Five: Mixed Results

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I fainted - wow. Especially at a time like this? Really bad. But at least I still woke up before dad came.

I woke up with Sabrina staring at me, but the blaring sirens outside distracted me.Sabrina gulped in surprise, then blushed.

I frowned, but focused my eyes on the ongoing scene outside. Flashing sirens, cop cars blocking the entrance of the mine, more cop cars, and armed cops guarding the place. The chief police walking up towards us.

Wait... repeat that. The chief police - none other than... dad?!

"What's happening?" I asked Sabrina, totally confused. What the heck was dad doing here? It took me a second to realize - Sabrina called the cops on the Goon. Of course, she did.

Sabrina beamed. "I called the cops on the Goon. Why?"

I gasped. Dad was coming closer, and if he saw and recognized me, he'll surely ground me... for coming so close to the Goon. At that moment, only one word popped into my head: disguise.

I quickly rummaged my hand around the truck, looking for something... just anything to disguise myself with.

Sabrina's smile slowly faded. "What's the matter?"

I held my hands up. "I'll explain later. Do you have a pair of shades or a hat or what?" I could feel my heart starting to race. Dad was coming closer, and I hoped he didn't recognize me through the tinted window.

Sabrina grabbed a pair of sunglasses from a drawer on her side door and handed them to me. I quickly put them on, continuing to search for something else to strengthen my disguise, 'cause I was sure dad would recognize me immediately even with a pair of shades on.

I felt my hand touch something hairy, and I quickly pulled it out, and to my surprise, it was a wig. I gasped as a fake mustache fell out too. I quickly put the wig on and stuck out my lips to hold the mustache over my mouth.

Just as I finished disguising myself, dad knocked on the window. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Sabrina rolled it open, and dad scanned the truck. "You reported a sighting of the Goon, ma'am?" dad confirmed in his cop voice.

"Yessir," Sabrina replied, a faint smile revealing on her face. 

Dad nodded. "Where is he?"

Sabrina looked at me. "Oh," I said, and that instant my fake mustache fell out. Dad chuckled, but stopped himself from laughing. My stomach started to go nuts, but I had to concentrate.

"They're inside the mine," I told dad in my disguised voice.

Dad nodded again. "One last question. How did you two come here and see him?"

I scratched my head. How? Harvey and I sneaked out and tried to hunt down the Goon. No, I couldn't say that. No way. There was only one excuse - girlfriend. It was embarrassing, but much better than being busted by my dad.

"Ehem. Me and my... uhm, girlfriend..." I reluctantly stuttered, as Sabrina shot me a what-on-earth-are-you-talking-about look, "went on a... d-date, and saw the Goon." I tried my hardest not to throw up.

Dad lowered his shades, staring at me, all suspicious. "You look familiar," he said. "And your voice..." his voice trailed off. "Are you ALEX?!"

I gasped. Busted, I thought.

Sabrina also gasped, looking from me to dad, dad to me.

I sighed. There was no other way out from this, so I decided to fess up. I took off my wig and my shades. "Yes, it's me."

Since then, it's been a rollercoaster of emotions. Dad got mad for me having a "girlfriend", Sabrina gasped and blushed, then cops came out holding the Goon handcuffed, and we cheered.

Then dad called Sabrina's parents, sent her on her way with a cop to escort her, and then gave Harvey and me a lecture on sneaking out. Cops then came out carrying a fake treasure and Harvey, and we cheered again. Dad sent us to his cop car, then went out to deal with the Goon and everything.

"The treasure is fake," Harvey explained to me when we were alone in the car. "So there has to be a real treasure somewhere out there. We should go find it, man."

I sighed, looking out of the car window. "We're most probably gonna get grounded, and besides, the Goon's already arrested, so the game's over."

"But think of the money! We'll become millionaires!" Harvey protested.

I winced. "Worry about that later. What matters now is that we keep our story straight, and keep our mouth zipped about grandpa and his treasure. Okay?"

Harvey nodded faintly. I continued. "Just tell them we snuck out to find the Goon and revenge somehow, that's all."

Harvey nodded again, this time stronger.

There was an awkward silence, then Harvey spoke up. "But the Goon told me he would escape jail, and come after us. Alex, don't you think we should-"

I interrupted before Harvey could get all worried... and get me all worried too. "It's okay. He's just estimating the cops, that's all."

Harvey frowned, and I turned aside, looking out again. What if Harvey was right? What if the Goon would escape come after us again?

Dad opened the car door, waking me up from my thoughts. "You and Harvey have to get in another cop car. Sergeant Cooper will drive you home."

I nodded. "And you?"

Dad sighed. "We will escort the deadly killer... what you guys call him?"

"The Dark Goon," I said, fist clenching.

"The Goon," dad said, "we'll keep a strict eye on him. Okay?"

I nodded, getting out of the car. Dad pointed to the cop car of Sergeant Cooper, and Harvey and I slowly walked to it.

I stopped, suddenly realizing that there was a high chance of things going bad. Besides, the Goon wouldn't just let himself get arrested like that, wouldn't he?

I ran to dad, hugging him. Was this going to be my last hug? I hoped not. Dad was surprised at first, but he slowly wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry for sneaking out," I said.

Dad smiled, then got to the cop car. He waved, then Harvey pulled me to Sergeant Cooper's cop car.

I prayed that nothing would go wrong, although I had a hint something would.

Summer Of Mayhem (Westside's Saga #1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now