Two: The Trek

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"He's dead," one of the medics said.

I couldn't believe it. Dead?! "NO!!" I screamed.

Adrenaline got me to break away from Harvey, and I pushed the medics away, hugging the perhaps dead body. I got soaked with blood, but I didn't care. I just prayed that this wasn't my last hug.

A police car screeched to a halt in front of the shop, and police officers started rushing in. The people started screaming, trying to get out, but the officers held everyone in for investigation.

Just then, I noticed someone looking at me through the glass window of the shop. Someone with a black hoodie and a black mask.

It was... the KILLER.

Harvey pulled me up from the dead body, and I just stared at the killer, deep into his dark, cunning eyes. My fist tightened, just as Harvey looked into what I was staring at.

Shocked, he lost grip of me, and I dashed at full speed toward the killer.

"ALEX ANDERSON!!!" Harvey shrieked, trying to chase me but quickly tripped.

I didn't care anymore. I was cry-running, straight into the killer. I rammed straight into the glass window, and the window shattered into pieces. I tackled the killer, both of us falling to the ground.

The police officers quickly rushed towards us, pointing their guns at the killer. The killer shoved me aside, getting up.

The killer turned to me, grinning. "You kid better stop, or you're next," he said, then he immediately started running. The cops started shooting but kept missing, and the next second, the killer was nowhere to be seen.

Everything that happened next was a chaos. Dad, who's apparently the chief police of Westdale, arrived at the scene with more officers. Mom arrived next and started freaking out, and then news started spreading that there was a killer on the loose. The cops started interviewing us and everyone in the shop, and soon Crumps was closed for the meantime.

Soon the dust kind of settled, and it was already almost midnight. There I was, sitting alone in the car, staring outside the window into the rain. Why did this happen to me? Who is the killer? Why did he have to shoot grandpa? Why MY grandpa out of all the grandpas in town?

I started to cry, sinking deeper into the seat. This was just the beginning of summer, and it was already off to a bad start. And the killer clearly wasn't done with his job. Why did he hate me so much? What have I done?

I had so many questions, and I needed answers. Quick. So you know what? I'm going to get that treasure box grandpa was talking about.

It was five in the morning, and a lone fifteen-year-old boy was sitting on a piece of broken wood next to the vandalized local diner. It was raining, and he was soaking wet, but he didn't bother to find cover. He merely pulled on his hoodie.

Yeah, that's me, and my mood is really damp. Crumps was vandalized by the people last night, 'cause people said it invited a killer to town. They smashed the windows, pulled down the sign, and ripped the cushions. The once local diner running 24/7 was turned into a devilish place.

I just sat there, not knowing what to do. My favorite hangout place and my beloved grandpa... all gone!"Can't sleep either huh," said another boy, taking a seat beside me on the ground. "Yesterday was a nightmare."

I looked at the boy, who apparently was Harvey. "You don't have to remind me."

"Look, it's not the end of the world. Everything's going to get back to normal once the killer is busted," Harvey said.I thrust myself to the ground. "Summer's already ruined. The killer might be busted sooner or later, but Westdale is not going back to the way it was before."

Summer Of Mayhem (Westside's Saga #1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now