Three: The New Girl

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The Dark Goon was gone. And the chance that I could've ended him? All gone. But at least I wasn't a killer, I was glad.

Harvey rushed to the tree, starting to untie the ropes that tied the girl to the tree. I just lay there on the floor, exhausted.

"Ugh, thanks so much!" the girl said as Harvey broke the ropes free, rubbing her arms. "That guy was nasty."

"Yeah," Harvey said.

"By the way, I'm Sabrina Morgan," the girl said.

"Harvey Parker," Harvey told the girl, then pointing at me, he said, "and this is Alex Anderson."

I waved weakly, and Sabrina walked to me. "You good?" she said, offering her hand to me. At first, I was hesitant, but then Harvey too offered his hand, and I finally took both hands, and they hauled me up. 

"Thanks, guys," I sighed, "I'm just kind of having a trauma or something." 

"Why?" Sabrina asked. "I mean if you don't mind."

"The Goon killed my grandfather," I mumbled. 

Sabrina gasped. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine," I said, rubbing my eyes. 

"Hold up, what brings you guys here?" Sabrina suddenly asked. 

"Oh, about that..." my voice trailed off, looking at Harvey, who was apparently STARING at Sabrina like a doofus with hearty eyes. 

I nudged Harvey, and he woke up from whatever he was dreaming about. "Oh. Yes...?" he stammered.

I chuckled. "Sorry about my friend..." 

Sabrina grinned, blushing. "Okay, you guys wanna talk over dinner? It's getting dark."

"SHOOT!" I gasped, suddenly realizing it was getting late. "I'm sorry Sabrina, but we really have to go..."

"Where?" the girl asked. "Like, there's a killer on the loose." 

"I can't leak much, but yeah, we're stopping the Goon," I told Sabrina, hoping that it would let us off the hook.

Sabrina raised an eyebrow. "The Goon?" 

"Yeah," I frowned. "Why?"

"I should help bring that thing down," Sabrina grinned, clapping her hands together. 

I frowned again. What was this girl up to? "I'm not sure..." I started to say, but Harvey quickly interrupted.

"I think that's a great idea!" Harvey said. "Besides, six hands are better than four."

I stared at Harvey, but when I opened my mouth to remind him that grandpa told us to keep it a secret, Harvey went all out.

"So Alex's grandpa told us to get to this treasure before the Goon did, or else he'd use it to fund his machine that would bring Westdale to some reality, but Alex's grandpa wanted Westdale to stay the same way, so we're stopping the Goon," Harvey said without even pausing to breathe.

"Whoa, that's a lot to process," Sabrina said. "But you know what? I'm in."

I took a deep breath. "Okay, guys, chill out," I told them both, then turned to Harvey. "So you want her to join," I moved my head to Sabrina, "and you wanna help." 

They both nodded.

I sighed. There was a pause, but then I finally decided. "Yes, we might need some help, Sabrina, so I guess it's worth a shot."

"Yes!" both squealed. 

"But," I interrupted, "Sabrina, promise us you won't tell anybody else, okay?"

Sabrina nodded. "I swear I won't spill a word about it. So what're we gonna do now?"

"We need to move quickly, to the mine," I said, "before the Goon does."

"Wait, how about Sabrina's parents?" Harvey asked. 

"Honestly, they won't notice, 'cause I spend most of my time here," Sabrina grinned. "I mean, they might eventually notice I'm missing, but what matters now is the Dark Goon." 

I nodded. "We'll cover you later. Now we-" 

RING! my phone in my backpack suddenly rang. 

Harvey gasped. "Who's that?!"

"Cross my fingers that it's not mom," I said, digging through my backpack for my phone. "Here we go." I grabbed my phone and tapped 'answer.'

"Hello?" I said, putting the phone to my ears. 

"I'm warning you, kid," someone on the phone said. My eyes widened, my heart starting to beat harder. Was this... the Goon?! 

I quickly set the phone on speaker mode so that Harvey and Sabrina could hear. 

"Um... sorry, but who is this?" I asked. 

There was a faint laugh on the other end. "Who do you think, smartypants?" 

I frowned. "The Goon, of course." 

"It's over, Anderson. I'm close to the treasure. If you're still coming after me..." there was another evil laugh on the other end. "You're the next Roger Anderson."

With that, he hung up, and my heart stopped. Things were suddenly so creepy. I would be the next Roger Anderson?! There was no way I would be the next grandpa... or at least I hoped.

Sabrina and Harvey looked at each other, gasping. I couldn't believe how much the Goon knew about me. He knew, my number, my name, my grandpa, what else?!

"So what're we gonna do?" Harvey finally asked me. 

I frowned. On one hand, I wanted to keep my best friend and an innocent girl safe, but I also wanted to end a dangerous Goon. A guy who killed my grandpa... who also wants me killed, too. That's it. "We're taking down the Goon," I told Harvey and Sabrina. "Know a quick way to get to the mine?"

"Well..." Sabrina grinned, pulling out a car key from her back pocket, "wanna use my dad's car? We'll have to go to my house first, but it's still faster, you know."

I gasped, and suddenly I had my suspicions. Who was this stranger? Was this just a lair from the Goon? It's already suspicious that she was in the middle of the woods, and now she would just let us use her car?

"Okay," I said, and Sabrina told us to follow her. 

I eyed Sabrina, wide-eyed. Was she a friend or foe? Because if she was a foe, we had just made the biggest mistake of our life.

Summer Of Mayhem (Westside's Saga #1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now