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It was the next morning, the morning of William and Anna's short vacation on top of their family vacation, with an enthusiasm, Sharon pushed her parents' luggage with full earnestness as her sister look at her by the side of the car.

 "Did you take everything you need?"

"Yes, everything is in it and just call us if anything happens okay?" 

Anna said as she hugs Sharon and William hugged, Karol.

Karol rolled her eyes, as she said; "Nothing will happen within 24 hours' Daddy mummy you both know we are a dangerous duo" while hugging her mum and Sharon hugs her dad to which William jokingly reply; 

"That's why we're both scared, not for you two but the safety of others," 

Both sisters look at their parents in a playful glare before they wave goodbye to each other while Sharon said; "Have fun you two, have fun like you're in your thirty, I mean the twenties".

William narrowed his eyes towards his daughter who was holding her laughter, "You too, have fun and don't do stupid things," smirked William as he waves back at his daughters who are smirking and waving at their parents.

As soon as Sharon couldn't see their parents, she turned to look at her sister and said in a very cheery tone; "Hahaha okay the parents are gone, let's have a wild Sunday!" while she open the passenger's door and hop in.

Karol quickly hops on the driver's seat while fastening her seatbelt while her sister pulls out her phone and search for something in which Karol looked at her and said; "Sissy, before wild Sunday we need food, I'm starving! We both haven't eaten breakfast yet, so let's go to Elm's Diner?" Sharon nods her head, selects the address to Elm's Diner and they are on their way to have breakfast.

Upon reaching and expertly parked in the provided parking space right in between two luxury sporty cars, Sharon suddenly asked; "Wanna go clubbing tonight?" while exiting the car as Karol do the same and replied;

"Nope, not in the mood for it though but let's see if anything happens or changes later. Oh sissy, let's go out for an expensive dinner with a sky view and wine of course," 

Karol said as she looks at her sister who nod her head before they enter the diner. As soon as they enter the diner, a middle-aged waitress greets them.

"Hi, sweeties welcome to Elm's Diner," 

"Hi can we get a booth section just the two of us?" asked Karol as she scans the almost full house diner.

"Yes, sure sweeties, follow me and I'll show you to your booth,".

"Here we are and there you go," The sisters take their seats, facing each other as the waitress hands them the menu, she continues; 

"I'll leave you two for 5 minutes and return to get your order okay?" 

Before she walks off to attend another booth, 5 minutes later the waitress is back with pen and paper all ready to take the order.

"Ready to order sweetie?" 

Karol was the first to order as she peek at her sister who is still looking through the menu; "Yes we are, can I have a set of vanilla pancakes the one with bacon strips and tea, please. Thank you".

"For me, I'll take the blueberry pancakes and coffee, thank you," 

Sharon said as she looks at the waitress and both sisters hand their menus to the waitress. 

After collecting the menu, the waitress asked again, "Will that be all ladies?" which earns a nod from the sisters and the waitress walk away with their orders.

As the waitress walks away from them to place their order, Sharon accidentally looks past her sister which makes her smirk, she then leans towards her sister and whispers; "Damn! The guy behind you, is handsome as fuck".

"Where? Where?"

"Behind you" 

"Shit! Why do you often get a good seat? Wait, is he alone? Does he have a friend or brother who's handsome like him?"

"Probably I'm God's favourite child. And nope, he's alone and looking directly at me. Fuck me! Gosh he's hot as hell" 

Sharon mutter as she uses her sister's silhouette to cover the gaze of the mysterious man.

Karol rolled her eyes, while jokingly saying; "Damn! Bitch you need to calm down a little cause you kinda look a little hot and bothered right now" which earns her a glare from her sister but still stole glances at the man.

Karol purse her lips together in a tight smile as she look at her sister who was slightly looking flustered at the whole situation. Her cheeks turn slightly rosy pink, as she leans forwards and whispers; "Wait, he's the first one to affect you like this just by staring at you? You are never like this not even in front of the high-ups in the courts. Who is this man? You need to bag this man. Make him yours as he makes you blush".

"I will if fate decide that we are a fated pair" 

Sharon replies in a serious tone that makes her sister cringe at her statement.

"Eww, cringe much. (fake gag) Bitch where is my phone?".

Sharon looked at her sister and in a duh tone she replied; "It's with you, I didn't do anything nor keep your stupid phone and before you said anything we use your phone as our navigator when we sent Daddy mummy to the airport. Probably your phone is in the car? Do you remember now?".

"Fine, fine. Jeez, it is you who was pressuring me to on the maps using my phone when we have a navigator system in the car.  Give me 5 minutes I need to get my phone, will be back in a jiffy" 

Karol utter then stands up, turns around and walked towards the exit but not before she looked at the man who still glues his gaze at Sharon.

Karol walks past the man's booth and turns to her sister while mouthed 'He's fucking hot' and 'Get his number' before she resumes walking to their car.

Meanwhile, at the diner, the situation has gone from a friendly gaze to an intense gaze competition between two strangers.

"Dude, what are you doing?" 

Ask the second stranger as he takes his spot in front of the first handsome stranger. The handsome mysterious reply in a low voice can't be heard other than the guy who takes his seat in front of him.; "Having some friendly gazing competition with my Donna" 

The second stranger turns around and looks at Sharon who was in the middle of a gazing competition with his friend, leaving the stranger to scoff and smirk at the situation. He then turn around to look at his friend as he take a deep breath and halted.

"Why does she smell like vanilla?!" said the stranger as he sniffs the air again.

"What now," asked the handsome stranger as his gaze remain unfazed.

"You know what, now that I stated it out this diner smells like vanilla," said the stranger as he once again sniffs the air before he turns to look at Sharon in a confused stare then back at his friend as he murmurs; "Don't tell me that she's my mate?!"

"Dude, she's mine," said the handsome stranger who looks at his best friend angrily while cutting the gazing competition with Sharon as she smirks thinking that she wins the gazing competition.

"Then why is she emitting a vanilla smell that makes my wolf excited over the smell? I think she's my mate"

"How sure are you?!"

"I thi-" 

Before the stranger could reply to the handsome stranger he snaps looked past him as the vanilla smell emits out strongly from the lady who walked towards his booth. 


Lowly yet surely he mutters the words under his breath as his eyes change from green-silver colour eyes to all-black in an instant and back to his original colour as he looked at the lady.

 As the lady and the stranger make eye contact she gives him her friendly smile making his heart skip a beat while his eyes glister looking like he saw an angel.

As his mind keep on chanting 'Mate, mine, human, strong? perfect, mine, mate' over and over again.

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