Eighteen: Good Ol' Times

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The Dark Goon. The most thrilling, yet miserable, experience in my life. And, what I've learned, is that I should've trusted grandpa all along. I should've tried my best to work out how to escape Neon City.

I was this close to failing. But I did it, y'all. Does everything end here? Maybe. One thing's for sure though: as long as the Goon is alive, he'll do everything to do what he wants. 

When we aborted the Porter 3000, we all found ourselves where we left off - where we were before the Goon activated the Porter 3000. For Harvey, Sabrina, I, we found ourselves right next to the Goon, on the highway. 

Everyone was so confused, but we were not. We quickly grabbed the Goon and put him behind handcuffs. Sad to say, the assistant ran away and never came back.

But we never rested until the hunt for him was over. There was no where he could hide, and now they both sit behind locked bars. Oh, and that whole Neon City thing was undone, so Dewayne was never shot and dead.

The memories stayed, though, and the people of Westdale started a riot, angry that Neon City had been taken away from them. They turned against "Mayor Claud", but they could find him nowhere because they didn't know the person behind the mask - Dewayne Morgan.

Dad had enough of the riot, so he stepped up, and gave a speech about the whole truth about Neon City, the Dark Goon, the Porter 3000, and Hutchins.

"My son and his three friends worked together to solve the mystery of Mr. Hutchins, the insanely sports superstar. And, without a doubt, they uncovered the man behind the mask. They came to realize, that he is none other than the deadly serial killer, the Dark Goon," dad announced in his speech, and the fans couldn't help but gasp.

"Citizens of Westdale," dad continued. "Do not be angry. You have been saved. You were all saved from brain cancer. And now... all you have to do is to enjoy life here in Westdale. Forever. This town is all yours." 

We all started clapping, cheering. Dad held his hands up high for silence. "I do hope you remember this. Today... I'm sad to say, from now on I'm putting family first. I thus retire from my position of chief police."

The entire hall was dead silent, until gasps filled the room. 

Retire? A mix of joy and sadness filled my heart. That meant no more gunshots. But having a cop car in the house was sure cool. But when your dad own Crumps, when he works there... when he plans on rebuilding it, there's nothing way cooler than that. 

Who knows? Maybe Crumps would come down as a family business. I mean, if I ever have kids. But that's way too far... and kind of too good to be true.


Crumps was rebuilt, fixed. They also added a mini second floor deck with the extra funds. And now... everything is just almost back to normal, like the good ol' times... Harvey and I hanging out at the local diner, sipping smoothies, doing our own stuff... pretending like everything was perfectly normal.

However, the only difference is that Sabrina and Isabela joins us all the time. Oh, and Sabrina moved to town too, because when Neon City was undone they no longer lived in Westdale.

What's mind-blowing is, I heard that Savey is a thing now. As crazy as the summer could be, the last week has been a total blast. Kind of made up for the mayhem we dealt with. 

Piper left the Leftovers to pursue songwriting, so Sabrina replaced her role. And boy... Isabela bought a whole new van and had "THE LEFTOVERS" painted in bold on both sides. We planned to make our debut with the brand new cast at the reopening of Crumps, so we spent the last few days of summer hanging up posters and invitations of the big night.

Then, on the last day of summer, we were ready to roll. The last night of summer, before we got back to the high school life. Before the opening, we spent the last night with a blast on the boardwalk, killing all our summer money. 

I couldn't help but smile. Six words. The best summer of my life. Might not exactly be the most ideal summer ever, but I've learned so many things through this whole experience. Not to mention, the insane encounter of Isabela Mendes. Harvey and I are the bestest friends now, if that's even a word. 

It's been a total nightmare, and I cannot wait to get a good night's rest. Escape the world of killers, gunshots, chases, fantasy worlds, fights... deaths... We survived though, at least most of us did, and that's all that really matters. 

I glanced ahead at my three best friends as we walked to the van of the band. I felt the breeze as the blinding lights from the boardwalk lighted the place.

I smiled. And as happy as an ending could be, as corny as it could be, the four best friends got into the van, pulling out of the boardwalk. The protagonist couldn't express more how happy he was, but also how sad he was that summer was fading... and how he couldn't spend it with his dear grandfather. 

The antagonist, on the other hand, was somewhere else in town, finding his way out of prison, if he could find one. He was convinced that he would get himself out in no time, and he vowed to pay revenge on his new arch-nemesis , the kid who foiled all his perfect plans to be the most powerful man on Westdale. 

This, the protagonist, had no idea about, so he was utterly relaxed, not sensing even a little bit of danger. He was happier than ever. 

The four friends pulled up into the local diner, and they let the fresh air run into their lungs, grinning as they exhaled. 

Unfortunate could be called of that of the summer of the four friends, who tried their best to lay down low during the, sadly, only first blow of trouble that would come their way. 

Unfortunate means wretched, miserable, unlucky, forlorn, cursed. Yet, the four friends were alive, and they still lived to see another day, another sun rise and another sun set, and the whole process repeat. It was why, therefore, Alex Anderson, the most unfortunate fifteen-year-old in this universe, called himself fortunate.

Indeed, fortunate they were.

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