Four: Kidnapped

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If just two hours ago, you would've told me that a random stranger would be driving Harvey and me in a pickup truck to the mine, I would've surely laughed.

But that was happening... now.

Sabrina offered to sneak into her house, grab her dad's pickup truck keys, and drive us to the mine. Insane right? For a total stranger.

"So you're old enough to drive?" I asked Sabrina, breaking the run of dead air in the car. Sabrina grinned. "Just turned seventeen. Plus, I think licenses only apply to the cities."

I nodded, looking out of the truck.

"You guys? Know how to drive?" Sabrina asked.

"I just got my license a few months ago," I replied, pointing at Harvey. "Harvey too."

The truck drifted to a halt behind some bushes, and Sabrina put the car in park gear. "The mine's right in front there. You got this?" she said.

I took a deep breath. "I guess."

"C'mon, the Goon is nothing more than a jerk disguised in a mask," Harvey told me.

"Let's... just go," I said, getting out of the truck, Harvey following me.

"I'll stay," Sabrina told us from inside. "Oh, and in case you need help," Sabrina tossed a walkie-talkie to me, "I'm right here."

I nodded, and we started to walk to the mine, slowly and carefully. I scanned the cave, and there was a classic mine railway, that ran all the way inside.

We continued walking ahead, suddenly spotting some tire tracks until we came across an intersection.

We followed the tire tracks to the left, walking further in. There started to be light coming from some kind of a cave, and just about then, I heard a voice. The voice of the... Goon.

"Yep, that's right. And we're all set," the voice said.

I told Harvey to be quiet and stay put, while I peeked inside the cave. Inside was a pickup truck, and two masked men hauling a big box inside the trunk of a van.

"Got my eyes on the Goon," I whispered to the radio, eyeing the Goon carefully.

He closed the door of the trunk, and I leaned closer to take a closer look at the cave, but I carelessly stepped on a random branch of wood on the ground and broke cover.

The Goon shot his head towards me, and I ducked behind the wall. The Goon snickered. "Oh look who it is!"

"What did you do?!" Harvey whispered.

"This freaking piece of wood!" I whispered back, signaling for Harvey to be silent.

"Anderson, is that you?" the Goon said as he walked towards the cave opening. "'Cause it better not be... or you're one dead meat."

I waited for the right time, and I struck. Once the Goon stepped out of the cave, I made my move. I punched my hand out, right into the face of the Goon.

He fell flat on the floor, and I spotted the Goon's keys that dropped out of his pants. But I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life... again.

I tripped.

Yeah. Simple as that, and it turned to be a real game-changer.

"Grab the keys!" I yelled to Harvey, pointing at the keys on the ground.

Harvey snatched the keys from the ground, but the Goon grabbed his leg just as he was about to run.

Harvey looked from the Goon to me, me to the Goon.

"Gimme those stupid keys and I'll let you slip this once. But It's gonna be the last straw," the Goon snarled.

Harvey's paused, then his nose wrinkled. "I don't trust you," he snapped. He tossed the keys to me, and I barely caught it.

And there was an opening, for me to run. Run with the Goon's keys. Far away to be never seen from the Goon again.

"Go!" Harvey yelled.

I stared at Harvey with wide eyes. Was he really making me do this?

The Goon grabbed Harvey's other leg, and he fell face-first on the floor. "I SAID GO!!" Harvey shouted. I had never seen Harvey that serious before.

Another masked man ran out of the cave, heading for me. "Get him!" the Goon yelled. I didn't waste any more time. I dashed ahead, heading out of the mine. As I made a run for it, I couldn't help but think If I hadn't been an idiot and tripped on the ground. I would've grabbed the keys, and Harvey and I would've made it out of the mine safely... with the keys.

But I had made a total fool of myself... and now Harvey's trapped with the Goon. And all I can do is blame myself.

"Pick me up at the entrance!" I shouted to the radio.

"Copy," Sabrina said through the radio.

My legs were aching, but I couldn't stop. Harvey had sacrificed himself and set me up, and all I had to do was finish what he started.

But the masked freak was gaining on me, so I tossed my walkie-talkie behind me, and it smacked flat on his face. He tripped, and the next second I was all alone.

I made it out of the mine, straight into the truck. I locked the door behind me, sinking into the car seat.

"Let's go!" I frantically exclaimed.

"Where's Harvey?!" Sabrina asked.

"I'll explain later," I said.

Sabrina kicked the gas pedal, and we sped forward, leaving the masked man behind us.

I frowned, closing my eyes. That was close. But at least I was safe, thanks to Sabrina.

"So where's he?" Sabrina asked again.

I sighed, looking at her. It was really hard to say, but it was the truth.

"Is he okay?" she said, all worried. 

I frowned, shaking my head. I opened my mouth to say the words, "The Goon's got his hands on him", and everything went slow motion.

I watched as Sabrina slammed the breaks. She opened her mouth in shock, and that's all I remember... before everything went pitch black.

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