottom lip in order to stop myself from giggling when he scoffed into the phone. It seemed that I'd offended him. "Really?" He huffed. "You're trying to convince me you didn't like it, Katya? I remember the way you came for me, the way that you begged me to cum in that little pussy, so don't even try to convince me otherwise." He growled at me, his words making my jaw slack and my face burn in disbelief.

Of course it was true, but I hadn't expected him to say that! "I-I..." For the first time this man had me speechless, completely at a loss for words as I struggled to find something to say. "Shut up!" I exclaimed weakly, heat in my face. "I'm fine, okay, and I wasn't at your place today because I had a shit ton of homework to do. That's it." I told him hurriedly.

"Now, I'm going to to bed. Goodnight." I said, and then I hung up without waiting for him to respond.

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