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"Ladies and gentlemen... how we feelin'?!" dad said as he stepped into the temporary stage we set up right outside of Crumps, grabbing the mic. The place was filled with people. Even outside, the place was flooding with people from Westdale, from wherever in Glenn Island, or even people from abroad. 

The crowd cheered.

"First of all," dad began once silence broke, "I would like to give special thanks to Dewayne here for volunteering to work as manager here in Crumps." 

The crowd cheered once more as Dewayne stepped onto the stage, waving his arms high. "And now... one of the most awaited moments..." dad continued, and my heart raced, "let us welcome Dewayne's granddaughter, Sabrina, and my son and his two friends, Isabela and Harvey! Make some noise for the Leftovers!!"

They screamed as we walked up to the stage, taking our positions. 

"A ONE TWO THREE FOUR..." Harvey yelled over the cheers, clanging his drums together. I strummed my guitar, and the crowd screamed, my hard thudding even harder. 

We wrapped up our song, and dad went back on stage. "That was amazing! And now... how about a good dance to end the night?" 

They cheered even louder. The DJ cranked up the music, and they set the lights down low, and the crowd hobbled out to find their partners. 

"Hey," Isabela said, walking over to me, offering her hand to me. "Wanna dance?"

I blushed. Is she serious as heck? I took her hand without a second thought, and she led me to the dance floor. I tried my best to copy other people on the dance floor, and Isabela kept me from smashing into the other couples. 

Harvey winked at me and gave me a thumbs up, and I gave him a mild scowl. 

"Not bad, amateur," Isabela joked. I cracked a smile, and she smiled back. "Thank you, Alex... for saving us." 

I grinned. "Couldn't do it without you guys."

"I think we make a good couple." 

I still couldn't believe my ears. "Ha ha. Mhm," I said uneasily. 

Her eyes grinned. "And do you know what couples do?" 


She laughed. "Guess. You're the town smartypants, right?"

I raised my brow slightly. "No idea. D-dance together?"

She leaned in close and grinned. "No." Then Isabela Mendes leaned her lips toward me, and I didn't know what on earth to think or say. 

The sound of a screeching car filled the air from behind me on the road, red and blue lights flashing.

Her lips drew closer.

Cop cars, I gasped to myself, unsure whether to turn and see what was going on or lean in and kiss the girl.

The smell of fresh burnt tires reeked, then I heard a gun load. Isabela darted her eyes over my shoulder and gasped. I saw panic in her eyes and quickly turned to see dad on the ground, not moving a muscle.

Summer Of Mayhem (Westside's Saga #1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now